What Does it Mean When Someone Says Don’t Worry About It?

When someone tells you not to worry about something, there are many things it could mean depending on what’s going on at that moment.

Usually, people say don’t worry about it when they don’t want you to bother about something or they wish to help you out with it.

Also, several other things can provoke the statement. For instance, if you’re apologizing for offending someone, they could say don’t worry about it to stop you from apologizing.

In this article, we’ll be discussing the different things it means when someone says don’t worry about it.

5 Meanings When Someone Says Don’t Worry About It

What Does it Mean When Someone Says Don't Worry About It?

People will tell you not to worry about something for different reasons. Below are some of the reasons:

They Want to Take Care of It

One of the major reasons someone says you shouldn’t worry about something is because they wish to take care of it. 

Generally, “don’t worry about it,” means you shouldn’t bother with the thing in question. So, if your friend or someone says you shouldn’t bother about something, it could be that they want to help you out.

In this case, the thing in question is important but they don’t want you to stress over it and so they decide to handle it.

Also, it could be that they care about you or they’re naturally kind and love helping people.

For instance, if you wish to go to the mall to get something, someone may say don’t worry about it because they want to get it for you.

Another instance is someone offering to pay your bill so they can tell you not to worry about it. So, someone can tell you not to worry about something to take care of it.

They Are Rejecting Your Offer

Another reason someone will tell you not to worry about something is that they don’t want anything from you; they’re rejecting your offer.

For instance, if you offer to help someone with their work, the person may tell you not to worry about your offer for help. There are many reasons someone will reject your offer of help.

It could be because they don’t want you to bother yourself or they feel they can handle it themselves. So, telling you not to worry means you shouldn’t stress yourself over them.

In addition, someone can tell you not to worry about something to reject your offer because they don’t trust you.

When you offer to help, they may need that help, but because they don’t trust you’ll handle it well or they don’t trust you at all, they’ll tell you not to worry about it.

Here, they’re giving you the impression that they can handle it themselves whereas it isn’t the case. However, you can tell this from their body language or attitude towards you.

They Think It Isn’t Necessary

Another reason someone will say don’t worry about something is that they think it isn’t necessary.

When someone says you shouldn’t worry about something, it could be because the thing in question isn’t important and you both can do without it.

So they don’t want you to stress yourself over something that isn’t important. It could be your boss telling you not to worry about doing an extra job.

Additionally, someone may say “don’t worry about it” over something you’re sorry about. Here, if you’ve offended them and you’re trying to apologize to them, they may say don’t worry about it to stop you from apologizing. 

In this way, they’re letting you know the apology isn’t necessary. Also, they could say don’t worry about it to show they accept your apology.

They Are Comforting You

One of the major reasons people use the expression, “don’t worry about it,” is because they’re trying to comfort you. In this case, they’re telling you not to be upset over that thing that’s keeping you worried. 

If you’re feeling down or sad over a situation and someone tells you not to worry, they’re only encouraging you to make you feel better.

Although the situation may be very bad, they only intend to help you get over it with their words. So the expression here is one of concern that friends or loved ones use to comfort people who are dear to them.

They may not have what it takes to handle the situation, but they show their care with comforting words; that is telling you not to worry that everything will be fine.

They Are Angry

Another reason someone will say don’t worry about it is if they’re angry over something or pissed off with you. In this case, you would’ve to known the person and know how they talk or behave when they’re angry.

It could be a friend who always accepts your offer to help but suddenly says you shouldn’t worry when you try to help. Here, from their expression, you can tell they’re pissed off with you.

Did they speak too calmly? Did they sound rude? Did they avoid looking at you? From their body language, you should know they said you shouldn’t worry about it because they’re upset with you. 

So, when a friend says don’t worry about it, pay attention to it, it could mean they’re angry.

Is Saying Don’t Worry About It Rude?

Saying don’t worry about it will be rude depending on the context it was used.

For instance, people believe that telling someone not to worry over something that needs worrying will be rude if you’re not offering help. 

That’s if you’re trying to comfort the person by telling them not to worry whereas you’re not giving them what they need. In this case, saying this to a friend seems like a natural act of concern.

However, if you’re telling a stranger not to worry over something that’s worrying, they may take it as rude.

Furthermore, depending on how you say the expression, it may be considered rude.

For example, if someone offers to help and you say don’t worry about it without acknowledging their kind act, many will take it as a rude statement, especially if you said it flatly.

But if you say something in this line, ‘” Oh! Thanks for your offer, but don’t worry about it,” they would understand they’re not needed without seeing it as rude. 

So, saying don’t worry about it can be rude if you say it without emotions or say it when it isn’t necessary.

How Do You Handle Someone Telling You Not to Worry?

When someone tells you not to worry, there are different ways you can handle this situation. However, it would depend on who the person is to you.

For instance, the way you react to a stranger will be different from the way you react to a friend.

Also, your reaction will depend on the context in which the statement was used.

For example, you can show your gratitude with a thank you if the person says don’t worry to help you with something. Below are ways you can handle such situations:

Accept It Graciously

If someone tells you not to worry over something because they see it as something of less importance, you should accept it graciously. 

In this case, you should understand they’re trying to relieve you of stress. For instance, if someone tells you not to worry about something you’re about to do, your response should be something in this line:

  • Okay, no problem
  • Alright

Additionally, if the person is rejecting your offer for help, instead of pressurizing the person, you should accept it graciously; especially if this person isn’t a friend.

If you offer help to someone you’re just meeting and you don’t know anything about them, if they say don’t worry, say okay and leave. Trying to insist may seem out of place since it’s someone you don’t know.

Some persons may take offense and you wouldn’t know the one that would flare up and cause a scene. So, your best bet to someone you don’t know who says don’t worry is to accept it graciously and save yourself some dignity.

Respond with Words of Gratitude

Another way you can handle someone who says don’t worry is to respond with words of gratitude.

In this situation, if the person is saying this to make something easier for you by offering to help, your response should show your appreciation.

For example, if a friend or a stranger offers to pay for your ticket and says don’t worry, the appropriate response would be one of gratitude if you’re accepting the offer.

Also, if your colleague at work offers to help take care of your work so you could be home early, your response should be one in this line:

  • Thank you
  • You are very kind. I appreciate it.
  • That’s sweet of you. Thanks

Furthermore, if someone is comforting you by saying don’t worry, you should respond with your thanks when you can speak.

In addition, if someone says don’t worry when you’re apologizing to them, instead of arguing, say your thanks.

Ask Them Why

Another way you can handle someone who says you shouldn’t worry is to ask them why. Here, it’s appropriate to do this if the person in question is a friend.

For instance, if your friend rejects your offer to help them, you can ask them why. This will work here because the person is your friend and naturally shouldn’t take offense.

However, if it’s obvious the person is upset over something or with you, you should let the person be at that moment. If you’ve tried questioning them and they respond with silence, you should walk away. 

But, you should always go back to them when you’re sure they’re calm to ask them what the problem is. 

Trying to pressurize your friend to accept your offer when they say don’t worry isn’t the right thing to do. So, you should only ask a friend why when they say don’t worry if they would speak to you.

Therefore, you should know the right time to ask.

Don’t Argue

One thing you shouldn’t do if someone says don’t worry is to argue. Arguing is not a good way of handling such situations.

Whether the person is a stranger or a friend, you shouldn’t argue with them. For instance, if someone you don’t know tells you not to worry when you offer help, simply accept it and go your way. 

Trying to insist or question them will look like crossing the line. Even if the person was rude, you shouldn’t respond rudely.

Also, if it’s a friend and after asking why and they still stick to telling you not to worry, the right thing would be to let them be.

Kindly Reject Their Offer 

Another way you can handle someone who says don’t worry is to reject their offer kindly.

In this case, if the person tells you not to worry to help you out with something, you can kindly reject the offer if you don’t want it. 

For instance, if someone says, “don’t worry, I’ll pay for your bill,” your response can be:

  • Thanks a lot, but I can handle it.
  • That’s thoughtful of you, but I’m okay

So, if you don’t want a person to offer help when they tell you not to worry, you can kindly say no.


Someone saying don’t worry about it can mean different things depending on the context in which it was used. They may be offering to help you, rejecting your offer for help, or trying to comfort you.

However, this statement may come out rude if you don’t say it rightly. So, always use it when appropriate and learn to add a thank you if you’re saying it to reject an offer.

Also, the way you handle someone who says don’t worry is necessary for staying in line and maintaining a good relationship. Always show your thanks when necessary, reject an offer kindly and never argue with them.


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