What To Say When Someone Accidentally Calls You

You know how it feels when you accidentally phone a person and the person picks up the call. Some people cut the call quickly before it is answered, then the called person calls back to ask for the reason for the beep.

You probably already know what to say in cases like this but have you thought of what to say if you were accidentally called?

 It can be quite disappointing and awkward when you answer a phone call and realize it wasn’t meant for you. However, there are ways to respond in cases like this and they can brighten up the situation or make you feel better.

Check the list below for things to say when a person phones you by mistake.

What To Say When Someone Accidentally Calls You

What To Say When Someone Accidentally Calls You

  • Oh. That’s fine.
  • Wow. So you didn’t miss me?
  • I almost got excited.
  • I guessed so.
  • Alright. Have a great day.
  • Maybe your phone is more right than you are.
  • Thanks for the unintentional call.
  • Okay. I’ll give you a call later.
  • Didn’t think you would ever call, anyway.
  • That’s heartbreaking.
  • You better call me and apologize.
  • It could be destiny.
  • That’s one of my names too, you know.
  • Okay. Good to know.
  • I forgive you.
  • I’m sure it is 
  • Nice to hear from you, anyway.
  • You almost made me smile
  • I appreciate the mistake, by the way.
  • I was about to thank you for calling.

What To Say When Someone Accidentally Calls You

Oh. That’s Fine

If you have called a person by mistake, you probably already know how awkward it gets for someone who calls the person. It is also quite awkward for the person that is called but it’s not as much.

 Some people choose to say nothing till the other person ends the call. It only makes things more awkward for the caller so it is important to reply in a way that shows you don’t feel disturbed.

 You are disappointed that you have been called by mistake but that has happened and you can’t do anything about that. However, giving this response to the caller can make the situation less awkward for him/her.

Wow. So you didn’t miss me?

There are cases where this is the situation. If you will just be honest with yourself, this is how you feel about it. You were probably excited about getting a beep from the caller and, when you tried to call back, you realized the call was not intended to get to you. Then your excitement would slowly become low-tuned anger.

 By saying this, you are just being honest. However, you don’t have to feel this way. This response should be able to take some tension off the air. It will be a little more awkward for the caller but this response should be able to start a short conversation between you and your caller.

 You may even get your caller to promise to call you later.

I almost got excited

This is probably the situation. You know you almost got excited when you got that call. It is probably someone you have missed and you want to speak to the person or someone you have never expected to call you. It could also be someone you were already planning to call.

 When you receive any of these calls, you know you will feel a bit happier for a moment. However, when it turns out to be a mistake, it can be extremely heartbreaking.

Giving this response is just you being truthful about how you felt when you saw the call. It will probably make the caller feel bad but you can say /it’s fine/ and end the call.

 There is also a chance your caller will respond well and promise to call you later. Both of you may also have a short conversation right at that moment.

I guessed so

When you say this, you are probably honest about how you feel or you’re not. Sometimes, you can just guess that a certain person can never think of calling you for any reason.

Then, when you receive a call from such a person, you will feel a bit stunned or reluctant to answer the phone.

 Sometimes, it makes you happy and you feel a bit special, even before you answer the phone. When your caller says it is a mistake, you can simply say you guessed so. It doesn’t alleviate the awkwardness in your caller but it should reduce yours.

 When you tell your caller you had guessed that the call was by accident, you are telling the person you never expect a call from him/her. This could be true and it may not be but it’s a cool response.

Alright. Have a great day

Sometimes, you only feel awkward when you think of your response to the accidental call. On the other hand, the caller feels awkward when you pick up the phone quickly or call back.

It’s even more awkward for the caller when you won’t say anything and he/she doesn’t want to end the call abruptly.

 Saying this won’t change how you feel about the call but you won’t be making the situation more awkward for both of you by making the call longer.

You are disappointed that you have been called by mistake but that has happened and you can’t do anything about that. However, giving this response to the caller can make the situation less awkward for him/her.

Maybe your phone is more right than you are

When a caller tells you he/she has called you by accident, you can give this response to lighten up the situation. This is a funny response to give.

 Your caller may take a few seconds to respond. He/she can also just apologize or play along with the joke. However, this response won’t work fine for some people since they may not get the joke.

If your caller laughs or responds in a humorous way, it will alleviate the awkwardness on both sides. If your caller, however, chooses not to respond, then it would heighten the awkwardness in the air.

Thanks for the unintentional call

 This is a sarcastic response to give but it probably expresses your disappointment.

If the caller is a jovial person, he/she will probably respond well and try to apologize for disturbing you. If your caller is the opposite of that, he/she will probably stay silent till either of you ends the call.

 However, this response was not meant to alleviate the awkwardness. Rather, it would make the caller feel more awkward.

It is like passing a baton to the caller so you are giving him/her the chance to say something that makes the situation less awkward for both of you.

Okay. I will give you a call later

If the person is a close friend or someone you haven’t heard from in a while, this response should be perfect. However, it is only a nice response if you mean it.

 This response should be able to make both of you feel less awkward. It will make your caller feel more awkward if he/she doesn’t want to receive your call. You don’t need to be sure of that so you don’t break your heart.

 You can decide not to call the person back but, for that moment, the conversation should end on a less awkward note for both of you.

Didn’t think you would ever call, anyway

This is just like saying you already guessed that the call was a mistake. However, this may only be nice if you are speaking to a friend or someone close to you.

If you say this to just any caller, it will heighten the awkwardness for him/her. It could probably make you feel less awkward but it’d be more awkward if the caller decides to say nothing till the call ends.

 Saying this response means accusing your caller of being unable to think of calling you. If your caller stays silent, then you can be sure that your guess is true.

That’s heartbreaking

This has to be how you feel. You know you almost got excited when you got the call.

It is probably someone you have missed and you want to speak to the person or someone you have never expected to call you. It could also be someone you were already planning to call.

 By giving this response, you are saying how you feel. It will probably make the caller feel more awkward. However, this response indirectly asks your caller to speak.

 There is a high chance a short conversation will ensue and neither of you will feel awkward when the call ends.

You better call me and apologize

 This is a humorous response to give if the caller texts you about the accidental call. It doesn’t have to be a text. When the caller says he/she has to call the person he intended to call, you can tell him to call you later and apologize properly.

 Your caller will most likely respond well and the awkwardness in the air will be entirely alleviated. However, if you don’t have a close relationship with the caller, he/she may not respond and it will be extremely awkward for you.

It could be destiny

This is another fun way to respond when your caller tells you the call was by mistake. However, just like the option above this, it may not work well for you if you don’t have a close relationship with the caller.

 When you say this, how you feel depends on how the caller responds to the joke. If it is a friend, you expect a jovial response and it won’t be awkward for either of you. However, if the caller chooses to stay mute, you may feel stupid about it.

That’s one of my names too, you know

You can give this response if your caller tells you he/she made a mistake with the names. Your caller will most likely tell you the name he/she was trying to call just to prove the mistake.

You can lighten up the moment by saying this, even if it is untrue. Your caller will probably laugh about it and apologize for disturbing you. However, neither of you will feel awkward at the end of the call.

Okay. Good to know

This is a way to respond for the mere sake of responding. It will not alleviate the awkwardness or reduce it but it is an effective way to shorten the moment by ending the call early.

 Immediately your caller tells you about the mistake, there is a high chance he/she wants to end the call as early as possible. When you say this, you are automatically dismissing him/her.

I forgive you

This is one of the best ways to respond. The awkwardness is alleviated on your side and you don’t have to wait for the response of your caller.

 This can end the call shortly. If your caller is jovial, he/she can also choose to reply. However, if your caller chooses to say nothing, it won’t be awkward for you anymore since you don’t expect a response.

I’m sure it is

This is similar to saying you already guessed that the call was a mistake. However, this will only be nice if you are speaking to a close friend.

If you say this to just any caller, it will heighten the awkwardness for him/her. It could probably make you feel less awkward but it’d be more awkward if the caller decides to say nothing till the call ends.

Nice to hear from you anyway

This is a polite response to give. It doesn’t change how awkward you feel but it ends the call quickly. You won’t have to wait for the response of your caller.

When your caller tells you about the mistake, there is a  chance he/she wants to end the call as quickly as possible. When you say this, you are automatically dismissing him/her.

You almost made me smile

This is similar to saying you got excited when you got the call. It will alleviate the awkwardness if your caller responds well.

 However, if your caller stays silent, it will heighten the awkwardness.

I appreciate the mistake, by the way

This sounds sarcastic but it probably expresses your disappointment.

However, this response was not meant to alleviate the awkwardness. Rather, it would make the caller feel more awkward.

It is like passing a baton to the caller so you are giving him/her the chance to say something that makes the situation less awkward for both of you. He/she will most likely promise to call later.

I was about to thank you for calling

This is a funny response but it expresses how you feel.

Your caller will probably promise to call you later. A good response from him/her should reduce the awkwardness. However, the awkwardness would be heightened if he/she stays silent.


You probably feel awkward when you are called by mistake. You are right to be disappointed but always know your caller feels more awkward. Make sure your response is not making things worse.

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