Romantic Words That Start With U

How many romantic words did you use in the past week? And how many do you plan to use this week? There are a lot of sweet words in and out of the dictionary.

Words do great things in our relationship. They turn out positive or negative, depending on how we use them. Read the positive words below and how to use them to flatter your partner.

Romantic “U” Words

Romantic Words That Start With U


Meaning: This refers to something different from its kind; rare or exceptional.

Example: /Your wit is uncommon/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance or actions. By using this word in a compliment, you are calling your partner exceptional, extremely valuable, and incomparable.

Your partner will understand this as an exaggerated comment but he/she will be flattered. It is advisable to say this often to convince your partner of how you truly feel.


Meaning: This refers to something that is beyond all of its kind. It is not surpassed and not reached. Another word for it is “incomparable”.

Example: /Your beauty is unfair and unequaled/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance or performance. By using this word in a compliment, you are calling your partner exceptional and incomparable.

Your partner will consider this as an exaggerated comment but he/she will be truly flattered. It is advisable to say this often to convince your partner of how you truly feel about him/her.

Unconditionally loving

Meaning: This refers to someone who shows love to another person in all situations and with no conditions attached or a selfish goal in mind.

Example: /You have been unconditionally loving to me/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s remarkable and praiseworthy traits.

By saying a compliment on this trait, you will be flattering your partner with your show of appreciation. Repeating this often will convince your partner of your true gratitude.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is free of worries and has his/her burdens lifted off him. It tends to be hyperbolic in contexts like this.

Example: /Having you around me gets me unencumbered/

Note: This is a flattering comment on the influence of your partner on you. By saying this compliment, you will be showing appreciation for your partner’s presence alone.

Your partner will see this as an exaggeration but repeating this compliment will convince him/her that you are truly appreciative.


Meaning: This refers to something continuous, steadfast, or persistent in a good way. It can be compared to “Determination”.

Example: /I have always known you to be unfaltering and unyielding/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s remarkable and praiseworthy traits. By saying this, you will be flattering your partner with your show of admiration.

Simultaneously, you will be encouraging your partner to remain strong and unfaltering, and not to let you down.


Meaning: This refers to a group of things that work together as a whole or as a single entity. It is metaphorical in this context and it refers to a person who is organized.

Example: /You look unified and corporate/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance and style of doing things. This is an observable feature.

By saying this, you will be flattering your partner with your admiration. Asides from getting your partner flattered, this compliment will also encourage your partner to remain organized in everything.


Meaning: This refers to something rare, uncommon, and hard or impossible to compare. This is similar in meaning to “Uncommon”.

Example: /Your wit is unique/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance or actions. By using this word in a compliment, you are calling your partner exceptional, extremely valuable, and incomparable.

Your partner will understand this as an exaggerated comment but he/she will be flattered. It is advisable to say this often to convince your partner of how you truly feel.


Meaning: This refers to someone, something, or an idea that cannot be forgotten. It sounds a bit exaggerated but may not be.

Example: /Days spent with you are unforgettable/

Note: This is a flattering comment that refers to your relationship and moments spent with your partner. By saying this compliment, you are expressing how much you cherish your relationship with your partner.

Your partner will be very flattered to know how much you love him/her. Asides from getting your partner flattered, this compliment will also encourage your partner to make sure the relationship stays unforgettable for you.


Meaning: This refers to something that is not just or something that is not impartially distributed. It tends to be metaphorical and exaggerated.

Example: /You are unfairly beautiful/

Note: This is a flattering comment that exaggerates the appearance or performance of your partner. By saying this compliment, you are telling your partner his/her traits are unfairly beyond that of many.

Your partner will be flattered by this hyperbolic expression. Saying this often will truly convince him/her of how much you appreciate the trait you speak of.


Meaning: This refers to the togetherness of a group of people in doing something.

Example: /I love my life when we are united/

Note: This is a flattering comment on how you feel about your relationship with your partner. By saying this compliment, you express how much you cherish united moments with your partner.

Your partner will be happy to know you are happy with the moments shared. The compliment will also encourage your partner to allow more unity and understanding between the two of you 


Meaning: This refers to something that has no end or limits. It is exaggerated in a context like this.

Example: /Your appeal is unlimited/

Note: This is a flattering comment that exaggerates an ability or trait of your partner. By saying this compliment, you are telling your partner his/her traits are beyond known limits and incomparable.

Your partner will be flattered by this hyperbolic expression. Saying this often will truly convince him/her of how much you appreciate the trait you speak of.


Meaning: This is a synonym for “Unequaled

Example: /Your beauty is unfair and unparalleled/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance or performance. By using this word in a compliment, you are calling your partner exceptional and incomparable.

Your partner will consider this as an exaggerated comment but he/she will be truly flattered. It is advisable to say this often to convince your partner of how you truly feel about him/her.


Meaning: This refers to something continuous and steadfast. It is a synonym for “Unfaltering”.

Example: /You have always been unwavering and strong/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s praiseworthy traits. By saying this, you will be flattering your partner with your show of admiration.

Simultaneously, you will be encouraging your partner to remain strong and unwavering, and not to let you down.


Meaning: This refers to something unequaled and incomparable.

Example: /Your beauty is unrivaled/

Note: This is synonymous with “Unequaled” and “Unparalleled”. Saying this compliment often will flatter your partner and prove you truly appreciate him/her 


Meaning: This refers to something that is the highest or best of its kind. It is synonymous with “Unrivaled”.

Example: /Your wittiness is unsurpassed/

Note: This is synonymous with “Unrivaled”, “Unequaled”, and “Unparalleled”. It is an exaggeration but it will put a smile on your partner’s face.


Meaning: This refers to something new, rare, or uncommon.

Example: /Your expertise is unusual/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s appearance or actions. By using this word in a compliment, you are calling your partner exceptional, extremely valuable, and incomparable.

Your partner will understand this as an exaggerated comment but he/she will be flattered. It is advisable to say this often to convince your partner of how you truly feel.


Meaning: This refers to someone being open and honest.

Example: /You have always been upfront with me/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s remarkable and praiseworthy traits.

By saying a compliment on this trait, you will be flattering your partner with your show of appreciation and also encouraging him/her to stay honest with you.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that motivates or makes a person cheerful.

Example: /Your voice was uplifting/

Note: This is a flattering comment on your partner’s influence on you. Your partner will be happy to know he/she has been able to impact your life positively.

Romantic “U” Names

Romantic Words That Start With U


This is another way to say “Wolf”. It is a fitting name for a hairy male partner. It is also nice if your male partner is a bit wild and dominating.


This refers to one of the archangels in the bible. You can choose to call your female partner “Angel”, or your male partner “Guardian Angel”. You can also choose to address him/her as Angel Uriel or just Uriel.


This is a flattering name to give a partner with whom you want to spend a lifetime.


This is a fitting name for a cute female partner. The name refers to a beautiful magical horse in fictional stories.


This is a fitting name for a female partner who is obsessed with science. Despite the true meaning of the word, it sounds very cute and romantic.


This is a fitting name for a partner whom you want to spend your life with. By using this nickname, you consider him/her your world.


There have to be one or more words that caught your attention in the list. Learn how it is used and start putting a smile on your partner’s face


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