What to Say When Someone Calls You a Loser (17 Things to Say)

There are cases where you are called a loser as a mere joke. However, it can be very easy to tell when a person is being sarcastic and when the person is serious.

You have options to choose from when you are called a loser or insulted in any way. You can choose to defend yourself.

You can choose to ignore the insult and avoid getting embarrassed (although, ignoring may not always work to avoid embarrassment). You can also choose to respond to the insult with an insult.

Check the list below for possible comments you can respond with.

17 Things To Say When Someone Calls You A Loser

  1. Alright. Thanks
  2. Your horrible sense of humor must be your greatest win
  3. Every loser is glad to not be you
  4. Hello, Mentor!
  5. I Agree
  6. I didn’t ask for your name
  7. Respect Yourself
  8. I’m not the one who lost my senses
  9. And What have you won? A Jerk badge?
  10. Knowing you is anyone’s greatest loss
  11. /No Reply/
  12. You’re such a dummy
  13. You don’t have to howl your name. Everyone knows it.
  14. Your mom didn’t name you that. It’s her biggest regret.
  15. Whose mom lost the chance to have an intelligent son/daughter?
  16. I learned it from your dad 
  17. You can’t even say the word right

Alright, thanks

This is a way of ignoring the person’s statement. When a person calls you a loser, he/she is not coming at you with an accusation.

The person is not insulting you with something you have done. The word is said to hurt you.

It is said to get a reaction so if you do not give a reaction, it won’t be as successful as the person had imagined.

After saying Alright, thanks, you can continue with whatever you were doing. In public, it won’t be avoiding embarrassment.

However, if you are in a private space with the person, there is a high chance the person will be disappointed by your response.

Your horrible sense of humor must be your greatest win.

Instead of ignoring and looking like an actual loser in front of a lot of people, you can respond to the insult with this.

Loser is already a common word and may not be found funny. However, if you say this response, you will be cracking up the crowd immediately.

It is a clever response, as you will be using the person’s insult to form your response.

There’s a high chance a response is not expected from you so the person may be stunned for a few seconds before saying anything else.

John: You are a loser, Andrew.

Andrew: Your horrible sense of humor must be your greatest win.

Every loser is glad to not be you

This is a similar response to the example above. You will be cracking up the crowd if you say this sharply after a person calls you a loser.

It is very clever as you will be using the initial insult in your response. By first admitting the insult to be true, the person doesn’t have to emphasize the same insult and you can easily form an even heavier insult.

This response is very easy to understand so if you say it in a public space, the reaction of the crowd is guaranteed.

John: You are a loser, Andrew.

Andrew: Every loser is glad to not be you.

Hello, Mentor!

This is a simple response that indirectly insults a person who has called you a loser. It will work against any insult.

By saying this, you are telling the person that he/she is a greater example of what he/she has called you. You are directly saying you are only learning to be a Loser from him/her.

The person will be stunned for a second as he/she tries to understand what you meant by Mentor. You should say this with a smile. You can even hold out your hand for a shake.

You will be reacting in a way that isn’t expected, indirectly averting embarrassment while also throwing back an insult.

I agree

This is an unexpected response to give when you are called a loser. Remember; If you do not give a reaction, the insult won’t be as successful as the person had imagined. This is a way of ignoring.

After saying I agree, you can continue with whatever you were doing. In public, it won’t be avoiding embarrassment.

John: You are a loser.

Andrew: I agree

If the person goes on to emphasize what he/she meant by calling you a loser, you can decide to fully ignore or retort with a nice insult.

John: I called you a loser, idiot.

Andrew: Oh. I thought we were talking about you.

I didn’t ask for your name

This is a funny response and it will be perfect if it is said quickly. It is very easy to understand and it will have a beautiful impact if you are in public.

When a person approaches you and calls you a loser, there is a chance there is an intention to embarrass you in public. Instead of waiting for him/her to enjoy the satisfaction of calling you a loser.

It is a clever response, as you will be using the person’s insult directly against the person.

There’s a high chance a response is not expected from you so the person may be stunned for a few seconds before saying anything else.

Respect yourself

This response helps you call the person to his/her senses without using an insult. It is similar to ignoring but you are simply ending the joke.

It doesn’t reduce or avert the embarrassment you may get when you are called a loser.

By telling the person to respect himself or herself, there is a possibility that the person will get angry.

The response is like a warning and the person may decide to challenge you so it is nice to have an insult up your sleeves.

You can also decide to end the joke there instead of choosing to insult.

John: Hello, Loser.

Andrew: Respect yourself.

I’m not the one who lost my senses.

This is another clever way of making your response hit harder by stylishly admitting to being a loser.

When you say this, you are not defending yourself by denying the insult but you are turning it around and throwing the insult back.

With this, the person won’t keep calling you a loser (at least, not on that spot). He/she will feel like it’s a greater insult and try to find a better insult.

If the person keeps calling you a loser, it will sound stupid to the person and the people around you.

This response is enough to shut the person up unless he/she can develop a nice comeback in time.

John: You are a loser, Andrew.

Andrew: I’m not the one who lost my senses.

And what have you won? A Jerk badge?

This is the mixture of an insult and a simple shut-up. By asking the first part of the question, you are not denying being a loser so it would be stupid if the person chooses to keep calling you a loser.

You are turning the insult around by challenging the person to prove himself or herself to be better than you.

The second part of the question is the funny part. Make sure to add it when you are in a public space.

That way, if the person has found a way to embarrass you by calling you a loser, you can automatically turn the joke on the person.

There is a high chance the person will stop talking at this point. However, be prepared with an insult, in case the person has a comeback.

Knowing you is anyone’s greatest loss

This is an insulting response. There is a very high chance the person will be stunned for a few seconds before replying to this.

He/she will take a few seconds to understand this statement so his/her comeback doesn’t sound stupid.

With this, you are not denying the insult but you are turning the joke around. You can even add a bigger insult after this to make it harder.

John: You are such a loser, Andrew.

Andrew: Knowing you are anyone’s greatest loss. (I wonder how your mama copes)

By adding the example above, you will be erupting the crowd.

I won’t satisfy your curiosity with an answer

This is one of the truest forms of ignoring but it is not the most effective. Without saying a word back, you will be nullifying what the person has said to insult you.

Your reaction to the insult can contribute to your embarrassment and the person’s satisfaction so it is good to say nothing.

You should be careful when going for this so you don’t look stupid instead. You may stay silent but your eyes and your face can react in a way that betrays you.

You must look confident and unaffected. You can even choose to look aside. That way, it is obvious that you are ignoring the person.

You’re such a dummy

By saying this, you are simply throwing an insult back. When a person calls you a loser in a funny way, retorting with this can prevent people from laughing at you

The person can easily find a response to this unless you were expected to stay quiet. It is advisable to keep a few more insults so you are ready for all comebacks.

You don’t have to howl your name. Everyone knows it.

This is a perfect response to give when a person calls you a loser in a public space. Not only will you be forcing the person to change the insult but also you will be turning the insult around for a short moment.

Your response must be quick so you give no one the chance to laugh or feel pity for you. The person will be stunned for a few seconds while thinking of a better insult to reply with.

There is a high chance the person’s response won’t be funny and embarrassing as intended but you can keep a few insulting words up your sleeves.

Your mom didn’t name you that. It’s her biggest regrets

You are redirecting the insult back to the person that calls you a loser. By saying this, the joke will no longer be on you and the person will have to find a better insult to call you.

There is a high chance the person will be too angry to reply. That is not always the case so it’s nice to be prepared

Whose mom lost the chance to have an intelligent son/daughter?

With this, you are not denying the insult but you are turning the joke around to an even bigger insult to the person.

Some may find it dirty to bring a person’s mother to this kind of discussion. However, whoever has called you a loser has not shown you respect.

While this excuse may take the guilt from you, it also means the person can come up with a bigger insult for your mother. Whatever you are saying next must shut the person up.

I learned it from your dad

You will be humorously embracing the insult and turning it back on the person.

People will find it funny but it will no longer be an embarrassment for you. Rather, it would be a big insult to the second person.

There is a high chance the person will stop talking.

You can’t even say the word right

This is similar to embracing the insult but you will come close to shutting the person up.

It will sound like you are challenging the person and the person will stop talking for a few seconds while trying to understand and find a better insult.

What To Do When Someone Calls You A Loser

What to Say When Someone Calls You a Loser


Most of the time, you have to talk back to defend yourself when you are called a loser.

That is not always the best option, especially if you believe you are weaker.

There is a possibility that the guy attacking you is a bully and may be spoiling for a fight.

It’s a good option to run and avoid getting into a fight. It will make you look like a coward but you avoid a horrible beating.

Insult him/her

This is the most common response to insults. By responding with an insult, you avoid looking embarrassed and no one is laughing at you.

Check the insults in the above list.

Ignore him/her

This may be the best option here. By ignoring a bully, the joke may not work out. However, you might get him/her angrier and get in a fight. It will be sweeter if you can physically handle the bully.

To ignore effectively, you continue with whatever you are doing, say no reply, look elsewhere, look confident, or wear an absent-minded smile, and just make it obvious that something else has your attention.


90% of the time you are called a loser, and it is not because you have lost something. It is a term usually used by bullies as a form of a joke or to start a fight.

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