What Does It Mean When A Girl Fixes Your Hair? (EXPLAINED)

When a girl fixes your hair, it means that she is trying to get closer to you by touching you more often. When a girl touches you often, she finds you attractive and tries every possible means to touch you. 

You will notice that she will be more willing to help you out with your hair if you ask her, she will be eager if she likes you and if she wants to get to know you better. That will be her way of trying to bond and spend more time with you. 

There are other meanings when a girl fixes your hair, I will explain them in the next segment of this article, you should keep reading. 

7 Possible Meanings Why A Girl Fixes Your Hair

  1. She is flirting with you
  2. She finds the hair attractive
  3. She is a hairdresser and she loves to fix hair
  4. She likes you
  5. She is touchy and she is looking for a reason to touch you
  6. She wants to show how much she cares 
  7. She indirectly wants to spend time with you

She is flirting with you

When a girl likes you, she will find every means to show it to you either by getting close to you or trying to fix your hair. You have to be open to the signs she is showing you.

When she fixes your hair when you ask and when you do not even ask, then you should know full well that she is trying to flirt with you. 

You also need to be able to decipher if she does that with every guy. If it happens that she does it to her male friends, then she may not be flirting with you, she just does it because she does it with other guys. You have to be able to notice these signs. 

She finds the hair attractive

What Does It Mean When A Girl Fixes Your Hair?

Girls are usually drawn to attractive hair, if you happen to have attractive hair, you will notice that girls will naturally be drawn to your hair and they will find every means possible to fix your hair. 

If you have attractive hair, you will notice that girls will naturally be drawn to you, when you want to fix something on your hair, they will volunteer to fix the hair without you asking, they look for every means possible to touch or fix the hair just because it is attractive. 

She is a hairdresser and she loves to fix hair

If the girl is a hairdresser and she sees that your hair needs fixing, she will not hesitate to fix it for you.

Especially when you ask her to help you fix it. The same is applicable if you have a friend who makes clothes, when you have a cloth to amend, those friends will be more than willing to do it for you. 

Women love to make hair, when you see that she is a hairdresser, do not be surprised when you see her fixing your hair when you ask for it and when you do not even ask. 

She will even be happy to do it because she naturally likes fixing hair. She may not want anything from you or she may not be flirting with you, she just likes fixing hair. 

She likes you

This is the most common reason why a girl will fix your hair. It means she likes you and she wants to fix your hair so that she can get closer to you.

When he fixes your hair, she may use it as an avenue to discover if you like her back or not. This is one way you can tell a girl likes you, she will be willing to do things for you when you did not ask for it. 

If she is giving you signs that she likes you and that she wants to get close to you, pay attention to those signs, if you are not comfortable with it, kindly let her know that you are not comfortable with her touching your hair. If you do not like her back either, let her know as well. 

She is touchy and she is looking for a reason to touch you

This happens a lot with girls that are touchy, when a girl is around you and she is comfortable with you to the extent that she wants to get touchy with you, you will notice that she will find means to touch you. 

One way she can touch you is by fixing your hair, when he fixes your hair, she would have access to other parts of your head that she can touch or have access to. She is just looking for a reason to touch you because she becomes touchy with those who she feels comfortable around. 

She wants to show how much she cares 

It may be that she is a close friend of yours and she is trying to show you that she cares. You must have told her how bad your hair is and that it needs fixing. Because she knows she is your friend, she will do her bit by fixing the hair for you as her way of showing that she cares. 

If she fixes your hair for you, know that she is only trying to show you that she cares about you and that she wants you to look your best. She believes that when you have your hair fixed, you will be able to look your best. 

She indirectly wants to spend time with you

She may find it difficult to tell you that he likes your company and that she wants to spend time with you. What she will do in a situation like this is she will try to fix your hair for you as a way of spending more time with you and bonding with you. 

If you notice that the girl is trying to fix your hair so that she can spend time with you, then you should try spending time with her too.

If she is really into you, ask her if she would like to spend some time with you. That way, she would be able to spend quality time with you, and you both could become closer friends, you never can tell. 

If she fixes your hair just to spend time with you, notice how she wants to tell you that she wants to spend time with you or even go out with you, but she may not be able to because she is not sure what your reaction will be.

Give her the opportunity, and tell her you would like it if you both go for an outing. 

5 Things To Do When A Girl Fixes Your Hair

  1. Ask her why she did that
  2. Start up a conversation
  3. Touch her back in a polite way
  4. Inform her that you do not like it
  5. Tell her to leave it, that your hairdresser is on her way

Ask her why she did that

This is the ideal thing to do if you notice that the girl likes fixing your hair. If you notice that the girl does it more than once, then you need to ask her why she did that. That way, she will be able to tell you exactly why she did that. 

It is best to ask her why she did that, that way, you will not have to assume or overthink why she fixed your hair.

She will tell you the exact reason. If she tells you that he did it so that she can get closer to you, you would know what she wants from you, if you also want to get closer to her then you can.  

Start up a conversation

Who knows? She could be trying to fix your hair so that she will get closer to you to have a conversation. The moment she starts to fix your hair, you will notice that she wants to have a conversation with you. 

When you notice this, you can start a conversation with her. You can ask her about herself or anything random, and the moment you both are in a conversation, you will be able to see the enthusiasm in her as she replies to you and as you both get into the conversation. 

This is an ideal thing to do because she would have been expecting you to make the first move to start up a conversation with her, but because you have not been able to, she will initiate something by trying to fix your hair, getting closer to you and starting up a conversation with you.  

Touch her back in a polite way

You should only do this if you discover that a lady is a touchy person. If she is fixing your hair when you did not ask her to, she is most likely a touchy person and she wants to get closer to you through touch. 

If you like her back and how close she is trying to get to you, you can touch her back in a polite way, do not try to arouse her.

However, touch her back in a friendly way that will make it obvious that you are welcoming her and you do not mind that she is fixing your hair just because she wants to get touchy with you. 

When you touch her back in a polite way, she will get the message that you want to be friends with her and get closer to her as well. 

Inform her that you do not like it 

If you are the type that does not like it when someone touches your hair, make sure you always say it. If a girl touches your hair and you are not comfortable with it, then you should let her know in a polite way. That is the right thing to do.

When you let her know that you are not comfortable with her touching your hair, she will adjust and stop touching your hair.

If you are the type that likes it when the person tells you first before she touches your hair, then you should go ahead to tell her that if she wants to touch your hair, she should inform you so that you will be aware of it. 

Once you are aware of it, you will not be bothered that she fixes your hair.  

Tell her to leave it, that your hairdresser is on her way

If you have a hairdresser and someone is trying to fix your hair, if you are not ok with the lady who is not your hairdresser fixing your hair, then you should let her know that you will appreciate it if she leaves your hair so that your hairdresser will do a better job. 

You should say it in such a way that it will not sound offensive to her. She would understand that you prefer it if your hairdresser does the job herself.

This shows that you pay close attention to your hair and you would not like it if anyone who is not supposed to fix it fixes it. 

Final Words

When a girl fixes your hair, she is trying to show you that you care. You will notice that she will agree to fix your hair even when you did not ask her to, once she notices that your hair needs fixing, she would go ahead to fix it before you ask. 

Girls like these only want to show that they care, they may be your friends already, but that could be their way of showing that they care for you. 

Some girls will fix your hair because they like touching or playing with attractive hair. If you are a guy that has attractive hair, you should expect a lot of your female friends to want to touch your hair at every given opportunity.

If the girl touches your hair and you are not comfortable with it, you should let her know immediately. 


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