Why Is He Obsessed With Me Getting Pregnant Even Though We Are Just Friends With Benefits?

You may be wondering why he is obsessed with getting you pregnant even while being friends with benefits. There could be so many reasons why he wants to get you pregnant even when you’ve both defined your relationship. 

In this article, we would look at a few reasons why this can happen to you.

7 Reasons Why He Can Be Obsessed With You Getting Pregnant Though you’re Just Friends With Benefits

Why Is He Obsessed With Me Getting Pregnant Even Though We Are Just Friends With benefits?

There are some reasons why he could be so much obsessed with you getting pregnant even with the “friends with benefit” tag that is placed on your relationships. Below are a few reasons why he could be doing this.

  • He may be attracted to you
  • He’s gone past just intimacy with you
  • He wants to have a kid/s with you
  • He wants to keep you in his life his possession
  • He wants a real/committed relationship
  • He wants to marry you as a companion
  • He wants to be sure of his fertility

1  He may be attracted to you

One of the reasons he wants to get you pregnant could be because he has started getting attracted to you. He is beginning to get drawn to you. 

It is also possible that he wants to know you better. They’re so many things that could make him get attracted to you even though you both are just friends with benefits

It may be the way you act, your attitude towards things, how you talk, how you see things, your intelligence, your beauty, your care, how hard-working you are, and so on.

These things might give him a reason to want to get you pregnant even when you’re not ready for it. 

2. He’s gone past just intimacy with you

For you, it might still be intimacy but for him, it’s way more than that. He might want to get you pregnant because he doesn’t just want you for the intimacy but something more. 

Also, for him getting you pregnant is more than intimacy, it’s like a step ahead. He doesn’t just want to sleep with you he wants a future with you. He doesn’t just want intimacy but wants to take your relationship to the next level.

3. He wants to have a kid/s with you

Why Is He Obsessed With Me Getting Pregnant Even Though We Are Just Friends With benefits?

Having a kid with you may be another reason he is obsessed with getting you pregnant. Maybe he loves kiddies unknowingly to you and has started seeing you as the best person to have a kid for him. 

He might want a kid but not with anyone else but you. That’s why he has been talking about getting you pregnant. He wants to have his child and experience fatherhood. 

If you’re friends with benefits with someone who loves children so much, there is every possibility that he would one day want you to get pregnant for him.

4. He wants to keep you in his life 

It’s also possible that he doesn’t want to marry you, he just wants to get you pregnant to keep you in his life. He wants to control you and keep you like a possession since you’re carrying his child. 

Some men use the pregnancy of a woman to make her subject to him and to control her life.

If you’re having friends with benefits from a guy that is possessive and controlling, and this guy keeps talking about getting you pregnant, he may want you under his control and he’s looking for the best way.

5. He wants a real/committed relationship

Why Is He Obsessed With Me Getting Pregnant Even Though We Are Just Friends With benefits?

He could also want to get you pregnant because he no longer wants to be “friends with benefits” with you but wants companionship. Maybe he wants a real relationship and getting you pregnant is the only way to say it. 

He doesn’t want intimacy alone but wants to be committed to just you and you alone. He wants something deeper, maybe a family and he wants it with you. 

He desires something more real and committed. Pregnancy comes with commitment and responsibility and only someone ready to be committed would be obsessed with you getting pregnant for him. 

6. He wants to marry you 

He may be thinking of marrying you and being responsible for you. He may want to change the status of your relationship with him and feels it’s best to get you pregnant to prove his seriousness. 

He may want to get you pregnant first before marrying you or probably want you to be carrying his child before he makes it official.

Sometimes when a guy wants to get married to you and he doesn’t want other guys to have an interest in you, he uses pregnancy as a tool to implement his plan, especially in a relationship where you are friends with benefits. 

Getting you pregnant may be a way to keep other males off you before he makes the marriage official. My husband and I were friends with benefits relationship some years ago, at some point we started getting attracted to each other and he got me pregnant. 

He later opened up to me that he would like to marry me. That was why he got me pregnant to keep other eyes off me. A few months later, I gave birth and we got married. That was how we moved from friends with benefits, to dating with pregnancy and marriage. 

7. He wants to be sure of his fertility

Probably he is not so sure of his fertility that is why he’s always talking about you getting pregnant for him. He may be having or might have had some medical issues and wants to be sure if he’s fertile enough to father a child. 

He may be scared of not being able to get a woman pregnant in the future and wants to do it now or there might have been some doubts in his might about his fertility and he only wants to do it with you.

This could also be a reason why he is obsessed with getting you pregnant even though you both are friends with benefits. 

What To Do If He Is Obsessed With You Getting Pregnant Though You’re Just Friends With Benefits?

What if you know about his reason or reasons why he wants to get you pregnant but you’re not so cool with it? You’re not ready to be a mother or go through pregnancy stages.

Probably you don’t know the next thing to do or the steps to take when you realize he’s very serious and getting obsessed about you carrying a child for him. 

Below are some of the things you should do when he so much wants to get you pregnant even though you’re friends with benefits.

  • Talk to him about it
  • Always use protection if you’re not ready 
  • Ask why he suddenly wants a child
  • Refer back to your agreement 
  • Define your relationship
  • End the relationship

Talk to him about it

Why Is He Obsessed With Me Getting Pregnant Even Though We Are Just Friends With benefits?

Talk to him about it, people always say, ‘there’s no smoke without fire. This means that there must be a reason for his obsession and he should tell you about it. 

There must be a reason why he’s so obsessed about you getting pregnant when you both are not dating or married.

Communication is key in every relationship, so talk to your partner about it. Ask him what n\t he wants and why. Also, tell him what you want and why. 

Let him tell you if he wants to be “friends with benefits” or not. You both need to discuss it critically to know if having a baby is what is best for you, especially the person who is going to carry it, which is you.

Always use protection if you’re not ready 

When he’s obsessed with you getting pregnant for him and you’re not ready for that or you’re not in the right frame of mind to carry a baby, I suggest you use protection whenever you’re going to have intercourse with him.

Maybe getting pregnant is not what you want just yet or you want it to be an official relationship before he gets you pregnant, the best thing to do is to always use protection to prevent getting pregnant. 

Also, it might be that you’ve already spoken to him about not wanting to get pregnant yet, probably you have other things planned out but if he insists on getting you pregnant, then you have no other choice than to use protection.

Ask why he suddenly wants a child

When you realize that he’s always talking about getting you pregnant, you can go ahead to question him about his sudden change.

Why does he want a baby right now? Why is a baby so important to him now? He must have something to say about why he wants to get you pregnant so badly. 

Asking all these questions would tell him that you’re aware of his sudden change and you want to know what brought about the sudden obsession.

Could it be that he wants a future or wants to marry you but doesn’t know how to say it? Could it be that he is attracted to you and would love to have a mini you as his child? Or probably he wants something more than intimacy.   

Refer back to your agreement 

Since you’re both friends with benefits and you’ve both agreed on it, you can refer back to the agreement if he wants to do anything outside it or wants to breach it.

The moment you realize that he wants to get you pregnant or he’s always talking about it, you may have to bring back his attention to the purpose of the relationship. 

You should tell him that getting pregnant wasn’t part of what was agreed upon. This is the point at which you should know and remember your agreement with him so that just in case he has forgotten, you can remind him. 

For you both to be in a friends-with-benefits relationship, you must have agreed and it won’t be proper for one person to go outside of the agreement. 

Define your relationship

At a point where he starts to talk about getting you pregnant, you might need to speak to him and as well define your relationship.

Are you both still carrying on with the “friends with benefit” tag or not? Would the both of you want a baby or not?

Would you like to go from friends with benefits to dating or just friends? Defining your relationship helps you to know your stand and your place in a person’s life. 

It is best to define your relationship and know what is best for both of you since he wants to get you pregnant. Does he have the intention of marrying you?

Does he want just a baby from you? You must define your relationship with such a person as it will make you feel comfortable and at ease as you would know where you stand and things would be clearer to you.

It brings clarity and ensures that both persons see things in the same way.

End the relationship

What if you’ve talked to him and he still insists on getting you pregnant, meanwhile that isn’t what you want? Well, at a point like this you may have to end the relationship as he might end up getting you pregnant. 

If he starts getting obsessed with you getting pregnant and you can’t seem to change his mind about it, then you should probably quit the relationship.

Except you’re willing to get pregnant for him, but as far as you’re not willing to do so, you should put an end to the relationship if he insists on getting you pregnant.


Being friends with benefits comes with restrictions and some boundaries, and getting pregnant is most likely one of them.

But in a situation where the guy is always talking about getting you pregnant for him, it is a rare one.

This article has examined some possible reasons why a guy can be obsessed with getting you pregnant even though you both are just friends with benefits.

We also looked at what you should do when he starts to get obsessed over getting you pregnant. 


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