20 Big Head Nicknames You Would Totally Love

People often use nicknames for people close to them. They coin them either from their behavior, their body shape, or just out of love.

For instance, people would want to nickname someone with a big head either to tease them playfully or to make fun of them.

So, if you’ve got a friend with a big head and you’re looking for nicknames for them, In this article, I’ll be giving 20 big-head nicknames for you to use.

20 Big Head Nicknames

20 Big Head Nicknames

There are several names you can call that friend that has a big head. They’re funny and will give you both a good laugh. Below are 20 of them:

  • Head
  • Gallon
  • Watermelon
  • Skull
  • Melon
  • Fat head
  • Headache
  • Biggie
  • Cow head
  • Potato head
  • Mountain
  • Tumor head
  • Rock
  • Castle
  • Caterpillar
  • Trophy head
  • Bulldozer
  • Headrick
  • Tank
  • Bomb head


20 Big Head Nicknames

Head is a good nickname for anyone with a big head. It’s a natural name that you can call any of your friends. 

Since everyone has a head, then someone with twice as large a head can be given the nickname, “head.” It’s a funny name that fits well. You can use this nickname on your friend.


Gallon is another nickname for someone with a big head. A gallon is a unit for a large volume of liquid which is equivalent to 8 pints.

Some people call large cans for storing water, gallons. And because of how large this unit and these cans are, people call those with big heads, gallons to compare them.

So you can tease your friend with a big head by calling them gallon; it suits you well. 


20 Big Head Nicknames

Another suitable nickname for someone with a big head is, “watermelon.” This is a cool and funny nickname that you can use on anyone with a big head.

Watermelon is a very large and round fruit. So, this is a natural nickname, and when you call someone that has a big head this, people won’t think too far to understand.


One of the suitable nicknames for someone with a big head is a skull. We know the skull to be the bony framework of the head.

And this is a large bone that looks abnormally large when you see it. So, you can call that your friend with a big head, “skull,” and people will grab it well. It’s a funny nickname you can use to tease anyone. 


One of the nicknames for someone with a big head is melon. Melon is also a large fruit and slang for the head. So, this is a name that’ll adequately fit someone with a large head.

So, you can tease anyone with a big head by calling them “melon.” It’s a funny way to get back at someone.


Another suitable nickname for someone with a large head is, “fathead.” This is a direct way of describing someone with a big head.

Although fathead is a slang word for a dumb person, here we can also nickname someone with a large head fathead. It doesn’t translate that the person is stupid.

So, fathead is a befitting nickname. Anyone who hears you use this title on someone with a big head will grab the joke quickly. It’s just a natural way to tease them.


One of the things you can call someone with a big head is a headache. When you call someone with a big head, “headache,” it doesn’t mean they give you a headache or are stubborn.

This is just a name to emphasize the largeness of their head. The idea is that since they’ve got a big head, there will be a lot of things in there, which can as well cause a headache for them.

It’s a funny nickname that’ll emphasize your point. People who hear this will understand well.


Another way to nickname someone with a big head is calling them biggie. Biggie is a slang word for describing someone large.

So, this is a suitable nickname for someone with a large head. When you call someone biggie, people naturally will look for something big on the part of their body.

So, this is a way to describe someone with a large head  

Cow head

One of the nicknames for someone with a big head is “cow head.” This is a funny nickname that fits the description of a big head.

Cows have big heads, and so you can call your friend with a big head this slang and others will get the joke.

Potato head

Potato head is another name to call someone with a big head. It’s just a funny way you can tease a friend who has a big head.

Moreover, you can use this phrase as a sharp comeback for anyone.


Mountain is another nickname for someone with a big head. Mountains are generally large and so this is a nickname that’s just suitable for someone with large heads.

So, you can nickname your friend with a big head, “mountain,” for a good laugh.

Tumor head

Tumor head is another nickname for someone with a big head. A tumor is a large abnormal growth in cells and so it’s a way to tease someone with a big head.

It doesn’t mean the person is sick, it’s just a playful nickname for someone with a big head.


Rock is another thing to nickname someone with a big head. Rocks are large stones and so it’s a good comparison for someone with a big head.

This nickname fits well, especially if the person is strong. Rock also depicts strength. Some strong people are called Rock.

So, this is a cool way to nickname your friend with a large head.


Another thing that you can nickname someone with a big head is a castle. Castles are large buildings and so it’s a funny way to compare someone with a big head.

You can call your friends this and people will understand.


A Caterpillar is another thing that you can call someone with a big head. Here, caterpillars refer to large vehicles that have caterpillar tracks instead of wheels.

This is a funny way to describe someone with a big head. Usually, when you nickname someone with a large head, “caterpillar,” others will be quick to understand and get the joke.

Trophy Head

Another way you can nickname someone with a big head is by calling them a trophy head. Calling someone with a large head, “trophy head,” is just a way to tease the person.

It’s just like saying the person got a prize which they hung on the neck. It’s a funny comeback you can use on that friend with a large head.


A bulldozer is another thing to nickname someone with a big head. Bulldozers are large vehicles and so it’s a direct comparison for someone with a big head.

You can use this nickname on your friend with a large head. It’s also a suitable and funny retort to use on anyone.


One of the ways to nickname someone with a large head is by calling them, Headrick.

This is a funny way to nickname someone. This style matches the way some families name their sons. For instance, a man bearing Peter can name his son, Peterson. 

So, calling a friend with a large head, “Headrick,” is a way of saying the person is full of heads, ironically.


Another way you can nickname someone with a big head is by calling them a tank. A tank is a large container for storing liquids and so, it’s a way of teasing someone with a large head.

Some people often nickname some part of the body that large, “tank.” For instance, someone with a large stomach may get the nickname, tank.

So, calling someone with a large head, “tank,” is a comparison that also fits.

Bomb Head

Another way to nickname someone with a big head is by calling them a bomb head.

Though the size of bombs may vary in size, this description is just a funny way to nickname someone with a big head.

The idea is since bombs give off a massive explosion, they fit someone with a large head.


If you’ve got a friend with a large head you want to nickname, these 20 nicknames will work perfectly.

It’s just for fun and not for spite. However, if you are after body shaming someone with it, my advice is to steer clear from such acts. 

We all know people with big heads may fall victim to taunts and teasing, but it’s left to you to decide if you would be part of those to do that.

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