20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You A Twig

You can simply let the person know that it is rude of him to call you a twig and you do not like it when people call you that.

A twig is obviously a slender branch of a tree. When someone calls you a twig, the person is indirectly calling you a slender person.

You should be aware of this at all times. It is not polite if the person calls you a twig, that is more reason why you need to reply to the person in a way that he will not call you a twig anymore.

If you are not happy that the person called you a twig, let the person know in your reply so that he does not do it again.

That is why I wrote these replies that you can give in a situation where the person calls you a twig, you will know the best way to reply to the person.

20 Responses When Someone Calls You A Twig

  1. Don’t you know that is rude?
  2. That is not a cool thing to say to someone
  3. What do you mean?
  4. If someone called you this, you’d scatter everywhere
  5. Do you know the repercussions of what you just said?
  6. That was harsh, dude
  7. I am comfortable in my own skin
  8. Maybe you can talk to me when you have something better to say
  9. I do not talk to people who only have negative things to say about me
  10. You did not create me, do not call me a twig
  11. I am not as lean as you think I am
  12. I am even better than you
  13. You are free to say whatever you want, it does not bother me
  14. I can easily ignore you
  15. You have no conscience
  16. You must be sad, do you need any help?
  17. Learn to mind your business
  18. If you focus on yourself, you will achieve a lot
  19. I can understand, things must be really hard for you
  20. I will not waste my time on people like you

Don’t you know that is rude?

Things to Say When Someone Calls You A Twig

Calling someone a twig is outrightly rude. You do not know if the person is going through a health condition that makes it seem like the person is slender. That is more reason why you should not call the person a twig.

It is a rude thing to say. Let the person know this, it was rude of him to call you a twig and he should make sure to not repeat it next time.

That is not a cool thing to say to someone

Things to Say When Someone Calls You A Twig

Calling someone rude is never a cool thing to say. If you do not have anything positive to say to people, it is better you do not say anything at all. That way, you will end up not hurting anyone.

It is better to encourage the person or help the person get out of that situation, but do not by any means call the person a twig. You are making him feel less of himself.

What do you mean?

When someone calls you a twig you may not know exactly what that person means, that is why you need to ask the person in your reply what exactly he means.

That way you will be able to know the best way to react to such.

If someone called you this, you’d scatter everywhere

Let the person know that nobody enjoys being insulted or being called a twig. Also, draw his attention toward the fact that if he was the person that was called a twig he will not like it either.

Now that he knows how it feels when someone calls him a twig, he will rather not call that person a twig for any reason.

Do you know the repercussions of what you just said?

Sometimes, depending on the person that was insulted or that was called a twig, there could be repercussions for such behaviors.

Imagine if it was your senior in your place of work that you called a twig, that alone can cost you a lot. If that person is capable of firing you at work, the person may not hesitate.

This is more reason why it is important that one should think before talking, that way the person will avoid any terrible repercussions that may happen.

That was harsh, dude

Let the person know that it was so harsh for him to call you a twig. That way, the person will understand as well. It is not a good thing to call someone a twig, it is a harsh thing to say.

It is better to be kind and say kind things to people than to say harsh things that could hurt the person.

I am comfortable in my own skin

This shows that you know that you are slender but you do not care what people say about you or what they call you because you are comfortable in your skin.

When you are able to give this reply, the person will feel like he wasted his time calling you a twig. This reply will go a long way to help and stop people from calling you a twig.

Maybe you can talk to me when you have something better to say

This filter helps to filter the kind of things that people say to you. Tell him that he should talk to you only when he has something better to say.

That way, he will understand that you have no time to make silly jokes. This is a straightforward reply that you can give.

I do not talk to people who only have negative things to say about me

This reply shows that you do not pay attention to people who only have negative things to say about you.

Some people are so good at this, they will never say something good about you when they see it, but they are always eager to say something bad about you. Avoid people like this.

You did not create me, do not call me a twig

The person did not create you in any way. He had no right to call you a twig because he did not create you and he has no power to create either.

This is a reply that you can say to him so that next time he does not go about calling people twigs.

I am not as lean as you think I am

When someone calls you a twig, the person is trying to tell you that you are so lean. If you think that you are not as lean as the person thinks you are you can simply let the person know in your reply that you are not that lean and you would appreciate it if the person stopped calling you a twig.

I am even better than you

It could be that the person calling you a twig is even leaner than you are, but the person is trying to call you a twig because he wants you to feel so bad.

Let the person know in your reply that you are better than him and he cannot do anything about it.

That way, the person will reduce the rate at which he calls you a twig, or he will even stop calling you a twig just because you said that you are way better than him.

This is a good reply that you can give.

You are free to say whatever you want, it does not bother me

This shows that you are paying less attention to what the person is saying and you are not bothered about what the person says at all.

It could be that you are used to a lot of people calling you a twig and it does not seem to bother you anymore.

In your reply let the person know that he can say whatever he wishes to say and it will not bother you anymore.

I can easily ignore you

This reply means that you ignore people who do not have anything good to say to you. They can talk for as long as they want but you are going to ignore them and you do not even care what they say.

Let the person know that you can easily ignore him and calling you a twig will be a waste of time.

When you reply to the person in this manner, he will most likely stop calling you a twig because you did not give him that attention.

The less attention you give to him, he will stop calling you twig. This is a trick that works well at all times.

You have no conscience

Someone that has a conscience will understand that it will not be good to call someone a twig.

That is why if the person has no conscience, he doesn’t care how the person feels and he is not even willing to put himself in the person’s shoes to know how it feels.

If this describes the person, let him know in your reply that he has no conscience. Someone that has a conscience will most likely know that it will hurt if he calls you a twig because he is aware that it hurts, he will not call you that.

You must be sad, do you need any help?

Someone who is sad will always spread sadness. The same is applicable to someone who is happy.

A happy person will always spread happiness. Someone who calls you a twig is trying to make you feel sad about yourself.

Since the person is trying to make you feel sad, ask if he is sad and if he needs any help. Why would someone who is not sad try to make other people feel sad?

Learn to mind your business

This is a straightforward reply that you can give to the person. Let him know in your reply that he has to mind his business. If he minds his business he will not have to bother about if you are lean or not.

If he truly minds his business, he will not even think of calling you a twig.

If you focus on yourself, you will achieve a lot

Someone who does not focus on himself focuses his attention on other things instead of focusing on himself.

Let him know in this reply that if he chooses to focus on himself, he will achieve a lot. That is how it is in the real sense when you stop focusing on others and you focus on yourself, you tend to achieve a lot.

I can understand, things must be really hard for you

For the person to call you a twig, he must be having a hard time and things must be hard for him. Let him know in your reply that you understand how hard it is for him.

Someone who has things going well for him will not be on the lookout for how to make other people sad.

When you say things like these, it makes people sad because most times they do feel insecure about their bodies and how they look.

I will not waste my time on people like you

Talking to someone who calls you a twig is a total waste of time. That is what you should tell him in your reply.

If he has nothing good to tell you, you are not going to waste your time on him.

Final Words

It is rude for someone to call you a twig, even if you are slender, the person has no idea what made you slender, sometimes it could be a result of genetics or health conditions and you may not have control over that.

If you are in a situation like this and you have no idea what to reply to the person, You can simply make use of any of the replies that I have explained in this article.

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