What To Say When a Girl Follows You

Social media has been the cheapest and fastest way to network and connect with a lot of people. It also provides a huge base for dating or the “stan” culture.

Platforms like Instagram and Twitter make it possible to get in touch with people and their content by just hitting the following icon.

As a guy what becomes your reaction when a girl follows you? Or do you think you are attractive? These are some of the questions which roll into the scenario. But after the thoughts, what do you say to her for following you? 

However, that’s where this post comes in to show you some statements which you can say when a girl follows you. Do well to consider some of these statements before you slide into the girl’s dm to say anything.

20 Things to Say When a Girl Follows You

What To Say When a Girl Follows You

Here are a couple of things you can say when a girl follows you. But you need to understand that there are different statements for different circumstances.

You can show gratefulness with statements like “Hi, it’s cool to know you followed me”, and “thanks, it was huge relieve you followed me.”

 If you got followed by a media personality you can say something like “thanks for following, can I also get a repost?”, or “does this mean my contents are appealing?”. 

But if you’re into the girl and you wish to shoot your shots, I’d suggest you go for statements such as “hello, is your name really cupcake?”, “Hi sunshine, I really like your personality. Would you mind hanging out someday?” or “Hi beautiful, I’m still trying to figure out where I know you from”.

Let’s get into the details of each statement and also explore other plausible things which you can say when a girl follows you.

Hi, How Are You?

When a girl follows you on social media, and you want to engage her in some sort of discussion you can start with a simple pleasantry like saying hi. After this, you can do a follow-up by acting all nice by asking how she’s doing. 

I understand that social media is a vast world and there are chances she won’t reply to your messages, but it doesn’t have to be an issue.

All you have to do is to show your interest in striking a conversation with her and see how that goes, whether positive or negative. However, the above statement portrays you as a gentleman who didn’t go the crook way of starting by flattering her.

Hi, It Was Cool To Know You Followed Me

Just like the previous statement… you can also say this when a girl follows you on social media. The statement comes with an initial pleasantry which is followed by a line that shows how you feel knowing she followed you.

It is a nice statement to send across, as it is void of any sensual words or clichés that could give out the vibe of a jerk. You can say this statement after sending a salutary emoji or gif. 

I Appreciate Your Resolve to Hit the Follow Icon

What To Say When a Girl Follows You

Let’s assume you had done some sort of publicity for your Instagram or Twitter page and then people starts following you. When a girl follows you due to the publicity, you can use this statement to thank her, including other followers for hitting the follow icon.

The above scenario which I pictured means that this particular statement is not limited to only the girl who followed you, but to everyone else who resolved to follow you courtesy of your publicity.

Does This Mean My Contents Are Appealing?

My initial guess when a girl follows me on social media is that my content is starting to convert to followership. But you have to make sure you have a cool record of contents, be it photos or videos. 

So when a girl follows you, you can slide into her dm and ask her this question. This question portrays your quest to know the effect of your contents and also verify if they’re getting the interest of people.

If she followed you due to the quality of your content, there is a chance she will let you know about it. 

But if she doesn’t reply with anything concrete, you don’t have to assume anything because social media is vast just like I said and she probably followed you randomly.

Thanks, This Means a Lot to My Brand

Do you have a brand that you would like to promote or is already promoting via ads or hashtags? When these publicities start converting into followership, you stand a chance of getting followers from across any gender.

And if you were followed by a girl who is a media personality or some sort of celebrity, you can use this statement once you slide into her dm. 

With this statement, you’re simply expressing your gladness as she follows you. This also means that her action of following you will help bring more publicity to your brand and its products or services.

Therefore, if by any chance you were followed by a girl who has a huge online presence than you, don’t hit off with intimate remarks to avoid getting thrown off the windows of her dm.

Thanks for following me, Can I Also Get a Repost?

This statement shares a similarity with the previous fan and also has the same connection with the next statement. You may have a product or service which you are trying to promote via your social media page on Instagram or Twitter. 

And if you eventually get followed by an influential girl, you can use this statement to show your appreciation and also request a repost. If she accepts the request and does it, it can add more to your fan base as it is a form of a free advert.

Hi, I’m a Huge Fan

What To Say When a Girl Follows You

I mentioned in the previous statement, that this speech is connected to it. However, it does have a relation with the earlier statement and the one before that too.

This is because you can add this speech after you’re done sending the other statements. It is a further validation that you’re a fan of her works and appreciates her move of following you.

Thanks, It Was a Huge Relieve You Followed Me

You can slide into the dm of any girl who follows you with this statement. The line envisages how ecstatic you feel to be followed by the girl.

Probably you’ve been trying to get her attention by dropping comments under her posts and she hasn’t been responsive to them. So when she finally responds to them by following you, you can show how happy you are by using this statement.

Hello Pretty, Your Contents Are Also Stunning

When a girl follows you, I presume the first thing you do is check out her profile to see what she looks like and what personality she’s Hanged out up with.

In doing so, you can go through the contents of her uploads or posts, whether photos or images. You can equally drop comments or like them probably if they look like anything you have an interest in.

There’s a chance that she is pretty because I know the pressure a lot of girls put on themself to look good or attractive on the social media space.

After seeing all you wish to see, you can say this statement to her when you slide into her dm. If not for any other thing, it shows her you took time to glance through her stuff and also presents you as a cool guy.

Hi, Can I Get To Know More About You?

On the contrary to being Mr. Nice Guy, you can try out some flirting vibe. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with trying out the flirting route because that’s what makes you masculine.

So when a girl follows you and after checking her out, you can decide to strike up a conversation with her. 

Trust me, this statement has neither lost its meaning nor has it graduated into a cliché when it comes to setting up a conversation with a girl.

This is because I still see it as one of the perfect gentleman pickup lines which you can put up to get a girl’s attention.

So when a girl follows you on any social media platform and you find her attractive, don’t hold back from hitting up her dm with lines like this…you’ll probably get a positive response.

Thanks for Following Though, but there’s something about You I Don’t Quite Get

There are a lot of ways to start a conversation, and creating a type of suspense is a good startup, especially on social media. This type of line has virtually all the spice to create the desired suspense you need.

First, it starts with a subtle pleasantry and continues by breaking in with a cryptic line of statement that can incite suspense in the girl’s mind. 

This way, you are sure to get a response from her as she would try to make an effort at clearing the air or at best try to understand what you “don’t quite get” about her.  

Hi Beautiful, I’m still yet to Figure out Where I Know You From

Just like the previous statement, you can say this when a girl follows you on any social media platform, particularly on Instagram. This line shares a similar motive to the prior one, as you can also use it to incite suspense thereby leading to a potential conversation with the girl. 

Hey, I Saw Some of Your Content. Do You Mind Telling Me More About It?

You can say this line if a girl follows you on social media. This line indicates your interest in her contents or whatever it is she puts out there. This question continues the play the same role as the last three replies by spurring some kind of curiosity in her mind.

Hi Dear, I Noticed you’re Also a Freethinker. How Did You Come About That?

This line of statement comes into play after you’re done examining the girl’s personality. This statement makes more sense if she’s a freethinker, as you can use the last line which is a question to strike a conversation with her. 

Hello, Is Your Name Really Cupcake?

I know how a lot of guys flirt and I can sense it if a guy is trying to flirt with you. This statement is one of those lines which speak volumes about flirting, and you can choose to use it when a girl follows you.

Hi Pretty, Love Your Tattoos. Where Did You Get Them Done?

If the girl who followed you has some tattoos on her body, you can jump on this line of the statement when you’re thinking of sliding into her dm. This statement means you’re showing interest in her tattoos, and can also mean you’re interested to know more about her.

Hello Dear, You Should Consider Modeling. What Do You Think?

Women like it when a guy adores their body and give them appealing remarks about it. Because of this, you can use this line as a statement when a girl follows you on any social media platform. 

With this line, you’re also suggesting she considers modeling as a line of career because her body structure enables her to do well in the field.

Hi Sunshine, I Really Like Your Personality. Would You Mind Hanging Out Someday?

This is a simple statement that means you’re trying to ask her out for a couple of drinks or just a cup of coffee. Even if it is not a date, it could be just a normal catch-up meeting where you get to know each.

I know it’s quite hard to pull such strings, but if you have an appealing profile and portray a nice sense of humor in the course of the preceding discussions, she may agree to go out with you.

Ciao, I Checked Your Last Upload but It Was Moody. Care to Share Why?

There’s nothing broad about this line, other than it being a form of familiarization. With this question, you’re asking the girl to share with you why she posted a moody photo. It’s a smart move because she could open up due to vulnerability.

Hello There, Where Do You Stay?

You can also use this line as a statement when a girl follows you on any social media platform. The line opens with a regular greeting and follows with a question about her locality. You’re shooting your shots at getting acquainted with the girl who just followed you.


Here we are, at the very end of this post. I’m hopeful that you got value and that you now have an arsenal of things to say when a girl follows you.

However, you need to note the circumstance in which she followed you and then decide which statement is the most appropriate to use in such a case. Finally, do well to share this post by hitting the share icon below.

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