20 Things To Say When Someone Points Out Your Flaws

We’ve all been there – you’re conversing with someone when they suddenly point out a flaw or mistake you’ve made. In those moments, it can be easy to feel embarrassed, defensive, or even ashamed.

However, how you respond to criticism can have a significant impact on your relationships and your self-confidence.

In this article, we’ll explore 20 things to say when someone points out your flaws. These phrases will help you respond with grace, confidence, and resilience, while also acknowledging the feedback you’ve received.

Whether you’re dealing with constructive criticism from a boss or colleague, or more personal feedback from a friend or loved one, these phrases will help you navigate the situation with poise and professionalism.

Three of the best responses when someone points out your flaws are: ‘Thanks for notifying me about it’, ‘I appreciate your honesty.’, and ‘Can you explain to me what you really mean?’. These responses show gratitude for the feedback and a willingness to listen and learn. 

20 Things To Say When Someone Points Out Your Flaws

Ready to learn how to respond gracefully when someone points out your flaws? In this section, we’ll explore 20 of the best responses to use when faced with criticism.

Whether you’re dealing with constructive feedback from a boss or personal criticism from a friend or loved one, these phrases and strategies will help you navigate the situation with confidence and ease.

From expressing gratitude and openness to learning to disagree and setting boundaries respectfully, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover how to respond like a pro when someone points out your flaws.

1. Thanks for notifying me about it.

Things To Say When Someone Points Out Your Flaws 

When someone points out your flaws, it can be difficult to receive criticism and feedback from people gracefully. 

This response is a constructive way to respond when someone criticizes you or points out things you can improve on.

While it can be difficult to hear feedback about your perceived flaws or shortcomings, acknowledging the time the other person took to provide the feedback and expressing appreciation for their candor shows you are open to listening and learning.

It helps avoid becoming defensive or argumentative and instead shifts the focus to the potential benefit of gaining awareness about ways you can grow. 

Conveying gratitude for honest feedback, even if it is not easy to hear, can build trust and healthy communication in your relationships and shows maturity and humility.

2. I appreciate your honesty.

When someone points out your flaws, it can be difficult to receive criticism without becoming defensive. However, responding with ‘I appreciate your honesty’ is a suitable and effective way to handle the situation.

This response acknowledges the other person’s bravery in pointing out your flaws and demonstrates that you are open to constructive criticism. It also shows that you value honesty and are willing to accept and learn from your mistakes. 

By expressing appreciation for the other person’s honesty, you build trust and respect in your relationships. This response also provides an opportunity for further conversation, allowing you to ask for more details about the flaws and how you can address them.

Overall, this response’ is a mature and thoughtful way to handle criticism and can lead to personal growth and development.

3. Can you explain to me what you really mean?

This response asks for further clarification and details so that you can better understand the feedback and respond appropriately.

This response invites the other person to elaborate on their feedback and provide specific examples or more detail. This additional context can help ensure you properly understand the criticism and avoid misinterpreting its meaning.

With a more complete picture of how your actions impacted them or what behaviors they saw as flaws, you are in a better position to reflect on the feedback and determine appropriate next steps for improvement.

Asking for clarification in this way demonstrates you value the time they took to provide feedback and want to gain as much benefit from it as possible.

Not only does this build a more collaborative interaction, but it may reveal flaws or issues you were not fully aware of, allowing you to gain valuable self-awareness and potentially make positive changes.

4. ‘I see what you’re saying.’ 

This response acknowledges the feedback you received and demonstrates that you are taking it seriously.

Saying ‘I see what you’re saying’ is an appropriate response when someone points out your flaws because it acknowledges you understand their feedback without aggression or denial.

It expresses that you are listening to and comprehending their comment, even if you do not necessarily agree with it. This helps to defuse tensions and shows you are willing to consider other perspectives.

It avoids outright acceptance or rejection of the feedback, leaving room for further discussion. Recognizing that you see their point of view, even if just in part, can make the other person feel heard and like the feedback was worthwhile to share.

This openness to feedback is important for self-improvement and maintaining positive relationships.

5. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that.’ 

This response takes responsibility for your aninto how you are perceived by others and specific ways you can improve. Overall, this response strikes a tone of humility and receptiveness that can lead to constructive discussions and positive change.’

6. ‘I’ll take that into consideration.’ 

This response shows that you will take the feedback seriously and consider it when making future decisions. 

It is an appropriate response when someone points out your flaws because it acknowledges you are listening to and weighing their feedback.

While it does not commit you to a particular course of action, it expresses openness to the input and suggests you will give it the serious thought it deserves. 

This helps the other person feel their effort in sharing the feedback was worthwhile, while still giving you flexibility in how you choose to respond or act upon it.

It maintains a respectful tone that keeps lines of communication open, which is important for addressing flaws and strengthening relationships. Overall, this response shows maturity and care in handling criticism or less-than-positive observations about yourself.’

7. ‘I’m working on that.’ 

This response shows that you are aware of your flaws and are actively working to improve them.

It is an effective response when someone points out your flaws because it shows you are already aware of the issue and taking steps to address it. This conveys that you are open to feedback and trying to improve yourself.

It acknowledges the other person’s concern while reassuring them that you are handling the matter. This can help to avoid further lecturing or criticism, building a more constructive dialogue. 

However, it is important to be sincere if using this response. Do not say you are working on a flaw if you are not actually doing so, as this could damage trust and transparency in your relationships if discovered.

When used genuinely, this response demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to growth.

8. ‘Thank you for your concern.’ 

This response acknowledges the person’s good intentions and shows gratitude for their feedback. It also demonstrates a positive attitude and a willingness to learn from others.

9. ‘I appreciate your perspective, but I disagree.’ 

This response respectfully expresses disagreement while acknowledging the other person’s perspective. It encourages open communication and demonstrates a willingness to engage in constructive dialogue.

10. ‘I’m not perfect, nobody is.’ 

This response acknowledges that everyone has flaws and shows that you are willing to learn from your mistakes. It also demonstrates humility and a willingness to accept feedback.

11. ‘What would you do differently?’ 

This response asks for the person’s input and suggestions for how you can improve. It also demonstrates a willingness to learn from others and a commitment to personal growth.

12. ‘I’ll keep that in mind for next time.’ 

Things To Say When Someone Points Out Your Flaws 

This response shows that you are taking the feedback seriously and will use it to improve in the future. It also demonstrates a growth mindset and a commitment to personal development.

13. ‘I understand your point of view, but I see things differently.’ 

This response respectfully expresses your own opinion and perspective while acknowledging the other person’s point of view. It encourages open dialogue and demonstrates a willingness to engage in constructive discussion.

14. ‘Thank you for helping me grow.’ 

This response shows gratitude for the person’s feedback and acknowledges that criticism can be a valuable opportunity for personal growth. It also demonstrates a positive attitude and a commitment to personal development.

15. ‘I’ll do my best to improve.’ 

This response shows that you are committed to making positive changes and improving your flaws. It also demonstrates a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from feedback.

16. ‘I can see how that might be an issue, I’ll work on it.’ 

This response shows that you are taking the feedback seriously and are willing to make changes. It also demonstrates a growth mindset and a commitment to personal development.

17. ‘I appreciate your feedback, but I am confident in my abilities.’ 

This response expresses confidence in yourself and your abilities while still acknowledging the other person’s feedback. It shows that you value the person’s opinion while also maintaining your own confidence.

18. ‘I value your opinion, but I need to make my own decisions.’ 

This response respectfully expresses your need to make your own choices while acknowledging the other person’s feedback. It encourages open communication and demonstrates a willingness to engage in constructive discussion.

19. ‘Let’s work together to find a solution.’ 

This response encourages teamwork and collaboration to find a solution that works for everyone. It demonstrates a positive attitude and a willingness to work together towards a common goal.

20. ‘I’m sorry you feel that way.’ 

This response expresses empathy for the person’s feelings without accepting the criticism as valid. It also demonstrates a positive attitude and a commitment to personal growth. It encourages open communication and shows that you are willing to listen to the other person’s perspective.


In conclusion, handling criticism can be challenging, but with the right mindset and communication skills, it can be a valuable opportunity for growth and self-improvement.

By using the phrases and strategies outlined in this article, you can respond confidently and constructively to criticism, while also maintaining your self-respect and dignity.

Remember, when someone points out your flaws, it’s not necessarily a reflection of your worth or value as a person. Instead, it’s an opportunity to learn and grow.

By practicing active listening, empathy, and self-compassion, you can approach criticism with a growth mindset and use it as a catalyst for positive change.

Whether you’re dealing with constructive criticism from a boss or colleague, or more personal feedback from a friend or loved one, the key is to respond calmly, confidently, and constructively.

By using the phrases and strategies outlined in this article, you can build stronger relationships, improve your communication skills, and boost your self-confidence in the face of adversity.

So, the next time someone points out your flaws, remember to take a deep breath, listen actively, and respond with one of these phrases or strategies.

With practice, you’ll become more comfortable and confident in handling criticism, and you’ll be better equipped to navigate challenging conversations and build stronger relationships.

Remember, criticism can be a valuable opportunity for growth and self-improvement, so embrace it with an open mind and a positive attitude.


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