Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me? Here’s What We Know!

Your boyfriend copies you because he is trying to mirror you. Mirroring is when someone mimics your body language or speech.

It is non-verbal communication that occurs frequently when someone is really attracted to you.

If your boyfriend is copying you, you can also call it mirroring. That is a sign that he likes you and is attracted to you.

Some of the things he may copy or mirror are the way you talk. Perhaps you have a tiny voice and he likes it. He will copy you and try to sound like you.

There are other reasons why your boyfriend copies you.

Take a look at the other reasons why your boyfriend copies you

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

  • He likes you a lot.
  • He seeks to make you as comfortable around him as possible
  • How you talk or act seems funny to him.

He really likes you

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

This is the most common reason why your boyfriend copies you. I mentioned this earlier in this article, and I am sure you must have experienced it. If he is copying you the way you talk or the way you do certain things, it is because he likes you and he is attracted to you.

Note that this does not apply to only your boyfriend; someone you see copying or mirroring you could possibly like you or be attracted to you.

It is a general thing that happens even if the guy is not your boyfriend. It is even a plus if he is your boyfriend and he likes you.

He seeks to make you as comfortable around him as possible

If you and your boyfriend have been chatting for a while and you notice that he is copying or mirroring you, it is simply a sign that he seeks to make you as comfortable around him as possible; he probably noticed that you were a little nervous because you were meeting for the first time after a long time.

Most of the time, it could be how you sit or even how you talk. He will try to make you feel free with him to let you know that he is friendly and you should calm your nerves.

How you talk or act seems funny to him

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

You notice that when he copies you, it makes you laugh. When you laugh, you feel free with him. How you speak sounds funny to him and he wants to have a laugh. It has happened to me frequently.

There are people I have as friends that sound a particular way, and how they sound is funny to me. You may likely sound funny to your boyfriend.

Not that he is making fun of you, but he just wants to get a friendly laugh because of how you talk, so he will copy you and try to sound like you just so he can laugh.

So, when your boyfriend next copies you, he probably wants to laugh a bit because you sound funny to him.

What to do when your boyfriend copies you?

If your boyfriend copies you, I do not advise you to be too quick to conclude, so that you do not misunderstand him or what he did.

Here are the various things you can do when your boyfriend copies you:

  • Ask him why he did it.
  • Laugh with him if he laughs.
  • Tell him to stop if you are not comfortable with it.
  • Try to feel free around him.
  • Tag along with him.
  • Do not be flattered or threatened.
  • Try to change it if need be.
  • Keep on doing it if need be.
  • Ask a close friend you can trust to watch you to see if anything is wrong.
  • Get honest opinions from your friends.

Ask him why he did it

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

This is the first thing you need to do. Do not be too hasty to conclude, and at the same time, do not assume anything. The best thing to do is to ask him and let him explain himself to you and why he is copying you.

Once he has explained himself, you will have a better understanding of why he is copying or mirroring you. This is a better approach.

Instead of making assumptions and holding grudges, it is best to ask questions, let him answer them, and explain it all to you.

Laugh with him if he laughs

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

If he is copying you or mirroring you because you sound or talk in a way that seems funny to him, he may not be making a mockery of you. How you sound could just make him laugh genuinely. If that is the situation, laugh about it with him too.

What this does is that it communicates that you are not feeling bad about it, and when you laugh at yourself, it is also attractive.

Try to have some fun with him too and laugh over it. He just wants to have a friendly laugh. Laugh with him and not feel offended.

Tell him to stop if you are not comfortable with it

If your boyfriend copies or mimics you in a way that you are not really happy about or comfortable with, simply tell him to stop. It is as simple as that.

What this will do is that it will make things easier for you guys to avoid things like grudges and the like.

I believe that once you communicate to him that you are not comfortable with him copying or mirroring you, he will definitely stop doing it. This is better than not speaking at all.

Try to feel free around him

You should try to feel free around him if he is mirroring you because he has noticed you are a bit nervous around him. Your boyfriend will mirror or copy your speech or something about posture if he notices that you are nervous around him.

He will mirror you so that you can feel comfortable with him. If you are with him and he tells you that is the reason he is mirroring you, then what you need to do is calm your nerves and feel free with him.

He does not bite, does he? So feel free and just be yourself; let your nerves be calm.

Tag along with him

If your boyfriend copies or mirrors you, he may just be trying to have some fun. Do not be a boring girlfriend. What you should do is tag along with them and go with the flow.

If he is laughing, laugh with him too, and let him know that you are cool with him copying or mirroring you. This sends a signal back to him that you are an interesting girlfriend and you easily understand humor when it’s being used.

When you and your boyfriend are having a nice time together and you notice that he is mirroring you, just tag along and watch how we will become more attracted to you.

Do not be flattered or threatened

One thing you need to understand is that when your boyfriend copies or mirrors you, he is not trying to flatter you or threaten you. At least, for him to be your boyfriend means there is a good level of trust between you and him.

When someone threatens you, the person does not have good intentions toward you, but as long as it is your boyfriend, that is enough reason for you to trust him.

When he mirrors you, you should trust him enough to know that he is not threatening you and trying to flatter you as well. Just be free with him and tag along with him to keep the flow.

Try to change if need be

This is applicable only if he is copying you or mirroring you when you are doing a bad habit like biting your nails or if there is a funny or incorrect way you pronounce some words while you speak.

He will copy you just to draw your attention to the bad habit he sees you doing. When you bite your nail, he will copy you by biting his mail the same way you do it. When you notice it, you will be forced to stop it at once.

That is why I mentioned that you should try to change if need be. Try to change the bad habit he is indirectly pointing to. He wants you to become better.

That is why he is doing this. So see it from the perspective of him trying to make you a better person by dropping some of your bad habits and creating new ones.

Keep on doing it if there is a need for it

This is the opposite of the previous point I made above. Your boyfriend may be copying or mirroring you because he likes something about your speech or your posture.

If you ask him and he confirms that he is actually mirroring you because of what he likes about you, then it is a sign that you should keep on doing it if need be.

If it is how you talk, your walking or sitting posture, you should keep up with it. Others may admire it, but they will not tell you; your boyfriend, on the other hand, will, because he wants to encourage you.

Ask a close friend you can trust to watch you to see if anything is wrong

Why Does My Boyfriend Copy Me

If your boyfriend is mirroring you because there is a particularly bad habit he sees you doing, you may need a third party for confirmation. What you should do is get a close friend that you can trust to watch you.

It could be the way you pronounce certain words, it could be your walking steps or sitting posture. Just tell your close friend to keep a close eye on you for confirmation in situations where your boyfriend may be sentimental enough to tell you the truth.

Once your friend has confirmed it and it is in sync with what your boyfriend talked about, then you know that you need to work on what your boyfriend must have pointed out.

Get honest opinions from your friends

Your boyfriend may be the sentimental type who does not like to tell you the truth when it hurts because he does not want you to feel bad about it.

He may be mirroring you because of a bad habit of yours, but he will not tell you directly what it is.

So, you’ll gather a group of friends whose opinions you have faith in and ask them for candid feedback on your speech, posture, and even walking steps.

They should be able to let you know if there is anything they actually like or anything they feel you should work on, and that could be the reason why your boyfriend is copying or mirroring you.


When your boyfriend mirrors you, it means he really likes you or likes something about your speech, posture, body language, and how you carry yourself.

Another reason why your boyfriend is copying you is that he is actually trying to make you feel comfortable around him. You are probably the type that gets nervous around people you love.

When he notices that you are nervous, he will do what he can to calm your nerves through mirroring.

Also, when he mirrors you, it could also be that there is something about your speech or body language that seems funny to him, so he is genuinely trying to get a laugh.

Just play along, do not feel threatened at all. Just stay calm and enjoy it with him. If your boyfriend mirrors you and you are not comfortable with it, I advise you to speak to him about it to ensure it does not repeat itself.

If you are not sure why he mirrors you, instead of making assumptions, ask questions and let him state his reasons clearly to you.

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