Romantic Words That Start With R

It’s funny how romantic words seem to be dying away in the dictionary. May relationships leave out positive words when the wooing days are over. 

 If those sweet words were able to bring your home together, they can do more. It’s time to start using romantic words again. Check the list below for Romantic Words that start with “R”.

Romantic “R” Words

Romantic Words That Start With R


Meaning: This refers to a thing that emits light or heat. It is metaphorical in this context and refers to a bright glow.

Example: /Your radiant smile fills me with euphoria/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s looks. By saying this, you are telling your partner how much you admire him or her and how capable he/she is of attracting attention with mere looks. Your partner will be glad.


Meaning: This is another way to say “Radiant

Example: /Your radiating skin brightens up my world/

Note: This can be used in place of “radiant”. Your partner will be glad to know you find him/her admirable.


Meaning: This refers to moments, feelings, or a person filled with unusual excitement and joy.

Example: /Your message got me rapturous/

Note: This is a cool remark on your reaction towards your partner. With this, you will be showing how happy you feel with your partner. This will make your partner glad.


Meaning: This refers to something scarce or very uncommon, usually very special.

Example: /You have a bright smile so rare and beautiful/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner. It may be considered exaggerated but your partner will be glad for the attention.


Meaning: This refers to a dishonest person or a troublemaker. It is metaphorical in this context and refers to a crazy and careless reaction towards something.

Example: /Your smile gets me rascally for a minute/

Note: This is a cool remark on your reaction towards your partner. It is considered exaggerated but your partner will be glad to know you find him/her admirable.


Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is extremely beautiful and thrilling.

Example: /Your face is so ravishing that it sucks everyone in/

Note: This is a cool remark on the beauty of your partner. It sounds a bit hyperbolic but your partner will be glad that you admire him/her.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is open to helping others.

Example: /You have always been receptive to me even when I didn’t deserve it/

Note: This is a cool remark on a commendable trait in your partner. This will not only flatter your partner but also encourage him/her to remain good.


Meaning: This refers to something that emits a sweet attractive aroma.

Example: /You have a redolent scent. It feels the room when you’re around/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s scent. It may also be used poetically when there is no actual scent. However, your partner will be glad to know you find him/her admirable.


Meaning: This refers to something or an action that makes you feel strong and young again.

Example: /Your touch is rejuvenating/

Note: This is a cool remark that refers to how you feel about your partner. It sounds a bit exaggerated but your partner will be glad to know you feel better with him/her around.


Meaning: this refers to a person who is beautiful and sophisticated.

Example: /You are the perfect recherché person for the day/

Note: This is a cool remark on the appearance of your partner. You will be flattering your partner with this remark and equally helping with his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to a feeling that is mutually felt by two people.

Example: /I always knew the Love was reciprocal/

Note: This is a cool remark on the relationship you share with your partner. By predicting your partner’s feelings for you and confessing yours, your partner will be glad about the realization.


Meaning: This refers to something that makes a person feel strong and comfortable again. It is similar in meaning to “rejuvenating”.

Example: /Your touch is refreshing/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel about your partner. Your partner will be glad to know you feel refreshed with him/her around.


Meaning: This refers to a feeling of ease and calmness.

Example: /I have never seen one so relaxed and confident/

Note: This is a cool remark on an admirable trait in your partner. With this, you will be getting your partner flattered while encouraging your partner’s relaxed attitude.


Meaning: This refers to something that is desired by someone or people.

Example: /You have such a relished body/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s beauty or looks. Your partner will be glad to know you find him/her attractive m


Meaning: This refers to someone determined.

Example: /You have always been resolute and strong/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s determination. You will be flattering your partner with this remark and also encouraging his/her determination.


Meaning: This refers to something that can be pointed out and commended.

Example: /You have a remarkable shape/

Note: This is a cool remark that points out a special feature in your partner. With this, you will be flattering your partner while making him/her confident about the feature you just pointed out.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that is noble and deserves to be respected.

Example: /You have always been respectable/

Note: This is a cool remark on how responsible your partner is. This will flatter your partner and also tell your partner how much you respect him/her.


Meaning: This refers to someone or action that inspires feelings of Love.

Example: /You have a romantic voice/

Note: This is a cool remark on how a feature of your partner inspires feelings of Love in you. Your partner will be glad to know you get feelings of Love with him/her around.


Meaning: This refers to something that has been added to replace something else.

Example: /Your smile has been more than enough restorative joy for me/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel about your partner and the influence your partner has on you. Your partner will be glad to know he/she has been able to make you happy.


Meaning: This refers to something that commands full attention with great excitement.

Example: /You have a riveting beauty and everyone is stunned/

Note: This is a cool remark on the attractiveness of your partner. Your partner will be glad to know you find him/her beautiful.


Meaning: This refers to something that gives rewards or satisfaction.

Example: /You have a rewarding smile/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel about your partner. Your partner will be glad to know you feel satisfied with him/her around.


Meaning: This refers to a feeling of carefree joy.

Example: /I am always Joyful to see you rollicking/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel towards your partner’s joy. While your partner is Joyful, he/she will be glad to know you are happy just to see him/her happy.


Meaning: This refers to a moment that inspires optimism.

Example: /I have rosy feelings when I look in your eyes/

Note: This is a cool remark on how hopeful you get with your partner’s presence. Your partner will be glad to know he/she is capable of giving you joy.


Meaning: this refers to an aroused excitement in a person or the arousal of sensual feelings.

Example: /Your voice gets me roused always/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel towards your partner. With this, your partner will be glad to know you find him/her exciting or attractive.


Meaning:  this refers to something capable of getting someone aroused or excited.

Example: /Your voice is rousing/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel towards your partner. With this, your partner will be glad to know you find him/her exciting or attractive.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is sturdy and strong.

Example: /I like your rugged body/

Note: This is a cool remark, usually on a male partner. It shows your attraction toward the muscles of your partner. Your partner will be glad.


Meaning: This refers to something that is considered amazing or excellent.

Example: /Your voice was rad/

Note: This is a cool remark that shows your reaction to your partner’s looks or performance. Your partner will be glad to know you consider him/her worthy of that reaction.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that can be trusted and relied on.

Example: /You have always been reliable/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s trustworthiness. Your partner will be glad to know you think he/she can be trusted.


Meaning: This refers to enthusiasm in a person. It also refers to someone who has a strong appeal.

Example: /You remain red-hot/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s appearance and how you feel about it. Your partner will be glad to know you find him/her attractive. It will also help with confidence.


Meaning: This refers to holiness or the willingness to only do the right thing.

Example: /You are righteous and beautiful/

Note: This is a cool remark on a commendable trait in your partner. You will be getting your partner flattered and also encouraging him/her to stay righteous.


Meaning: This refers to something dangerous. In this case, it may be metaphoric and hyperbolic.

Example: /Staring at you alone feels so risky/

Note: This is a cool remark that can be used to exaggerate the beauty of your partner and how others feel about your partner. Your partner will find it funny and flattering.


Meaning: This refers to the willingness and preparedness of a person to act.

Example: /Ever since I’ve known you, you’ve always been ready/

Note: This is a cool remark on a commendable trait in your partner. You will be getting your partner flattered and also encouraging him/her to stay ready.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is unable to rest or has gone wild.

Example: /Watching you walk away gets me restless/

Note: This is a cool remark on your reaction without your partner. It may sound like an exaggeration but your partner will be glad to know you desire him/her.


Meaning: This is a synonym for “Rollicking

Example: /I am always happy to see your rambunctious play/

Note: This is a cool remark on how you feel towards your partner’s joy. While your partner is already happy, he/she will be happier to know you are happy just to see him/her happy.


Meaning: This is similar in meaning to “rambunctious”.

Example: /You flatter me when you get rompish/

Note: This is a cool remark on your partner’s playfulness and how happy you are about it. Your partner will be happier to know you are happy just to see him/her happy.

Romantic “R” Names

Romantic Words that start with R


This is an awesome name for your boyfriend who is always stiff.

Ride or Die

This is an awesome name to give to a partner who you have been a friend with for so long.


This is an awesome name for your partner who you consider to be attractive.


This is an awesome name if you consider ‘rose” too common.


This is an awesome name for a male partner. He will be your Romeo and you will be his Juliet.

Rock star

This is an awesome name for your stylish partner.


Rose” is a common name used for endearment. It fits female partners much better.


This is an awesome name to address your partner with. This or “Dewdrops”.

Rum rum

This is an awesome name if you want something that rhymes. It’s also nice if your partner drinks.


This is an awesome name for your adventurous male partner. If he is a carefree and playful kind of person, you may want to consider this name.


This is another awesome name you can use for an adventurous partner. You can use this instead of “Rambo.”


This is an awesome name for your male partner if he loves football.


This is an awesome name for your female partner. Its literal meaning is not so pleasing but the name is quite cute.


This is an awesome name derived from “rose” so you can use this instead.

Red hair

This is an awesome name for your red-haired partner. Some may consider this an insult.


Make sure to pick at least one positive word from the list above and watch them do their magic. 

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