What To Reply When Someone Says “Cheer Up”

When someone says ‘’cheer up’’, it is possible that something sad must have happened along the line that made him tell you to cheer up.

For the person to tell you to cheer up, means he also has concern for you and he wants you to get better.

If you are grateful that he told you to cheer up, you need to show that you are glad in the way you reply. That is why I wrote this article. I will show you the 20 things you can reply to when someone tells you to cheer up.

20 Things To Reply When Someone Says “Cheer Up”

  1. Thank you
  2. I will try my best
  3. It is not easy, but I am striving
  4. Thank you for your show of concern
  5. Thank you for your encouragement
  6. I can’t cheer up at the moment, I am down
  7. It is a lot of pressure
  8. It helped, thanks for being genuine
  9. I am getting better
  10. Nothing is wrong with me, really
  11. I am glad you wish the best for me
  12. Thank you, you just brightened my mood
  13. It’s not a simple thing to do
  14. Giving advice is the easiest part
  15. I will do what I want to do in the end
  16. How can I cheer up over text?
  17. Can you help me heal?
  18. You know the right time to say this to me
  19. Maybe I just need a time out
  20. I need some space to get myself together

Thank you

When you reply by saying thank you, it shows that you appreciate the person for making out time to tell you to cheer up.

Not everyone will show you that level of concern. When someone tells you to cheer up, if it makes you happy then you should reply by saying “thank you.”

A reply like this will make the person know that you are grateful for his show of concern.

I will try my best

What To Reply When Someone Says "Cheer Up"

This shows that you are trying your best to make sure that you cheer up. Something must have happened to you that made you say and get the person to tell you to cheer up. In your reply, tell the person that you will try your best to cheer them up.

This will give the person the impression that you are also making moves to cheer up and get better. This is a good reply that you can give and it will go a long way to help.

It is not easy, but I am striving

What To Reply When Someone Says "Cheer Up"

When the person tells you that you should cheer up, it means that he is trying to encourage you to not be sad over what must have happened to you.

You can reply to such a person by letting him know that you are striving and it is not an easy thing at all.

This is a good reply that you can give. With a reply like this, you expect the person to be fine and get better in due time.

Thank you for your show of concern

As humans, when something goes bad for you and it weighs you down or you are not able to get yourself back together, only a few people will show concern toward you.

That is why you need to thank the person for his show of concern. The fact that not everyone will be able to do this is a big deal.

When the person sees that you appreciate his show of concern, he will be glad it was able to help.

Thank you for your encouragement

This is a way of thanking the person for trying to cheer you up. It is difficult for some people to encourage you when they see that you are sad about something.

The moment you get people to encourage you through their words, it has a way of cheering you up. When the person tells you to cheer up, it means that he is trying to encourage you through his words.

Thank the person for his words of encouragement in your reply. This will let the person know that you are grateful for what he did.

I can’t cheer up at the moment, I am down

This reply shows that it will be difficult for you to cheer up because you feel sad about what happened to you and you are down.

This reply may not be encouraging, but it communicates to the person that you are able to show how you feel and you are not worried about being judged.

When the person knows that you are finding it difficult to cheer up and you are still down, the person may be able to devise other means for you to get cheered up.

It is a lot of pressure

With this reply, you are revealing to the person that what happened to you is putting you under so much pressure and that is why you are sad. You may not be able to get cheered up easily.

Sometimes when things go bad for you and you are not able to handle it or even cheep up, you start to feel the pressure that weighs you down.

This is a reply you can give, but this reply does not justify the fact that you are sad. In fact, you should look for ways to cheer up to get over the sadness.

It helped, thanks for being genuine

This reply is a way of confirming that what the person said to you helped and that fact that he took his time to say nice genuine words to encourage you means a lot.

Let him know that those words helped and that you so much appreciate it. That way, the person will not fail to encourage you when next you need it.

I am getting better

This is a way that you can let the person know that despite what happened to you and despite the fact that you were feeling sad and unable to cheer up, you are already getting better.

This is a good reply that you can give. This will let the person know that you are recuperating.

Nothing is wrong with me, really

With this type of reply, you communicate with the person that nothing is wrong with you in the real sense. He may have gotten the wrong signal you sent that something happened to you.

Let him know that he got the wrong signal and nothing is wrong with you at all. That way, he will understand that he should not be telling you to cheer up when nothing happened to you.

I am glad you wish the best for me

This is a reply that will make the person understand that you are happy about the fact that he wishes the best for you and that you are grateful to him.

Not everyone will be willing to encourage you or even wish the best for you. Some people do not even care if you are doing well or not, not to talk of wishing that you do well. Someone who tells you to cheer up wishes something good for you.

Thank you, you just brightened my mood

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple word of encouragement for it to brighten your mood. If you happen to be in this situation and someone said you should cheer up, that alone can brighten your mood because it makes you feel like someone cares.

That thought that someone out there cares gives you this relaxed feeling that makes you feel better and brightens your mood.

It’s not a simple thing to do

This reply reminds the person that even though he is telling you to cheer up, it is not as easy as it seems. You must have been through something that you find difficult to get over, and that could be the reason why it is difficult for you to cheer up.

If this is your situation, let the person know in your reply that it is not easy to cheer up. It may be easy to tell you to cheer up, but it is not that easy to cheer up if you are the one in the situation.

Giving advice is the easiest part

This is one thing that the person telling you to cheer up needs to know. Telling someone to cheer up is easy to do, but if you are the person who happened to feel sad, and someone else told you to cheer up, you may not know that it is easier to tell someone to cheer up than to cheer up yourself.

I will do what I want to do in the end

This reply shows that no matter what the person says to you, in the end, you will still do what you want to do.

This does not mean that you will do something negative, it means that the person can only encourage you through words, but in the end, you have the final say.

This reply is a way of expressing yourself and letting the person know that you still have the power to do what you want to do.

How can I cheer up over text?

This is a reply communicating to the person who is telling you to cheer up that you want to know the best way that you can cheer up over text. If there are ways that you can cheer up over text, you would love that.

Cheering up over text means that you want the person to talk to you over text in order for you to cheer up and be happy.

If you can cheer up over text, then the person will let you know, and you could try it out.

Can you help me heal?

This is a reply asking if you want the person to help you heal and cheer up. Sometimes, all we need is someone who can help us through our difficult situations. That is the same situation applies here.

Let the person know that you would love it if he can help you heal. That way, the person will tell you if he can do it or not.

If the person can help you heal, it will be a plus for you because the person will act as a support system for you.

You know the right time to say this to me

This is a reply which means that the person knows the right time to say something nice to you.

You must have been weighed down by what happened to you, but because the person said some words of encouragement at the right time, helped to elevate your mood.

Maybe I just need a time out

This is a reply telling the person that maybe what you just need is a time-out. Maybe you need some time to heal and get yourself together.

Words of encouragement from the person could help, and then having a time out will even help better.

I need some space to get myself together

This reply shows that you do not need too many people around you and you just want to be all by yourself.

You should let the person know that you need some space, you appreciate the words of encouragement, but you need some space to get yourself together.

Final Words

It is a good thing if you have people that care for you and that can say encouraging words to you when you need them.

Sometimes when things go bad, the thing you need may just be subtle words of encouragement from people around you, but the moment you get it, you start to feel better.

It is also important to note that not everyone will have your back or be able to show some level of support when you need it. If you have people that encourage you, you should be happy you have them around.

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