What To Say When Someone Calls You Bad

When someone calls you bad, there is something that must have triggered it. However, if you happen to be in a situation where someone calls you bad, do not be so quick to insult the person or even call the person names.

Sometimes, it could be that the person is coming from a bad place and is hurt inside. Instead of calling the person names, there are better ways that you can reply to the person.

That is why I wrote this article, this article will show you 20 things to say when someone calls you bad.

20 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Bad

  1. That is harsh
  2. If someone calls you bad how would you feel?
  3. You should not make harsh comments about people
  4. Seek to know someone before judging
  5. Why are you so judgemental?
  6. I am sad that is what you think of me
  7. Do you think I am paying attention to you?
  8. I do not listen to people who have nothing good to say to me
  9. No problem if you dislike me
  10. You can as well just avoid me
  11. Is there something I did that got you offended?
  12. Am I that bad?
  13. I do not think it is as terrible as you think it is
  14. Hey, do not call me that, it is not nice.
  15. Is that all you spend your time doing? Calling people bad
  16. You can be better than this
  17. Why do you have so much hatred
  18. You do not just know how to recognize a good person
  19. Sorry, I do not have anything to say to you
  20. Give me a break, please

That is harsh

What To Say When Someone Calls You Bad

If he knew that it was not a good thing to say, he may likely not call you that again. However, the fact that you have been able to draw his attention to it. This is a good reply that you can give.

This is a good reply that you can give. If there happens to be a next time he will not have to tell you that you are a bad person.

He should learn a lesson after you give him this reply.

If someone calls you bad how would you feel?

What To Say When Someone Calls You Bad

This reply is a way of drawing his attention to the fact that if someone else calls him bad he will not like it.

It is more like making him put himself in your shoes for him to know how hurtful it will be for someone to call him sad.

He will definitely not like it, and that is more reason why he needs to not call people bad because if someone does that to him, he will not like it either.

This reply will go a long way to help because it is going to pass a message to the person.

You should not make harsh comments about people

When you like to make harsh comments about people, it does not speak well of you.

Especially if those harsh comments you made are about people you know nothing about. You need to draw his attention to this in your reply.

Let him know that making harsh comments about people does not in any way help the person to become better.

The moment the person gets to know that you have said harsh things about him without even getting to know him, it hurts.

Seek to know someone before judging

Sometimes you just see someone and you do not even care to know anything about who the person is or what he does, you just go ahead to judge the person without prior knowledge.

In a situation like this, if you are fully aware that you are being judged without the person trying to know who you are, you should let him know in your reply.

That is why a reply like this will go a long way to help. Once you give this reply, next time he will decide to take his time before judging or calling someone bad.

Why are you so judgemental?

Some people are so judgmental that they do not care to know what is going on before the judge.

This is usually the situation for someone who just sees you and jumps into calling you bad. That person is being judgemental without even realizing it.

Draw his attention to it that he is being judgemental and he will at least try to change. This reply will go a long way to help. If someone calls you bad, ask him why he is so judgemental.

I am sad that is what you think of me

Sometimes you do not really know what people think of you. Most especially your close friends, you may not know what they think of you, even if a lot of them spend time with you and you all have fun, some may still think of you as a bad person.

If that is the case, you can reply by telling the person that you are sad, that is what he thinks of you. This is major because you

Do you think I am paying attention to you?

In this reply, you let him know that you do not pay attention when someone is trying to say something harsh to you, and you know full well that whatever the person is saying will not be of help to you.

You prefer to not even pay attention to the person because what he is saying or about to say will not be of benefit to you.

Let the person know that you are not paying attention and you choose to not listen to what he has to say. The fact that he called you bad even made the situation worse.

I do not listen to people who have nothing good to say to me

This is a reply that communicates to the person that you guard your mind against the thing that does not help you and you have made up your mind that you are not going to listen to anything or anybody that has nothing good to say to you.

When the person is fully aware of this, he will make up his mind to not say a word to you anymore, and this is the result you hope to achieve.

With a reply like this, the person will not call you bad anymore because he already believes that you are not going to have so much time to reply to him.

No problem if you dislike me

Sometimes when people do not like you, they tend to say hurtful things to you just to get the person upset.

When someone does not like you, it is easy to know from the kind of things the person says to you and from the tone the person says it.

For someone to call you bad without doing anything that must have hurt the person or even warranted the person to call you bad, then it could be that the person does not like you.

In a situation like this, let the person know that you are aware that he does not like you and that it is ok if he doesn’t like you.

You can as well just avoid me

If someone does not like you, they can avoid you. It is as simple as that. It is way better to avoid someone you do not like instead of saying bad things about the person when you know that it is not like the person is that bad, you do not just like the person.

If you happen to be in this situation and you notice that the person does not just like you, tell the person to avoid you. That is better than calling you bad just because he does not like you.

Is there something I did that got you offended?

Someone will only call you bad if there is something you did to the person that got him offended. If the person calls you bad, reply by asking if there is something you did that made him call you bad, and he will tell you.

If you feel it is something you need to apologize for, then go ahead.

Am I that bad?

It could be that you are the one who did something so bad that made him call you bad. In your reply, ask if you are that bad, that way, he will be able to tell you what he really thinks of you and if he thinks you are that bad.

I do not think it is as terrible as you think it is

Sometimes, people tend to overestimate things, when it is not as terrible as it seems, the person tries to make them a big deal when it is not.

This is a reply you can give if you feel the person is just overestimating the issue and calling you bad when you obviously are not.

Let him know that it is not as terrible as he thinks it is.

Hey, do not call me that, it is not nice.

This reply is more like a warning to the person to not call you bad. You are telling the person directly that it is not a nice thing to call you bad and you do not in any way find it appealing.

If you give this reply, the person will not call you bad again because you have already communicated to him that he should not do that again.

Is that all you spend your time doing? Calling people bad

You are telling him that he should not spend his time doing negative things that are offensive to people. Imagine spending a chunk of your time calling people bad when it is not worth it.

You can be better than this

In this reply, you advise the person that it will be better if he chooses to do something better with his time. When you tell him this in your reply, you will notice that he will not call you bad again.

Why do you have so much hatred?

Some people are bad themselves, and that is why they choose to call other people bad because they think that other people are as bad as they are.

Such people have so much hatred in them and they do not like to see other people happy. It is advisable you stay away from people with so much hatred, they could hurt you and you will not. They are the ones responsible.

You do not just know how to recognize a good person

It could be that the person who called you a bad person does not know how to identify good people. This means that even if the person sees someone that is good, he will not even know.

Sorry, I do not have anything to say to you

Silence can sometimes be a good answer. Let the person know that you are not going to waste your time trying to say anything to him because it is not worth it.

Give me a break, please

If all you need is a break and you want this person to stop calling you bad, then you need to communicate that to him in your reply. When you tell him to give you a break, he will let you be.

Final Words

When someone calls you bad, there are various reasons why the person will do that. You may not be able to control what the person says to you, but one thing you can control is how you respond to it.

That is why I have written this article to show you the various ways that you can reply when someone calls you bad.

The good thing about these replies is that they work well depending on when you use them. Anyone you choose to use will work well for you.

Understand where the person is coming from before you give a reply.

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