What to Say When Someone Asks Why You’re Crying (20 Things to Say)

Most times, people cry when they are sad or when something bad happens. On the flip side, people still cry when they are over-excited. In that situation, it is called tears of joy.

In most cases, when someone cries, it is most likely because something bad must have happened to the person that made him shed tears.

If you are not sure what made someone cry and you would like to find out, it is not enough to assume, the best thing to do in a situation like this is to ask the person why he is crying.

If you are crying and someone asks you why you are crying, here are 20 replies that you can give

20 Things to say when someone asks you why you’re crying

  1. I just lost my dad
  2. I failed a promotional exam
  3. My son just had an accidental
  4. I feel pain In my legs
  5. My head hurts so much
  6. I cannot hold this pain any longer
  7. Only if you could understand how this hurts so much
  8. I burned my finger
  9. My team lost at the championship
  10. My wife had a miscarriage
  11. I just got heartbroken
  12. I’m sorry I can’t talk now
  13. My girlfriend left me for another guy
  14. Someone I trusted so much just disappointed me
  15. I just got duped of my money
  16. It’s just tears of joy, I’m so happy
  17. I am just stressed out
  18. I am stranded and I have nowhere to go
  19. I got kicked out of school
  20. I just got fired from work

I just lost my dad

What to Say When Someone Asks Why You’re Crying

If you have ever lost a loved one you will understand how painful it is to lose someone. Sometimes, the loss of a loved one can make someone cry a whole lot.

If you lost your dad, cry as much as you want, because sometimes you need to cry to heal.

If someone is asking you why you are crying tell the person you just lost your dad and he will understand.

I failed a promotional exam

What to Say When Someone Asks Why You’re Crying

This is a very delicate thing. When you fail a promotional exam you will be able to move to the next level.

If you need to cry, go ahead, crying may not solve it but it can help you get yourself together.

Do not fail to let the person asking you know that you just failed a promotional exam and that is why you are crying.

My son just had an accident

It can be really painful if your son had an accident, especially if that accident cost him his life or it caused him to have a serious injury.

If your son had a serious injury in an accident, it is enough to make you cry because it is a very painful thing. It is even worse if your son lost his life in the process. Not everyone will be able to handle that.

If you feel you need to cry, do not hesitate. If someone asks why you are crying, let the person know what happened.

I feel pain In my legs

When you feel pain in your legs, it can make you cry, especially when the pain hurts so much. It could be that you had an injury that became very painful.

The pain could be so severe that it will even make you cry. If that is the case, you should not be ashamed that you are crying because of an injury you had on your leg that causes you pain.

You can let the pain out, and cry if you need to.

My head hurts so much

The person may not understand because he has not felt such pain in his head before.

A headache could cause someone to feel pains in his head, if you have a severe headache or migraine, it may be so painful that it would make you cry.

If it makes you cry, let it all out. You are human too and humans are allowed to feel pain.

I cannot hold this pain any longer

This is a reply you can give if the pain you are feeling in your body is getting too much that you can no longer handle it.

If the person is asking you why you are crying, simply let him know that you are feeling lots of pain in your body and you can no longer handle it. It is ok if you cry because of the pain you are going through.

Only if you could understand how this hurts so much

Use this reply if the person asks you why you are crying. The person may not understand that you are going through a lot of pain, let him know that only if he understands how the pain you are feeling hurts so bad, he will not be asking you why you are crying.

This is a good reply that you can give the person if he asks you why you are crying.

I burned my finger

It could be that you burned your finger when you were cooking in the kitchen. It could be really painful I must say. However, if the pain is too much to bear, it could make you cry.

This is a reply you can tell the person, let him know that you burned your finger and that is why you are crying.

Having a burned finger is painful, not everyone will be able to handle such pain, and that is why some people will prefer to cry.

My team lost at the championship

Maybe you are an athlete and you are sad because your team lost at a championship. When you lose, it can make you so emotional and because of that, you will start to cry.

You must have seen big competitions where players lose in their championship, most of them burst into tears because they know how much effort they have put into winning the championship.

Many of them end up crying that they did not go far, if that is the same reason why you are crying, let the person who asked you know about it.

My wife had a miscarriage

If your wife has a miscarriage, it is a very painful thing to experience. It could even make you cry because that is a huge loss.

It is a normal thing if you cry because your wife had a miscarriage. If that is the reason why you cry, let the person that is asking know about it.

Or if you feel that it is too personal and you do not want to let him know, you can tell him that it is personal and you cannot share it with him.

That way, he will understand that it is so personal that you do not want to share it.

I just got heartbroken

Sometimes people get heartbroken when they tend to cry a lot because they must have invested so much into that relationship, only for the person to get heartbroken by his partner.

If you just got heartbroken and you feel like crying, do not hesitate to do that. Cry if you want to, but you still need to pick yourself up because crying will not solve it.

I’m sorry I can’t talk now

Use this reply if what is making you cry is something that you do not want to talk about. Let the person know that you do not want to talk about it. Or simply say that you cannot talk now.

Sometimes, when someone sees you cry and he wants to know why you are crying, if you feel it is something you are willing to share, you can go ahead to share it with the person, but if you do not want to share it, simply reply to the person that you can not talk to. That way, he will understand.

My girlfriend left me for another guy

If you are a guy and your girlfriend left you for another guy, it could hurt. Some guys may cry because of how much they have invested in the relationship.

If you are crying do not let other people think that you are weak because you are crying over a girl.

If you want to let them know what happened, you can share with them that your girlfriend left you, if you do not want to share it with them you can say that you do not want to talk about it.

Someone I trusted so much just disappointed me

Life is full of disappointments, sometimes people you trust will disappoint you, and depending on the level of disappointment, it could make you cry.

If the person disappointed you in such a way that it hurt you so badly and it made you cry, you should not hesitate to let out the tears, sometimes, letting out the tears is part of the healing process.

If the person wants to know what happened to you, you can let the person know that someone you trusted disappointed you. That way, the person will understand better why you are crying.

I just got duped of my money

When you get duped with your money, it can get so painful. Most especially if the money you were duped of was something you planned to use for something important.

This could hurt so much, some people tend to cry if they get duped and they know that it will be difficult to recover the money they were duped of.

If you happen to get duped and you cry, it is ok, you only need to be more careful next time.

If someone asks you why you are crying, you can let the person know that you got duped.

It’s just tears of joy, I’m so happy

Tears of joy simply mean when you are crying because something good happened to you.

For example, if you have spent so many years preparing for a scholarship and writing scholarship exams and you were finally able to get it after years of trial and failure, it could cause you to have tears of joy because you never saw it coming.

If someone sees you crying, the person may think that something bad happened. Simply let the person know that it is just tears of joy and nothing bad happened to you.

When the person understands this, he will not ask any more questions because he now knows why you are crying.

I am just stressed out

It could be that you are just stressed out and you have not been able to rest for long. It could make you cry, especially if you are really tired due to lack of rest.

If that is the reason why you are crying, let the person know that you are just stressed out and nothing else.

I am stranded and I have nowhere to go

Maybe you were on your way to a place and you got stranded because you did not have the funds to transport you to your destination and you started to cry, some people do this. If that is what happened to you, let the person know in your reply.

I got kicked out of school

Students who do not do well in school often get kicked out. If they do not perform well in their grades and the failures get too frequent, the student could get kicked out.

This is something that could make a student cry.

I just got fired from work

Imagine losing your job, the thought of it alone is traumatizing. If this happens to you, you can cry if you want.

Have it in mind that you still need to seek solutions even after crying.

Final Words

When someone asks you why you are crying, you can tell the person the exact reason why you are crying. That way, the person will not have to keep asking you why you are crying.

If you feel you do not want the person to know why you are crying, maybe because it is too personal for you, you can say that you do not want to talk about it.

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