20 Best Replies To “You Stole My Heart”

When someone says to you, “you stole my heart”, it can be difficult to come up with a profound response. 

Depending on your mood and how you feel about the remark, you may find it quite arduous to use the right words to express how you intend to respond.

The case is even more challenging when the remark occasionally comes from your boyfriend/girlfriend or SO.

If you usually say something like “Aww haha,” you will get bored of saying that. You’ll want to respond with something sassy and cute.

Even if it’s coming from someone you barely know, there are interesting responses to use rather than the generic “aww” or “thank you”

That’s why I’m here. 

When someone tells you “you stole my heart,” you can reply by saying a simple  “thank you.” But to spice things up, you can reply with “you have mine too.”

If you don’t share the same feeling with the person, then respond with “Thanks, but I’m pretty sure you’ll want it back eventually.”

I’ve gathered some of the best responses to give when someone tells you “you stole my heart.”

20 Best responses to “You stole my heart”

Before we dive into these interesting responses, you need to remember that when someone says “you stole my heart,” it is usually a romantic expression that means the person has developed strong feelings of love and affection for you.

In other words, it implies that you have captured their attention and affection in a way that has made a significant impact on them as if you have taken something valuable from them without them even realizing it. 

So, they intend to make a compliment with the statement which suggests they are deeply attracted to you and enjoy being around you.

Here are the different replies you can give, depending on the context and how you feel toward the person and the remark:

1. Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to me.

Best responses to You stole my heart

“You stole my heart” is a compliment. So one of the best ways to respond is to express appreciation for the remark.

Whether it is coming from someone you barely know or even your significant other, you won’t go wrong using this remark and it is easy to remember.

  • You stole my heart, there it goes.
  • Thank you for your kind words, it means a lot to me.

This reply also fits when you don’t feel the same way but want to respond politely 

2. You’re so sweet, I’m flattered.

When someone says “you stole my heart” you can reply by first acknowledging how the remark made you feel. So “I’m flattered” is a good response.

But before saying that, you can return the compliment and let them know they are sweet for saying such kind words.

  • You just stole my heart, lady
  • You’re sweet. I’m flattered. Thank you 

If you don’t feel the same way towards the person, then there’s no point in using this response.

3. You have a beautiful heart too, I enjoy being around you.

Remember I said earlier that the most common intent behind someone saying you stole their heart is to communicate how they enjoy being around you.

So if you feel the same way towards the person, or are generally impressed with the sweet words, you can compliment them for it.

  • You stole my heart 
  • Aww. You have a beautiful heart too and I enjoy being around you.

This response best suits the context when you are getting along with someone or when it comes from your partner.

4. But you make my heart skip a beat.

This reply is creative. It suggests that you attempt to play with words without responding out of context

When someone says you stole their heart, and you respond with “you make my heart skip a beat” it sends the impression that you feel the same way towards the person since both of you are guilty of winning each other over. It is a cute and sassy way to respond.

  • You stole my heart
  • And you? You make my heart skip a beat.

5. Well, Let’s see where this goes.

“Well, let’s see where this goes” is a good way to respond when someone says “you stole my heart” especially when it comes from someone you are just meeting for the first time.

If it could be that the person had said this to make advances on you and if he/she came with an impression that you like, then you can say this.

  • You stole my heart
  • Hmm. Let’s see where this goes.

It sends the impression that you’re excited to get to know the person better.

6. I’ll take care of it

When someone says you stole their heart, they don’t mean it literally (needless to say) 

But you can play on that idea and replay with “I’ll take care of it”

By using this response, it sends the impression that you are happy to be with them and enjoy their company as much as they do yours.

  • You stole my heart. You always do
  • I’ll take care of it. You have nothing to worry about.

This response is best used when you’re into the person and you share the same feeling.

It is better not to use it when you don’t mean it so you don’t send the wrong impression about liking the person.

7. Thanks, but I’m pretty sure you’ll want it back eventually.

Someone could say “you stole my heart” as a pickup line to use on you. If you barely know the person and don’t want to give off the same vibe, you can reply with “I’m pretty sure you’ll want it back eventually”

It instantly sends the impression that you are not ready to drive further into whatever flirtatious communication that you have in mind.

It puts a screeching halt to the flirt pitch and changes the course of the conversation

  • You stole my heart
  • Thanks. But I’m pretty sure you’ll want it back eventually.

8. I hope you have a good insurance policy for your heart

If you want to reply with subtle sarcasm without sounding rude, then this is a good response. 

When someone tells you “you stole my heart,” you can play on the idea and ask them if they have a good insurance policy for their heart.

It sends the impression that you’ll be keeping and taking care of their heart but they shouldn’t relax (they shouldn’t assume they’ve won you over)

9. Sorry, I’m not in the market for stolen goods

Talk about a polite way of turning down a romantic advancement without missing out on the fun of sarcasm. This is the response.

If you are not interested in the person or whatever idea he has by using that compliment, then you can turn him down by saying “you’re not in the market for stolen goods”

It is a profound way to be literal about your position without replying out of context.

10. Don’t worry, I’ll give you a receipt.

In relationships, remarks like “you stole my heart” can go a long way, striking a chord or fanning the flames of love.

So don’t be surprised if you get this often from your partner. You can always reply with someone sassy and cute such as “don’t worry, I’ll give you a receipt” 

11. Let’s get to know each other better

Best responses to You stole my heart

A random person on the street can walk up to you because they find you attractive and tell you “you stole my heart” just as a pickup line to get your attention.

If you admire the person but have not yet developed strong feelings enough to reply in the positive, you can say “let’s get to know each other”

It means you are impressed by their courage, you appreciate the compliment, and you’re willing to see where it will lead to.

It is best used when the remark comes from someone you barely know.

12. You have mine too

I strongly recommend this response if the compliment comes from your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend.

This is particularly my favorite and I use it whenever my fiance tells me “you stole my heart” 

When you say “you have mine too” it means you share the same feeling with the person and you love the person.

13. You have my heart too, always and forever.

Again, this is another sweet response to use when someone says “you stole my heart.” However, it best suits you when the remark comes from your partner.

When they make such a compliment, it presents an excellent opportunity for you to reassure them of your love and commitment.

Hence, replying with “you have my heart too, always and forever” is a solid reassurance that they’d appreciate.

14. I didn’t know I was a thief until I stole your heart.

This is another response to use when someone says “you stole my heart” only that you are attempting to make the conversation light-hearted.

It is a sweet reply with a humorous undertone for those who prefer to respond with sarcasm.

15. Am I going to jail for that?

“Am I going to jail for that” is a popular response people use for this remark.

It directly ties your response to the reference “stole” within the compliment. So it’s a great reply to use. 

I also like that it works for most situations, regardless of how close the speaker is to you or the relationship you have with the person.

16. I prefer to think of it as you willingly gave it to me.

Best responses to You stole my heart

This is a brilliant way to turn the table around and make the remark more about the person than about you.

When someone says “you stole my heart” it is a good accusation but you can spice up the conversation by bringing in a fresh perspective to flatter the person.

  • You stole my heart
  • I prefer to think of it as you willingly gave it to me

17. It’s more like you broke into my heart and made yourself at home.

“You stole my heart” can come from anybody. It is not an overused pickup line but it can sound cheesy depending on your exposure and how the person says it.

But the point is, if it’s coming from someone you share similar feelings with, you would want to reply in a way that melts their heart too. That makes them feel better that they are with you. This is the right response for such a situation.

18. I think we’re both thieves, stealing each other’s hearts.

The thing about replies of this kind is that they heavily depend on the type of relationship you have with the person who remarked.

It will only make sense if you use this response for someone that you are committed to or you are dating.

Your spouse could say “you stole my heart” to flatter or compliment you, then you can reply with this option.

19. Awww! That’s sweet. Thank you.

This is a generic bland response but when words fail you, you won’t forget to say a simple “thank you”.

20. You should go to jail for using that pickup line

When you are embarrassed by the remark or the way the person approached you doesn’t sit right with you, you can use this response.

It’s polite but also a firm way to turn the person down.

The bottom line

There are different ways you can respond when someone says “you stole my heart,” and it boils down to the situation and your feelings toward the person. 

If you don’t feel anything towards the person but want to reply politely to the compliment, a simple”thank you” would suffice. It would reflect your appreciation for the compliment and acknowledges that you value the person’s feelings.

But if you feel the same way towards the person, “you have mine too” is the best response since it accurately expresses your mutual feelings. (Your boyfriend or spouse)

If you barely know the person who remarked, but you are impressed by it and still haven’t yet developed strong feelings for them, I recommend you use “let’s get to know each other better”

On the flip side of the coin, “I’m flattered, but I don’t feel the same way” would be the best response if you don’t feel the same way towards the person.

By any chance, is there a particular response you’ve been using before coming across these? Let me know in the comments.


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