Romantic Words That Start With W

The world would probably be a better place if we were all commended for our efforts. Unfortunately, virtually everywhere is stained with negativity.

 Actions may be great but when you have negative words, you might lose a lot of friends. Check out the positive words listed below and how to use them in conversations. 

Romantic “W” Words

Romantic Words That Start With W


Meaning: This refers to someone or something who is desired for a reason or a purpose. 

Example: /You are the partner I have always wanted/

Note: This is an approving remark on how much your desire your partner. Your partner will be elated to know you find him/her desirable.


Meaning: This refers to someone nice and friendly.

Example: /You have always been hospitable and warm/

Note: This is an approving remark that commends your partner’s admirable trait. Your partner will be elated by your acknowledgment. In addition to that, you will be encouraging your partner to remain friendly to people.


Meaning: This refers to someone friendly and sympathetic. This is similar in meaning to “warm” but deals more with a person’s innateness. 

Example: /You have always been hospitable and warm-hearted/

Note: This is an approving remark that commends your partner’s admirable trait. Your partner will be elated by your acknowledgment. In addition to that, you will be encouraging your partner to remain friendly to people.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is warm-hearted, hospitable, and cordial.

Example: /You are so welcoming and kind/

Note: This is similar in meaning to warm-heartedness but deals more with hospitality. It is an approving remark that commends your partner’s admirable trait.

Your partner will be elated by your acknowledgment and encouraged to remain friendly to people.


Meaning: This refers to the beautiful shapeliness of a man’s muscles or a woman’s curves.

Example: /You are so handsome and well-built/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that is liked by many people.

Example: /You are popular and well-loved already/

Note: This is an approving remark that compliments your partner’s lovable nature. This comment won’t only put a smile on your partner’s face but also help in building his/her self-confidence.


Meaning: This refers to something built in the right form to perform its intended purpose well. It is a metaphor in this context and refers to someone extremely attractive and close to perfection.

Example: /You have a beautiful and well-made body/

Note: This is similar in meaning to “Well-built”. It is an approving remark that appreciates the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance.


Meaning: this refers to something that is pleasingly sized. In this context, it refers to the muscles of men or the curvaceous figure of women.

Example: /Any woman will drop at the sight of your well-proportioned muscles/

Note: It is an approving remark that appreciates the body of your partner. Your partner will be elated by the admiration you show. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance.


Meaning:  This refers to someone who is playfully odd. In this context, it is a bit intimate. 

Example: /Your curvaceous body makes me want to get whimsical with you/

Note: It is an approving remark that shows your reaction to your partner and your desire. Your partner will be elated by the admiration and craving for him/her.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is massively rich and successful.

Example: /You are a whiz-bang already/

Note: This is an approving remark on the obvious success of your partner. Your partner will be elated to know you consider him/her successful.


Meaning: this refers to someone who shows enthusiastic and unconventional support.

Example: /You have been wholehearted with me/

Note: This is an approving remark that shows your appreciation towards your partner’s support.

Your partner will be elated to know his/her efforts are recognized and appreciated. It will also encourage him/her to keep supporting you wholeheartedly.


Meaning: This refers to something excellent and extreme to a level that seems unfairly incomparable.

Example: /Your beauty is so wicked/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates and exaggerates the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance.


Meaning: This refers to someone enthusiastic and extremely anxious. 

Example: /Your hug made me go wild/

Note: This is an approving remark that shows your reaction to your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration and craving for him/her.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is tall, slender, and beautiful.

Example: /You are the perfect willowy model we need now/

Note: It is an approving remark that appreciates the body of your partner. Your partner will be elated by the admiration you show. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance.


Meaning: This refers to something beautiful enough to win someone’s attention.

Example: /Your winning smile left us awestruck/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. He/she will also be confident in his/her looks.


Meaning: This refers to a woman with well-defined curves and a perfectly shaped body.

Example: /You look womanly even in an oversized dress/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates the body of your female partner. She will be elated by the admiration you show. She will also be confident in her body.


Meaning: This refers to something beautiful or awe-inspiring.

Example; /Your performance on that stage is the most wonderful thing I’ve seen/

Note: This is an approving remark that shows your reaction towards your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. His/her confidence will be increased too.


Meaning: This refers to something charming and attractive enough to pull the attention of people. It is synonymous with “Winning”.

Example: /Your winsome smile left the crowd awestruck/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. He/she will also be confident in his/her looks.


Meaning: This refers to something that inspires wonder and amazement.

Example: /Your stage act was wondrous/

Note: This is an approving remark that shows your reaction to your partner’s performance. Your partner will be elated by your admiration. His/her confidence will be increased too.


Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is high-class or among the best of its kind in the world.

Example: /Your expertise is world-class/

Note: This is an approving remark that appreciates and exaggerates the performance or beauty of your partner.

Your partner will be elated by your admiration, even though it sounds exaggerated. He/she will also be confident in his/her appearance or skill.

Romantic Words That Start With “W”

Romantic Words That Start With W

Wasim (Handsome in Arabic)

Meaning: This is an Arabic word that means “Handsome”.

Note: Instead of calling your partner “Handsome”, you can surprise him with this nickname and make him check for the meaning.


Meaning: This is a big and round tropical fruit 

Note: This is a great pet name for a female partner who has voluptuous curves. You can leave her to think of why this name suits her.


Meaning: This name is derived from “Wonder woman” a fictional character in the MCU. 

Note: While “Wonder Woman” has become a pet name, you can refer to your male partner as “Wonder Man” or “Wonderboy”.

Wuvy bear

Meaning: This is an endearment term with no real English meaning. However, “Bear” is usually added to endearment terms to refer to big and cuddly male partners.

Note: Give this pet name to your male partner if he is bigger than you and always cuddling.


Meaning: This is the name of a food. 

Note: if “Sugar”, “Honey”, and “Watermelon” can be considered endearment terms, “Waffles” will do just fine. If you like real waffles, you will be passing a quite romantic message.


Meaning: This name is derived from “Wolf” which is also used as an endearment term for males.

Note: You can give this nickname to your male partner if he is hairy or strong. It also fits nicely if he is the dominant type.


Meaning: This is the name of a fictional character from the popular X-Men series.

Note: You can give this nickname to your male partner If he has a wild personality. You can also choose “Wolfie” ahead of this.

Wonder woman

Meaning: This is the name of a fictional female character in the MCU.

Note: “Wonder Woman” has already been adopted as an endearment term. You can address your female partner with this name if you consider her your hero. She will be flattered.

Woo bear

Meaning: This is an endearment term with no real English meaning. It is just like “Woo bear” above.

Note: You can address your male partner with this nice pet name if he is big and cuddly.


Meaning: This is derived from the English word, “Wife”.

Note: You can address your female partner or girlfriend with this name if you plan to marry her.


While “W” doesn’t seem to have many words, there are still a lot of positive and romantic words on the list. It is time to get used to positivity and keep our relationships healthy and happy.

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