What To Say To A Player To Hurt Him: 100 Things To Say

He played with your heart. Now you want to get even, want to get revenge. That is natural.

First of all, you should know that the guy who has played with your feelings is not serious about the way he relates to you, so he doesn’t deserve to hear from you.

You may even read in many places that if you’re still planning what you want to say to someone before moving on, then you’re not really over them. This is partially true because if you’ve truly moved on, you simply won’t care.

But hell, you want to flourish as you walk away from them with that killer line.

You want the last comment you make to him to be so profound that he will suddenly see the light, see the error of his ways, and feel how hurt you are.

Unfortunately, we don’t live in the movies, and people don’t really change that much.

But there are certain things you can say to someone who has trampled all over your tender love to make him hurt and feel the degree of pain he’s caused you.


100 things you can say to a player to make him hurt

What To Say To A Player To Hurt Him

Before you send him any of these messages, you need to take a long bath, then think about and answer the following questions:

  1. a) Was there any fault on your side? (something that have hurt him that he turned a player)
  2. b) Does it really matter if you say something to him now?

If the answer is no to both of these, then be strong and count it as an experience for personal development. And as you walk away and move on, leave a hurtful mark on him with any of these wounding messages.

  1. You think you are smooth, but you truly aren’t. I saw you through from the first time we met.


  1. I can see right through your games now so there is no chance you’ll ever see me again. Get a life


  1. I guess you’re happy knowing that you hurt me. You didn’t have to lie to me all along


  1. I deserve better than this. I guess to you I’m just another notch on your belt, right? You won’t always have it this way.


  1. On the contrary, I feel for you. You are probably too emotionally detached to love and commit to someone. Sorry.


  1. I can do better than you, and I will do better. You are just a douchebag and I feel sorry for your next victim

What To Say To A Player To Hurt Him

  1. Thank you for the unveiling. You just made me realize that I don’t need you. Send my greetings to you next.


  1. I’m curious to know how you feel about yourself after doing what you did to me. 


  1. Just so you know, you’re not as charming as you think you are.


  1. You’re not as good between the sheets as you think you are. You are probably happy with how you’ve hurt me but karma’s just had her drink and ready to move.


  1. I feel sorry for the woman you cheated on me with. I hope she won’t have the unfortunate luck of loving you.


  1. Your games won’t work on me. I know your type and you’ll hate yourself for trying to pull this stunt on me.


  1. Just so you know, I only date high-value men. You are just an exception. So I guess we both made a fool of ourselves but unfortunately, you are the bigger fool since you don’t even know what you’ve just missed


  1. I only date quality men. I thought to take a break and you didn’t disappoint. Thank you for the experience.


  1. I hope you’ll stop embarrassing yourself with women, thinking you are playing them, because you are not particularly a great lover. Why expose yourself to embarrassment?


  1. Your parents must be disappointed in you. Or maybe proud of yourself because you’ve been raised to deceive others.


  1. I can tell you’ll never change and that means we don’t have a future. Thank you for the experience.


  1. It’s not my job to try and make you grow up. I now know better and I hope you get your lesson soon enough


  1. You have low self-esteem and need some professional help. But I hope your next victim will help you realize this soon enough. Get a life.


  1. Life must be so challenging for you. How do you live moving from one woman to another with deception? 


  1. Guess what? I’m not falling for your tricks anymore, bye. And, thank you for the experience.


  1. I knew what your game was from the start, I was stupid enough to think I could make you a better person.


  1. You’re not as smooth as you think you are, everyone knows what you’re up to. And you are the one at loss here.


  1. You might be proud that you’re a player, but everyone else thinks you’re pretty sad. You need help and I suggest you get it soon enough before it catches up with you.


  1. I’m glad I’ve seen who you are, enjoy being alone.


  1. You’ve had your show. But I hope you sit one day to think about what is missing in your life that makes you want to hurt others.


  1. Being a player says more about your lack of self-worth than anything else. You’ve just shown me who you are, and the likes of you out there. Now I know what I don’t want.


  1. One day it’s going to hit you hard how much you’ve screwed up. Till then, keep being a disappointment to everyone that comes your way.


  1. It’s hard to call someone like you a man.”


  1. You better hope karma isn’t real, or it’s going to come for you and it’s going to be painful. You’ve caused me so much pain and I cannot but imagine what your future holds.


  1. What happened to you to make you such an uncaring, immature person? It must be a great challenge living with yourself. I feel sorrier for the lady you are hitting on next.


  1. You’re trying to act like a man, but you’re just a boy. What you did to me is what boys would do. Grow up.


  1. Being a player might get you some high fives from your mates, but it’s going to leave you sad and alone at the end of the day.


  1. With what you’ve done to me, you don’t deserve any happiness. And I wouldn’t wish you any of it now that I know who you are.


  1. You know what, I forgive you for being such a loser.


  1. It might have taken me a while, but I figured you out and you’re nowhere good enough for me. You think you’re being smart, but honestly, everyone feels sorry for you.”


  1. Every player has their day of reckoning and you’re going to get yours one day. Before then, I hope you get the help you need.


  1. I hope you’re happy with yourself, well done. But then, it beats me to know if you even feel ashamed or guilty.


  1. I doubt you’re capable of feeling bad – but if you are I hope it eats away at you. It’s kind of cute that you tried to play me, good luck with your next victim.


  1. You know, your life would be more fulfilling and enjoyable if you tried to make others feel good about themselves, not worse.


  1. Everyone warned me you were a loser, it’s my fault for hoping you were not a lost cause, how wrong I was.


  1. I knew you were a player, you think it’s not obvious but it is. You’re not clever. I gave you the chance to prove me right and so you did. Congratulations, I guess.


  1. You have no idea how obvious your actions are. Everyone knows what you’re up to, the game is up.


  1. It’s funny seeing someone like you trying to be a player. You suck at even pretending to be the right guy. But Good luck.


  1. It’s not my job to fix you, and I don’t think I could even if I tried. Keep on deceiving ladies with true intentions. Soon enough, you’ll have a taste of your own medicine.


  1. Good luck in the future, you’ll need it!


  1. So you’ve had a run and you probably feel good for leading me on all along. Well, this is goodbye, don’t call me.


  1. There’s more to me than what’s between my legs. Unfortunately, you were too blind by your self-serving, egoistic mindset. You are the one at loss here.


  1. I keep wondering when you are going to be real with yourself. But that’s no longer my business. Good luck.


  1. There is no undoing what you’ve done, I deserve so much better than you, and thank you for making me realize that.


  1. You didn’t play me, all you did was reveal what a sad excuse for a man you are. And I wish you good luck finding true love when you eventually want it.


  1. I was crazy to get involved with you, and you were the worst partner I’ve ever had. If that’s what you need to get high fives from your mates, then there you have it.


  1. Hey, my friend had her baby last night.


  1. If you want a sex doll so badly, go buy one! This makes you less of a man.


  1. There is nothing noble about being a player. But of course, you won’t realize this since you are self-serving and shameless.


  1. I gave it a thought and realized you play women to fill a void in your life. It has never worked for any man before and yours won’t be different. I’ve moved on and I suggest you do too by filling the emptiness with something meaningful. Goodbye.


  1. Imagine using someone for sex for so long and not being able to master it. Even though it took me a while to realize it, now I know you are not worth my attention.


  1. You didn’t play me. You are simply untrustworthy. And you have no clue what’s coming for you in the future. I wish you good luck.


  1. You don’t deserve any woman’s love and trust. You should get a life and stop being a jerk.


  1. I’ll be praying for you/You could use some prayers. But one thing is sure: the universe will judge and repay you.


  1. You don’t deserve a good woman. What you’ve just done proves that you have a sad life because truly happy men don’t play women.


  1. I hope you’ll be an honorable man one day. If you keep treating women this way, you are digging a big hole that you will eventually jump into and never be able to come out of.


  1. Do you even think you can be fulfilled by playing women? Heck, play all the women in the world, it won’t change how miserable of a man you are. You should get some help.


  1. There are many notable achievements in the world. Playing women isn’t one of them. But here you are, making a fool of yourself and probably feeling good about it.


65.” Being a player only says so much about you, not the person you played. Overall, I’m glad you revealed yourself before I threw any more commitment into what I thought we had.


  1. I was only managing you before. Thank you for showing me you are not worth the stress. I’ve moved on and learned my lesson.


  1. This tells me you’re a sad man because happy men don’t play women.


  1. Well, I wasn’t sure about you in the first place. You just made my decision easier. Get a life.


  1. My friends warned me about you. They said you didn’t deserve me. You’ve just proved them right.


  1. you are too broken to love. You need to get yourself fixed. If you don’t see it that way, then your parents must be so proud of you.


  1. Didn’t you think of trying video games if you wanted to play games so badly?


  1. Thank God. I didn’t think I’d ever get rid of you! You made it easy. Do send my gratitude to her.


  1. You must like getting your heart broken. However, that’s not my cup of tea


  1. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.


  1. I was thinking you were different. Thank you for proving that you’re just one of them.


  1. so you feel accomplished for what you did to me. You are such a loser with never-ending wonder.


  1. You played yourself by proving how ordinary and predictable you are. So don’t think you played me.


  1. Thank you for showing me how unworthy of me you are. You didn’t play me.


  1. You are not a real man. Real men don’t play women. They respect them.


  1. let this sink into your skull that I’m not a game, I can’t be played.


  1. I suspected all along, I just played along to confirm my suspicion. You made it easy.


  1. Thank you for showing your real color and proving how unreliable you are.


  1. I thought you were for real.


  1. I am sure God will judge you.


  1. I hope you are prepared for karma; because it will hit you like a mighty rushing wind


  1. Karma is a b*tch. I am sure of that.


  1. Your life would be so much better if you dedicated your time to something more productive.


  1. you would be a better man if you do other productive things than playing women.


  1. You should be ashamed of yourself.


  1. There is no award for being the best player for women.


  1. You’re insecure because only insecure men play women.”


  1. you’re not good enough for me.


  1. I’m glad I’ve seen who you are, enjoy being alone.

What To Say To A Player To Hurt Him

  1. You’ve had your show. But I hope you sit one day to think about what is missing in your life that makes you want to hurt others.


  1. I feel sorry for the woman you cheated on me with. I hope she won’t have the unfortunate luck of loving you.


  1. Your games won’t work on me. I know your type and you’ll hate yourself for trying to pull this stunt on me.


  1. Everyone warned me you were a loser


  1. It’s my fault for hoping you were not a lost cause, how wrong I was.


  1. Even though it took me a while to realize it, now I know you are not worth my attention.


  1. You didn’t play me. You are simply untrustworthy.


  1. You have no clue what’s coming for you in the future. I wish you good luck.


  1. My friends warned me about you, and you proved them right.


  1. You are too broken to love.


Parting thoughts 

You may read in many places that you shouldn’t say anything to someone who played you—not even goodbye—because they don’t deserve it.

But not every situation is the same. If you feel the need to leave a profound statement before walking away (and this will help you move on just fine), then there’s no harm in giving him a piece of you.

Afterward, move to block his number, pat yourself on the back for getting out of an abusive situation, and then take some time off from dating to refresh and reconnect with your friends.

Remember that the best revenge you can give him for gaslighting you all along is to live well.

So move on, forgive yourself for not recognizing it sooner, and then engage in some fun activities that will make you smile and savor those free moments.

Trust me, it might be tough at first—especially when he’s someone you are invested in. But the silver lining is that your pain will pass and you’ll rediscover happiness in the truly important things.

In the end, you will realize that the bigger question is not what you can say to him. Rather, the bigger question is what you can say to yourself and how you can make better choices to accept a guy who truly deserves you.

I wish you the best.

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