Should You Tell Someone You Have A Surprise For Them?(FIND OUT)

It depends, if you want the person to not be aware of the fact that you want to surprise him or her, then you should not tell the person.

If you want to buy the item as a surprise and get it to the person, then it is best you keep it a secret. Also, keep it a secret if you already know what the person likes.

On the flip side, if you want to get the person’s opinion on the kind of gift you want to get and you want it to be a bit thoughtful, then it will not be a bad idea if you tell the person that you have a surprise package that will arrive soon. 

5 Major Reasons Why You Should Not Tell Someone You Have A Surprise For Them

  1. You already know what the person likes
  2. You want it to be a surprise
  3. You want to pay the person back for being kind to you
  4. Do not tell the person if the person likes surprises
  5. If you want to turn the person on (a girl)

You already know what the person likes

Should You Tell Someone You Have A Surprise For Them 

When you want to get a surprise for someone, you have to go for what the person likes, that way, the surprise you got for the person will even make him happier. If you already know what the person likes there will not be any need to tell the person that you have a surprise for him. 

Since you already know what the person likes, just keep quiet and make the person curious about what you are about to do. Go ahead to get the person a surprise without telling him.

The fact that you already know what the person likes makes it easier for you, that way, you will not have to tell the person or even give him a hint that you want to give him a surprise. 

You want it to be a surprise

It is possible you already promised the person that you want to surprise him, if that is the case, there is no need to tell the person that you have a surprise for him, telling the person that you have a surprise for him has already defeated the whole idea of the surprise in the first place. 

When something is a surprise, the person does not need to know that there is a surprise coming for him, if you are trying to get the person a surprise, then you should keep it secret, and let it be a surprise just as you wanted it to be. 

You want to pay the person back for being kind to you

It could be that the person has been so good to you for a long while and you have been looking for the best way to pay the person back. If you do not know the best way to pay the person back, then you should consider giving the person a surprise gift. 

If you want to pay the person back, then getting a surprise gift will be the best way to go about it. That way, the person will not see the surprise coming, you could just purchase it and then present it to him without him being aware of it. 

Hence, if you want to use it as a way of saying ‘’thank you’’ to someone, it is best if you do not tell the person that you have a surprise coming, let the person see it when it has arrived. After all, it was meant to be a ‘’surprise’’ just as the name implies. 

Do not tell the person if the person likes surprises

If you have a friend who is so obsessed with surprises, then there is no need to tell the person that you have a surprise for him, if you do, the whole idea of surprising the person has been defeated. 

Once you know the person likes surprises and always gets excited when he gets a surprise package, especially from you, then you should not tell the person that you have a surprise coming. 

If you want to turn the person on (a girl)

Girls love surprises a lot, and it also turns them on. If you have a special woman in your life that you want to surprise with a gift, then there is no need to tell her that you have a surprise, you should wait till the surprise has arrived, then you can watch her reaction and see how happy she would be. 

If the person is your girlfriend, it will be a good idea to get her a surprise package especially if you want to turn her on and make her like you even more.

If you have studied your girl and you noticed that a surprise gift usually turns her on, then you should not inform her of the surprise before it comes.

4 Reasons Why You Should Consider Informing Someone You Have A Gift For Them

  1. Tell the person if you do not know what the person likes
  2. Tell the person if he does not care about surprises
  3. If you want to be thoughtful
  4. Tell the person if he already knew you were going to send a surprise

Tell the person if you do not know what the person likes

If you want to get a surprise for someone and you have no idea what the person likes, the ideal thing to do is to ask what the person would like you to get for him.

Not asking the person what he would like means you are at risk of buying something that the person may end up not liking.

That is why the ideal thing to do in a situation like this is to ask the person.

If you find yourself in a situation where you want to get something for someone and you do not know the kind of thing the person likes, the best thing is to just tell the person that you are about to get a surprise for him and you would like to know what the person likes. 

Tell the person if he does not care about surprises

If you have studied the person well and you already know that the person does not like surprises or does not fancy them at all, then what you should do is let the person know that you are about to get him a surprise package.

If you do not tell the person that you have a surprise package for him, it may not make any difference because the person naturally does not fancy surprises, whether you tell the person or not, it will not make so much of a difference, that is why the best thing to do is to let the person know. 

If you want to be thoughtful

If you feel you need to be thoughtful enough that the person needs to be aware that you want to get a surprise for him. That would be a reason why you should tell the person that you want to give a surprise to the person. 

Aside from the fact that you want to be thoughtful enough to inform the person that you want to get a surprise, you should not let the person know about it. It is best if you keep it a secret. 

Tell the person if he already knew you were going to send a surprise

If the person is aware that you are going to get him a surprise, then you need to let the person know that the surprise package is on its way.

This way, you may not need to tell the person what exactly is inside the package, you can simply tell the person that you have a surprise package. 

Not telling the person what is inside the package makes it even better because the person would keep anticipating even without knowing what is inside the surprise.

This way, you keep the person in suspense despite the fact that he already knows that a surprise is coming, the only difference is that he does not know what is in the surprise. 

Final Words

When you want to get someone a surprise, it is up to you to decide if you want to tell the person that you want to give a surprise. It also depends on who the person is and the purpose of the surprise. 

If it happens that you want to give the person a surprise gift because he has done something good for you in the past and you want to pay him back, then it is best you do not tell the person at all. 

However, if the person is someone that does not fancy surprises and does not even like it when someone is trying to give a surprise gift, then you can simply tell the person that you have a surprise package for him without saying what is inside the package. 

That way, the person is aware that you want to give him a surprise, but he does not know exactly what is inside the package. You have succeeded in keeping the person in suspense even though the person is aware that there is a surprise waiting for him. 


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