Why You Get Sleepy Around Someone You Love

It starts a bit weird to some people but it happens. It probably happens to you too. Most of the time, being with a lover can make you hyperactive. It can make you very energetic and tireless. However, that depends on the relationship you have with your lover.

 Being with a lover can make you strong and it will probably take your sleep away. Now, what if I told you that being with a lover can also make you feel sleepy?

 Being with a lover can make you feel stressed out and exhausted. Being with a lover can also make you feel relaxed and sleepy. It sounds absurd but it is accurate and it happens often. Once again, the relationship you have with your lover will decide which of the reasons you feel sleepy around your lover.

Why You Get Sleepy Around Someone You Love

Why You Get Sleepy Around Someone You Love

  • Denying yourself socializing
  • A comfortable and relaxed relationship
  • Nice smell of your partner
  • Soothing breath or voice of your partner
  • Influence of your partner on your feelings
  • Dopamine reduction
  • Reduction of stress

Why You Get Sleepy Around Someone You Love

Denying yourself socializing

You may wonder if you can be with your lover and still deny yourself of socializing with other people. The feeling of love is close to that of obsession and infatuation. This is the reason many people seem to mix up the meanings of the three words.

 In a gathering where you are supposed to be vibrant, you may either be more vibrant or less vibrant if you have your lover around you. This is because you have him/her in your mind and the relationship you share will determine how you feel at that moment.

If your relationship with your lover is not going fine, there is a chance that you will be bothered often. When your lover is away from you, you can easily put your thoughts aside and have the people around you cheer you up. However, with the presence of your lover, the thoughts will remain in your head and you will be unusually sluggish.

 When you keep moping around, there is a chance that you will get bored and you will start to feel sleepy. Consistent thoughts about the issue between you and your lover will make you tired and make you sleep off.

A comfortable and relaxed relationship

This doesn’t require a lot of explanation. It is well-known that relationships can be beautiful as long as there is love and peace. As much as stress and worries can make a person slumber, peace can also make a person sleep.

A comfortable relationship can also make you vibrant so a feeling of sleepiness may not always set in.

The feelings of Love and acceptance are important in a relationship. With these, both parties can stay happy with each other. Neither of the two is stressing the other out and you both have nothing to worry about.

 This can happen in a less noisy environment. When you and your partner don’t plan to go anywhere and you have nothing to talk about, you both can just stay silent.

The peace in your relationship is enough to empty your mind of all negative thoughts. You seemingly have nothing to worry about so the calmness can arouse feelings of sleepiness.

Nice smell of your partner

The nice smell of your partner can make you feel sleepy when he/she is around. It sounds absurd but it is true and it happens. You have probably had the experience without realizing it.

Have you ever gotten a feeling or a memory from the taste of something? It probably hasn’t happened to you but it happens. People can get a taste from just the smell of soup.

People can get a taste from the color or the look of something. People can get a smell from an ordinary picture. People can get a feeling from the smell of something too. This happens to people often and it is not magic in any way.

 It happens because certain smells, colors, tastes, and feelings are connected to special memories in your life. When you get a certain smell, you remember the memory it is connected to and you seem to get the same feeling you recall in that memory.

 The smell of your partner will be connected to the memory of your partner. This is why you can remember a person from a taste, a smell, or even a color. The lovely and peaceful times you share with your partner will come to your mind when you perceive the special smell of your partner.

 The peaceful feeling you get at that moment can help you relax and sleep.

Soothing breath or voice of your partner

 The soothing breath of your partner can make you fall asleep. The voice of your partner can also make you sleep.

 Like the point explained above this, some things you hear can bring certain moments to your memory and bring back certain feelings.

It is important to note that sometimes you won’t be able to recall the exact memory in your mind but a feeling sets in when you hear that thing. It could be a melody, a noise, a cry, or a voice.

 The voice of someone can help you remember a person and you will most likely get the same feeling you get when the person is around you. This mostly applies to sounds, moments, and people that you assume to be special.

 When you hear your partner’s voice and he/she makes you feel happy or calm, you can fall asleep by just listening to his/her voice.

 The breath of your partner can also feel the same. This is more likely if you always want to cuddle your partner. If you can feel the breath of your partner on your skin, that implies that you are close to each other.

While some people hate it when others breathe on their skin, it is less common in a peaceful and loving relationship.

While the breath of a person on your skin should probably feel uncomfortable, you won’t be remembering that. Instead, it will remind you that your partner is close to you and you both are living a happy life. That satisfaction and peace can make you feel sleepy.

Influence of your partner on your feelings

Your partner can have a great influence on your feelings and that can put you to sleep. This refers to how you feel about your relationship with your partner.

Your partner can make you feel stressed out and you will start to slumber. Your partner can also make you feel so relaxed that you start to get comfortable and fall asleep. Both cases depend on the relationship you have with your partner and how peaceful it is.

When you and your partner are always fighting, there is a chance that the presence of your partner will only make you remember the worst moments you have had with each other.

While you may be reluctant to speak, your partner may also be reluctant to speak. The worries in your mind, however, will prevent you from moving around. Over time, you will get bored and start to feel sleepy.

On the other hand, when you and your partner have a peaceful and happy relationship, there is a chance the presence of your partner will make you remember the most beautiful moments you have had with each other.

You will be automatically pushing away your real-life worries while you embrace the feeling of comfort you get from your partner. Relaxation and calmness can help you fall into a very comfortable sleep.

Dopamine reduction

This is scientific proof of how a bad relationship can make you feel sleepy. Dopamine is regarded as the brain’s feel-good chemical. When a person sees something or someone he/she likes, the dopamine hormone is released in the brain and that makes a person excited.

 Dopamine can make a person attentive and active, due to the feeling of excitement. However, when you don’t have enough dopamine in the brain, you may feel sleepy.

 Having a poor relationship with your partner can make you lose sleep while you worry. Less sleep will reduce your dopamine and can make you sleep at odd times.

Reduction of stress

This is the opposite of some of the points above but it is equally true. Being with your partner can make you feel a reduction of stress even if the feeling is fake and temporary. 

You may have a lot of worries and a lot of problems to deal with but the feeling is not always the same when you are with someone you love. Some people forget all of their troubles when they are with someone they love. Some people just feel a reduction.

While your worries might have stressed you out, your partner’s presence can make you feel much better and that will make you feel sleepy.

What To Do When You Get Sleepy Around Someone You Love

  • Get up and socialize with people
  • Get enough sleep at night
  • Reduce the pressure on yourself
  • Stay away from him/her for a while
  • Settle all issues with him/her 
  • Embrace the feeling and sleep


Get up and socialize with people

If you believe your partner’s presence is making you feel tired, you can get up and get yourself busy with something. Sitting in one spot will not settle your issues and it will only make you keep worrying so it is better to get active.

By getting up to socialize, you will be making efforts to put the issues you have with your partner aside. You may even realize that the feeling of sleepiness is fake and you are only yawning because you are worried and bored.

Get enough sleep at night

Do you have things to do with your partner but you always fall asleep when he/she is around? It may only be because you don’t sleep well enough at night. It may be because you have been worried and you have lost sleep. 

 If you fail to sleep at night, you can feel sleepy at any time and your partner’s presence may not be able to take away your sleepiness.  

If your issues with your partner have been making you feel bored and sleepy, you may not be able to fall asleep anymore after you have slept for an extended period.

Also, if you have so many issues to worry about, you should always try to get some sleep without your partner. That way, you can enjoy peaceful moments with your partner without sleeping off.

Reduce the pressure on yourself

You may be feeling stressed out because the relationship you have with your partner seems to be putting a lot of pressure on you. Reduce the pressure you put on yourself and stop trying to be perfect.

 When you pressure yourself to be perfect in your relationship, you may worry endlessly and your partner’s presence will only put you in an uncomfortable sleep. Take a step back and relax.

Stay away from him/her for a while

Just like the option above, you are probably stressed out in your relationship because of the pressure. 

When you realize you are getting endless worries about your relationship with your partner, it is advisable to put a pause on it. You can stay away from your partner till you feel better. Then both of you can start over again.

Settle all issues with him/her

Instead of sulking around, you have to make a move. When you realize you are getting sleepy around your partner, your relationship problems are probably starting to affect you so you have to do something about it.

 You can call your partner’s attention and talk about the issues you have till it is resolved. With this, you won’t have to worry anymore and if you will be sleeping around your partner, it would be a comfortable and relaxing sleep.

Embrace the feeling and sleep

 You don’t have to ask what to do when you feel sleepy unless you don’t want to sleep at the moment you feel sleepy.

If you don’t want to sleep at that time, you can endure it. However, as long as it is okay to sleep, you should embrace the feeling and sleep. It will be a satisfying sleep if you feel relaxed and happy with your partner.

 However, if you feel worried and stressed out by your partner, you may only sleep for hours and wake up uncomfortable as if you have never slept.


From the first to the last points, we can tell the two things that cause sleepiness around one’s partner. Your relationship with your partner is meant to ease your stress and, when you feel sleepy around him/her, it should be a satisfying one.

 However, if it is the other way around, you should settle all issues with your partner first.


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