What to Say When Someone Calls You A Donkey (15 Things to Say)

We all know what a donkey is. You probably wonder what it means when someone calls you a donkey. It sounds pretty funny.

Donkeys look funny and the name sounds quite hilarious if you think about it. However, it is an insult.

There is no doubt the word can be used as a joke but it is similar to an idiot and similar insulting words in English.

While you can call your friend an idiot as a joke, not everyone will find it funny. It’s the same in this case.

For you to have searched for perfect response, you also don’t find it funny. Check out nice comebacks when someone calls you a donkey in the list below.

15 Things to Say When Someone Calls You A Donkey

  1. Hello, Jackass/Jenny-ass 
  2. The world would be a better place if you were half as wise as me
  3. Don’t call me that
  4. At least, I have an opinion
  5. Respect Yourself
  6. What’s up, Baboon?
  7. You’re more of an animal than a donkey is.
  8. Shhhh… Your opinion was not asked for.
  9. When did you start calling people by your name?
  10. You’re as annoying as that word sounds.
  11. It’s not funny.
  12. Hello, Stupid.
  13. I’d rather be a Donkey than be you
  14. I will not give you the upper hand with my response
  15. Let’s hear what makes you as good as a donkey.

Hello, Jackass/Jenny-ass

If you find the name funny, this response will work perfectly well. If you think of it as an insult, this works fine still.

A male donkey is called a Jackass and some people believe a female donkey can be called a Jenny-ass.

Just as Donkey can sound quite funny, these names are quite funny too.

They are also not very nice. Depending on the tone with which you are called a Donkey, you can tell if it is a joke or an insult.

Use an equal tone and make sure your reply is sharp. The person probably wouldn’t be expecting it.

The World would be better if you were half as wise

This is an insulting response to throw back at the person who calls you a donkey. There is something about using insulting words as jokes.

While you may find it funny when it is used in public, people may not find it funny and the joke may only be on you. It is much better to tell your friend to stop addressing you with such words.

Donald: You are such a donkey, Jamie

Jamie: The World would be better if you were half as wise.

When someone calls you a donkey as an insult, he/she is insinuating that you are obstinate and foolish. That makes this response perfect.

Don’t call me that

You can choose to reply to an insult with an insult. That is quite fair but it is not right. You can handle such cases in a much better way so you don’t look like a rascal by getting into a lousy argument.

When this word is used as an insult in public, it can be very embarrassing and you may have to be tactical so you don’t look like an idiot.

The best way is to defend yourself by talking back. You can go ahead and prove the person wrong. You can also just tell the person not to call you by that name.

Donald: You are a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: Don’t call me that, Donald.

If the word is used as a joke, you can retort with this response. While your friend may find it funny, many people won’t.

At least, I have an opinion

 This is a good response to give in an official setting. In this case, it is most likely an insult. It may not even seem like it when the person accompanies it with a laugh.

However, it would be making you look stupid so it is only wise for you to defend yourself and prove you are not a donkey.

Since the donkey is used to refer to a foolish person, you may get this insult after sharing an opinion.

By giving this response, you are defending yourself by challenging the person to give a better opinion. It is not the best response but it is very responsible.

Respect yourself

This is a stern warning to give the person who calls you a donkey. If you are in a public space and you are called a Donkey, the crowd may find it funny.

It will be quite embarrassing and it will be worse if you choose to stay silent and look hurt.

By retorting with this response, the joke is cut short. You won’t be insulting the person with this response but you will be keeping your confidence intact.

Donald: You are such a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: Respect yourself.

You can choose to add an insulting comeback after this. However, it’s much better to just say something responsible after it. It shows your maturity.

What’s up, Baboon?

When you are called a Donkey and you can’t tell whether it’s a joke or not, you can give this response.

This is perfect because you can always say it. When you are alone with your friend and you both are joking, you can respond with this.

When you are in public and you don’t want to get embarrassed, you can also give this response.

That way, even if you were deliberately insulted, the joke won’t be on you. A sharp response will work better.

Donald: You think like a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: Well, what do you have for us, Baboon?

You’re more of an animal than a donkey is

This is a hilarious but embarrassing response to give a person who calls you a donkey.

It can make you mortal enemies with the person so you have to be sure it was meant as an insult. That way, you don’t heat the moment unintentionally.

This response cannot be used as a joke. Calling a person an animal can only be tolerated by friends you have always been naughty with.

The joke won’t be on you if you give this reply in a public gathering. It will work out for that purpose but you will be embarrassing the other person.

Donald: You’re such a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: You’re more of an animal than a donkey is.

Shhhh… Your opinion was not asked for

This only works in a group conversation or in public. You could be talking and a random person shows up and calls you a donkey.

It will crack everyone up and you might look stupid. It is nice to have a nice comeback.

By retorting with this response, you can avert the joke or even turn it against the person.

There is a chance you will be leaving the person stunned for a minute while he/she tries to think of a response.

Donald: Shut up, Jamie. You are a donkey.

Jamie: Shhhh… Your opinion was not asked for.

When did you start calling people by your name?

This is another nice sharp response to give a person who calls you a donkey. By saying this, you are throwing the insult back and it is direct.

Every listener can easily understand what you are insinuating and there will likely be a funny reaction from them.

The sweetest part is when the person is too stunned to have quick response for you.

You get to enjoy the short moment of redirecting embarrassment while the person thinks of what to say.

Donald: Hi, Donkey. What’s up?

Jamie: When did you start calling people by your name?

There is a probability that the person will join in the laughter just to avoid looking hurt.

In the next few seconds, he/she will probably throw back a response so you have to be prepared for another comeback.

You’re as annoying as that word sounds

This is quite literal. It is not the most insulting response to give and is not the best. However, you have this option when someone calls you a donkey.

By saying this, you are telling the person you don’t like the name. Some may find this funny but it isn’t. It is just a plain expression of how you feel about the person.

In a gathering, giving this response may only make you look hurt and unable to defend yourself well so you should not say this if that is the case.

Donald: You are a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: You are as annoying as that word sounds.

It’s not funny

This is another response to give when a person calls you a donkey. The effectiveness of this response depends on how you say it and how fast your response is.

By replying sharply, you won’t be giving people the chance to laugh at you.

You have to keep your voice steady and confident too. That way, you sound unaffected and the person will feel shunned.

Donald: You are a donkey, Jamie. Sh-

Jamie: You’re not funny, Donald.

Hello, Stupid

When you are called a Donkey and you can’t tell whether it’s a joke or not, you can give this response.

This is a perfect response since you can always use it. When you are alone with your friend, you can respond with this.

When you are in public and you don’t want to get embarrassed, you can also give this response.

That way, even if you were deliberately insulted, the joke won’t be on you. A sharp response will work better.

Donald: Hi, Donkey

Jamie: Hello, Stupid.

I’d rather be a donkey than be you

This is a hilarious but embarrassing response to give a person who calls you a donkey. You may end up heating the moment unintentionally if the person was only joking with you.

This response however cannot be used as a joke but it will be found as a funny insult.

The joke won’t be on you if you give this reply in a public gathering. It will work out for that purpose but you will be embarrassing the other person.

Donald: You’re such a donkey, Jamie.

Jamie: I’d rather be a monkey than be you.

I will not give you the upper hand with my response

This is one of the best reactions when you feel insulted. If you don’t know the best response to give, it is much better to stay silent.

By giving no response and acting like you weren’t listening, the joke may not be as funny as it is intended.

The person also won’t be getting the satisfaction of watching your reaction since you won’t be showing any reaction.

Let’s hear what makes you better than a donkey

This is a nice response to give. It is an indirect insult. You are indirectly admitting that you are a donkey while saying the person is worse than a donkey.

You will also be challenging the person to prove himself or herself.

Since Donkey refers to a foolish person, you may be getting this insult from someone who thinks your opinion is not wise.

By giving this reply, you are challenging the person to give a wiser opinion. That way, you are averting embarrassment.

What To Do When Someone Calls You A Donkey

What to Say When Someone Calls You A Donkey

  • Walk away
  • Look away
  • Insult him/her
  • Cut the joke
  • Ignore him/her

Walk away

When you are called a donkey and you are not happy with it, you have the option to walk away.

This is the best thing to do unless you have a better idea that doesn’t make you look stupid or aggressive.

Look away

If you can’t walk away from the scene, you can simply look away and keep your facial expression in check.

The intended effect of the insult will be lost when you are not reacting to it.

Insult him/her

You can choose to react by insulting the person. You may end up getting blamed if you get physically violent.

It is much better to respond with an equal or better insult from the list above.

Cut the joke

You can simply shut the person up without insulting the person. Say something serious and change the topic.

That way, you can avoid getting embarrassed. You can even get the person embarrassed.

Ignore him/her

This may be considered the most mature option on the list. It may not be enough to avoid embarrassment but you will be reducing the effect. You can even make the person look like a fool.


There are several ways to joke with a person without insulting them. Keep that in mind. Not everyone can take insulting jokes from you.

You also shouldn’t let yourself get embarrassed in the name of jokes.

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