What to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

There’s always that one person that says things that annoys us. Many of us have experienced this.

Maybe you’re in a conversation or even without a conversation and this person says something obvious to everyone.

It can be very annoying right? And that would be the time you’ll need something to say to express your annoyance.

However, we know it’s not always easy to find the right words to show you’re pissed. And sometimes you may want to show them they said something obvious without sounding rude.

So, to make it easier, I have compiled a list of 20 things you can say when someone says something obvious. Stay with me on this article.

20 Things to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

What to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

There are many different responses you can use when someone says something obvious. 

Whether you want to show your annoyance or you want to sound bored, sarcastic, or funny, you’ll find what you need with these 20 replies. Below are 20 things to say:

  • Of course
  • Tell me something we don’t know
  • Well done, captain obvious
  • Thank you, captain obvious
  • You don’t say!
  • Well, obviously.
  • Yes. And the sky is blue
  • We know
  • Seriously?
  • Color me surprised
  • Tell me about it
  • What else is new?
  • Oh Please! Who doesn’t know?
  • Oh Really?
  • Thank You. But It wasn’t needed
  • Thank You. But, you shouldn’t have bothered
  • Do you really need to say that?
  • Do we really need to hear that?
  • We have heard that before
  • Old news 

Of Course

“Of course” is a phrase that points out something that’s naturally known to people. You use it to indicate something that people shouldn’t be surprised about.

This phrase is a simple response you can use when someone says something obvious. With this reply, the person will know they had said something they shouldn’t have bothered saying in the first place.

You can use this reply when you don’t want to sound rude or sarcastic but it’ll still pass the message. 

Depending on your tone, you can show your annoyance or your boredom with this reply.

Also, you can use your facial expression to pass the message. For instance, saying of course and rolling your eyes.

Tell Me Something We Don’t Know

Another way you can respond when someone says something obvious is by coming out straight with your words.

An expression like, “tell me something we don’t know” is a very proper response that’ll work well in letting the person know they were unnecessarily repetitive.

You can use this reply when you want to show your annoyance or your disinterest in what they said.

Also, depending on the occasion and your tone, this reply can pass as a rude one. So, you should know the right occasion for it.

Well done. Captain Obvious

Captain obvious” is the most rightful term to describe someone who’s always stating the obvious.

This expression implies that the person is very excellent at saying what’s already known to everyone.

This phrase was first used in 1992 and started to make its round among people in the 2000s and has become a part of today’s culture. 

So, you can reply to someone who says something obvious with, “well done, captain obvious” and most people will understand including the speaker.

You can use this reply when you want to be funny or sarcastic and draw the attention of the speaker to what he said.

Thank you. Captain Obvious

Another proper response for someone who says something obvious is to thank him and draw his attention to the fact that he stated an obvious thing.

An expression like, “thank you. Captain obvious” will work well because thank you will sound sarcastic, then adding “captain obvious” will make it all the more fun.

Moreover, the person will get the message well and that’s what makes it very suitable.

You Don’t Say!

You don’t say” is one of the replies you can give someone who says something obvious. 

This phrase is used to express surprise at what someone did. So, this is a funny and sarcastic reply for someone who says an obvious thing.

With this reply, the speaker should be able to detect the sarcasm and know they’d said something obvious and unnecessary.

Also, it’ll express your boredom and annoyance with their statement.

Well, Obviously

Another reply for someone who says something obvious is saying something that points directly at their obvious statement.

When you use “well, obviously,” it clearly states that everyone already knows what they’d said. So, this phrase emphasizes the fact that the person should’ve bothered with it.

You can use this reply to show you’re bored with what they said and you need to hear something else.

Yes. And the Sky is Blue

Yes. And the sky is blue” is another way to reply to someone who says something.

This is a funny reply that passes the message strongly. When someone says something obvious, one very good comeback is to state an obvious thing too.

This reply works very well, as “yes” shows that you agree with what they said. Then when you say, “the sky is blue” which of course, everyone knows, the speaker will definitely get the message.

Using this expression will get the speaker to think carefully before making another obvious statement in the future.

We know

We know” is another reply that suits someone who says something obvious. This works very well as it’s very direct and simple.

Saying this will definitely pass home the point effectively. You can use this if it’s someone fond of stating the obvious, it’s a good way to show your annoyance.

Depending on your tone, this expression can come out as a funny or rude response. In addition, this phrase can also serve as a good interrupter.

If you want to cut in when the person keeps going on and on about something you already know, “we know” does the work well.


What to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

Seriously?” is another way you can reply to someone who says something obvious. This reply is in the form of a question you aren’t expecting a response to.

This expression shows you weren’t expecting the person to say that; for instance, if someone repeated something that just happened in the presence of everyone.

You can say “seriously?” to let them know they shouldn’t have said that. In addition, using this phrase shows you’re pissed with them stating the obvious.

Color Me Surprised

Color me surprised” is an expression that has been in use for decades ago. This expression is an informal way to show that you’re surprised by something.

For example, when someone says something that you aren’t expecting, this phrase shows your surprise. 

When someone says something everyone knows, it’s definitely not surprising. So, this expression is a sarcastic reply to someone who says something obvious.

So, when you use this reply, the person may understand that you’re only being sarcastic.

Tell Me About It

Tell me about it” is another reply for someone who says something everyone knows. This is another funny and sarcastic reply that should hit home well.

When you use this reply, it’ll sound like you’re encouraging the person to say more, but apparently, that isn’t what you mean.

When you say this, people should understand the irony in your statement.

What Else Is New?

What to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

When someone says something that everyone knows, another way to respond is saying, “what else is new?” 

This question is a rhetorical one. When you say this, the person will understand you aren’t expecting a response.

You can say this when you want to give a sarcastic comeback. The phrase will express your annoyance at the person while directly addressing the fact that they said what you know.

Oh Please! Who doesn’t know?

One way to give a comeback that’ll get to the person who says something obvious is to be direct with them.

A reply like, “Oh please! Who doesn’t know?” will do the job well as it plainly queries them for saying something people already know.

In addition, the first part, “oh please!” shows that you’re pissed with the person. This is a rude response, but it’ll hit home as it directly addresses the issue. 

Oh Really?

Another expression that you can use for someone who says something obvious is, “oh really?” This phrase is said like a question, but you don’t need a reply from them.

You use this phrase to show your surprise at the person for saying something obvious to everyone.

When you say this, the person should be able to detect the annoyance in your voice also.

Thank You. But It wasn’t needed

Thank you. But it wasn’t needed” is another way to respond to someone who says things people already know.

If you need a sassy and sarcastic reply, this will work very well. The “thank you” obviously doesn’t show your gratitude for the statement.

When you make this statement, the person will get the message well even though it comes out rude.

Thank You. But, You Shouldn’t Have Bothered

Another way to give a response to someone who says something obvious is to thank them and then let them know their statement was not needed.

When you say this, the person should be able to tell that you’re pissed off with their statement.

While this may sound like a sassy reply, it emphasizes the point that the person was just stating what’s clear to people.

This reply will get to them and they would know they said something that was not necessary.

Do You Really Need to Say That?

Another way to give a reply to someone who says something obvious is by questioning them on why they should say that. 

While this may sound rude, it’ll work in letting the person know they were making an unnecessary statement.

When you ask this question, the person should be able to tell that you’re pissed with your expression and the tone of your voice.

Do We Really Need to Hear That?

“Do we really need to hear that?” is another response to someone who says something obvious to everyone.

This is a direct response that questions if what they said is necessary. Although it’s a rude question, it works well in telling the person that they made an unnecessary statement.

We Have Heard That Before

We have heard that before” is another good response for someone who says something obvious to people.

This is a direct way of telling the person you already knew what they’d said. This is not a rude reply, but a direct comeback, expressing your little annoyance at them.

When you say this, the person should get your point without feeling annoyed. 

Old News

What to Say When Someone Says Something Obvious

Old news” is a simple reply to give to someone who makes an obvious statement. This is also a direct way of telling them you’ve heard it before.

This is a funny reply that should work in getting at the person. Depending on how you say it, it works more in showing that you’re a little bit annoyed without getting them annoyed themselves.

When you say this, the person would understand they probably shouldn’t have bothered saying what you already know.


When people say things that are obvious to people around, it’s usually easy to get on the nerves.

I can’t blame you if you get annoyed most of the time, because truthfully, it’s a total waste of time saying what people already know.

Should you be rude in your reply? This is left to you. However, you can choose to ignore them if you’re too annoyed. 

So, whatever way you want to reply, the list I’ve compiled above is filled with a simple, sassy, funny, and sarcastic reply that would serve every purpose.


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