Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Friends on Facebook? Here’s What We Know!

Your boyfriend is hiding his friends on Facebook because he wants to keep his friend list private and does not want you to associate with his friends on Facebook.

He may not be hiding his friend list from you exactly, but he may have generally hidden his followers on Facebook from seeing his friend list, so because you are also his follower on Facebook, you are not able to see his friends either.

It could also be that he has a secret association of friends that he does not want you to know about.

10 reasons why your boyfriend is hiding his friends on Facebook

It is also important for you to be aware of the other reasons why your boyfriend is hiding his Facebook friends.

It may not be that he is hiding it from you, but there could be other reasons which you may not know of or reasons that you will only know of until you ask him.

Here are some other reasons why your boyfriend is hiding his friends on Facebook:

  1. For security reasons
  2. He just generally hid his feelings.
  3. He is an influencer
  4. He has a secret association.
  5. He does not want you to relate with them at all
  6. He wants to keep them private.
  7. He may be having an affair with some woman on his friend list.
  8. He does not want you chatting with his friends.
  9. He does not want to be judged based on the type of friends he has.
  10. He may just be playing around with Facebook settings.

For security reasons

Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Friends on Facebook

This happens to a lot of guys there, and your boyfriend may even be one of them.

Facebook is a global platform that has over 4 billion users, and it is very possible that there are a lot of scammers out there who would want to gain access to your friends and try to scan or harm them.

This happens especially if you are a well-known person or if you are an influential person.

Once scammers gain access to your Facebook account, the first thing they do is impersonate you by chatting with your friends in order to extort money from them.

When they are not able to see your friend list, it is always difficult for the scammers to see the number of friends you have on Facebook.

When they cannot see the number of friends you have on Facebook, they will be confused if they should go ahead and hack or gain access to your account.

Once they see that the class of friends you have on Facebook are rich people whom they can easily defraud, they will not hesitate to make their way to your Facebook account by all means possible.

He just generally hid his friends

It could be that he just generally hid his friends so that no one would be able to see his friends on Facebook.

It’s possible that he’s not hiding his friend lists from you specifically, but it could be a general thing he did so that no one on the face can access his friend lists.

It would also be wise if you asked him why he hid his friend list on Facebook. If he is honest about it and tells you that he just hid it generally so that nobody on Facebook would be able to see his friend list, then you will understand that he did not do it because he wanted to hide it from you.

That is exactly what I mean by “generally”. He did not have you in mind before he hid his Facebook friends. He just did it generally for his friends on Facebook, and it just so happens that you are among his Facebook friends.

He is an influencer

Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Friends on Facebook

If your boyfriend is an influencer on Facebook, there is every possibility that that is the main reason he hid his friend list on Facebook. As an influencer, all eyes are on you.

It is possible you may not even know 10% of who your followers are. Imagine if you have over 100,000 followers on Facebook. You may not be able to keep tabs on all of them. You may just know a few.

Some of them may be fraudsters that are just keeping an eye on you and watching which of your friends they can defraud. Sometimes, you may not be the target.

Those fraudsters may be targeting your friends because they believe that as an influential person, you will also have influential and rich people as friends.

He has a secret association

Yes, it could be that he has a secret association of friends that he does not want you to know about. He may be into something with his Facebook friends that he does not want you to know about.

That is the reason why he hid his Facebook friends. His secret association may be into something. It will be difficult to know if it is a fraudulent secret association or something good. You may not know.

As long as it is secret, he would not want to expose his secret association of friends to his Facebook friends and to you as well.

So, when he hides his Facebook friends, as long as you are his friend as well, you will not be able to see his friends on Facebook.

He does not want you to relate with them at all

This could be due to his lack of trust in his Facebook friends. The moment you become his girlfriend, he goes ahead and hides his friends on Facebook because he does not want you to associate with his friends.

He knows fully well that his friends are not a positive influence on you, so he does not want you to get in touch or in contact with any of them. That is enough for him to hide his Facebook friends from you.

If you have communicated with him about it and this was the reason he gave, then you should understand that he is trying to protect you from his friends that he does not fully trust.

He knows that once those friends see you as his girlfriend, you will not be safe in their hands.

He wants to keep them private

This is the most common reason given by men who hide their Facebook friends. They may not have a candid reason why they hide their Facebook friends, but once you ask them, they just randomly say that it is for privacy.

Could it be for privacy? Well, it is up to them. Talk to your boyfriend and let him explain to you why he is hiding his Facebook friends and also you.

If he mentions privacy as one of the reasons, then you can believe that it is for privacy reasons.

If it is for privacy reasons, you may not be able to tell, but you will have no other choice but to believe what he told you, except you are sure that it is not the exact reason why he is hiding his friends on Facebook.

He may be having an affair with some women on his friend list

Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Friends on Facebook

If you notice that your boyfriend is the type that has a lot of female friends, especially on Facebook, if he hides his Facebook friends, it could be that he has an affair with some of his female friends on Facebook.

Because he noticed you are on Facebook and it is very possible for you to come across some of those his friends, he goes ahead and hides his Facebook friends, including those women he is having an affair with.

If you have caught him having an affair with a woman in the past while you were dating, then it is possible that he is actually hiding his secret affairs with other women who are his Facebook friends.

He does not want you communicating with his friends

This could be another reason why he is hiding his Facebook friends. It could be that he understands the type of woman you are as his girlfriend, and he also understands the type of friends he has on Facebook.

He does not want them to influence you in any way, and he also does not want you to communicate with them at all. It could be because he knows that you are easily influenced when you get in the midst of people.

He may think of it as a way of protecting you from being influenced by his friends. Why he may even still be with them is because he is the type of person that does not easily get influenced by friends. That is why he can handle being around them.

He does not want to be judged based on the type of friend he has

It is true that some guys keep some kinds of friends that some people think of as bad or negative influences.

That could be because of how those friends portray themselves on social media, but that may not be the exact way those friends are in real life.

It is difficult to control how people perceive you these days, especially if you portray yourself in a certain way on social media; however you portray yourself on social media, people will perceive you to be that way as well.

So, because your boyfriend has a group of friends on Facebook that people perceive to be bad influences, even though they may not be as bad as people think they are, he may hide his Facebook friends because he does not want people to judge him based on the type of friends he keeps on social media.

It is very easy for people to classify you as a negative influence once they see the type of friends you keep.

He may just be playing around with Facebook settings

Why Does My Boyfriend Hide His Friends on Facebook

It could be that your boyfriend is not so much of a social media savvy person, so it just happened that he went to his Facebook profile to check some settings and he happened to find the setting where you can hide your Facebook friends and he clicked on it without even knowing exactly what it was.

That could be the situation with your boyfriend. Facebook updates its app almost all the time, and people are not usually conversant with the latest updates, especially those who are not really social media savvy.

So, it could just be a trial and error thing that he is doing and he may not be aware of it. That is why you should not always be in a hurry to conclude that he is hiding something because he hid his Facebook friends.

The ideal thing to do is to, first of all, ask him if he is aware that his Facebook friends are hidden. If he says he is not aware, then it is because he does not know that he is the one who toggled the setting on.


One disadvantage of hiding your friends on Facebook is that people automatically think that there is something you are hiding. You cannot always be sure.

That is why you need to ask to know the exact reason why your boyfriend is hiding his Facebook friends.

Yes, some people are hiding something, while others are not, but you won’t know unless you ask. You have to ask to be sure before you come to a conclusion.

As long as you have had the conversation with your boyfriend about why he is hiding his friends on Facebook, you will be able to have a better understanding of why he did that.

I would not advise you to conclude without asking. Always ask first before you go ahead to conclude. Even if he is having a secret affair with some women who may be his friends on Facebook, he must have hidden it because of it.

That means your boyfriend is cheating, so you can go ahead and question him about it.

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