Negative Words That Start With X

“X” is not the richest in words but it has quite a longer list than you think. There are a few positive and romantic words mentioned in a previous post.

However, “X” has several negative words too. You shouldn’t refer to people with these and you should be careful wherever you see these.

They are listed below. Check them out and see why they are negative.

Negative “X” Words

Negative Words That Start With X


Meaning: This refers to a person, an idea, a move, or just anything that exhibits an intense fear or hatred for strangers and foreigners.

Note: This is a very negative word due to its results. Xenophobia can be ridiculous.

It can also be very wild, leading to a violent outrage of a person or people against strangers and foreigners.

This has led to many wars and riots in history e.g. Killing of Nigerians in South Africa etc.

 Calling a person Xenophobic can be an insult. However, being Xenophobic is very wrong and should be fixed.


Meaning: This is slang that refers to people who make a living by underhand means. It refers to all kinds of criminals including pickpockets.

Note: This is a negative word and can be found offensive if used on a person. However, being a part of the “X-division” is more negative.


Meaning: This is slang that refers to something too terrible to be overlooked.

Note: This is a negative word. It may not be used as an insult but anything tagged with this word must be extremely negative.

X disease

Meaning: This refers to any of the various diseases that originated from plants or animals but started as a mystery at first.

Note: An example of X disease is Ebola. While this word may not be used as an insult against a person, its meaning is not positive in any way. No one wants to be a victim of an X disease.


Meaning: This is a name in Ancient Greek stories. It refers to the troublesome and overbearing wife of Socrates. It has been adopted as an adjective for troublesome women.

Note: This is a negative word and can be used as an insult. A “Xanthippe” woman will be found overbearing. Also, no one would appreciate being named after a “bad” person.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is good at many other things but bad at one.

Note: This word has an innocent literal meaning but can be used to insult and play with a person’s faults. Then, it would be a negative word.


Meaning: This refers to a person with yellow teeth.

Note: This word has an innocent literal meaning but can be used to insult a person and refer to unwashed teeth. Being insulted with hygiene will not be considered fair by anyone.


Meaning: This refers to an energetic or overzealous person. It can be used in a lighter and less negative context.

Note: This is not a fully negative word. However, it can be used in a ridiculing manner. Insulting a person’s vibrance will not be found nice. Also, being overzealous is not good.


Meaning: This refers to something that has an unusual and unattractive shape.

Note: This can be a negative word when used to describe a person. It would be referring to ugliness. That won’t be considered nice by anyone.


Meaning: This refers to a person’s unusual or crazy fondness for foreigners and foreign things.

Note: This is a negative word. While it is fine to be willing to relate with strangers, one may find this act to be extremely creepy.

It is almost the opposite of Xenophobia but it is also quite negative. Referring to a person with this word can be considered an insult.


Meaning: This refers to an intense and uncontrollable fear of anything with a sharp edge.

Note: This word has a simple meaning but any kind of phobia is negative. Phobia can make a person act crazy.

While anyone would want to avoid getting cut by a sharp object, a Xyrophobic person would act very crazy. This may not fit well as an insult but you don’t want to be xyrophobic.


Meaning: This refers to an animal with usual joints giving it a weird figure.

Note: This word refers to animals and will be negative if used on a person. It can be used to refer to gifted persons but it would be an insult then. It is never nice or tolerable to play with a person’s physical defects and no one will appreciate being called by this word even if it is a joke.


Meaning: This refers to the expulsion of foreigners from a country.

Note: This is a negative word and it is one of the results of massive Xenophobia. It shows a strong aversion to foreigners and can lead to mass hysteria and war between countries. 

X out

Meaning: This is an English word that means “Cross out”

Note: This is a simple word that can be used negatively. While it means rejecting or removing something from a list, rejecting or sidelining a person is not usually found fair by many. You don’t want to be crossed out by your people. It is also not positive to X out a person.


Meaning: This refers to something that is found obscene, morally indecent, or wrong for children and teenagers 

Note: This is a negative word. While this word cannot be used as an insult, an X-rated product can be corruptive. It can have negative effects on the minds of children and teens so X-rated media should be abstained from.


Meaning: This refers to the tendency of a person to murder a foreigner, resulting from an excessive aversion to strangers.

Note: This is a negative word. It is another result of Xenophobia. The word will be considered an insult. However, a Xenocidal person should be avoided.

Negative “X” Names


This is a negative word. It refers to a xenophobic person and can be considered insulting.


This is a negative word that refers to a person with xenomania. It is considered unusual to be too fond of foreign things while neglecting native things so this name can be considered an insult.


This is a negative word to address a person with. It refers to something shapeless and ugly, and may not be found tolerable.


This is not an exactly negative name but it should never be used to refer to a person. It is the name of a hairless Mexican dog. Thanks to the weird spelling and pronunciation, virtually no one will be using the name.

 X mark

This is a negative name to refer to a person who has been sidelined or rejected.



Some of these words are simple in meaning but should never be used to refer to a person. Some words, however, are made as insults. Some words refer to something wrong.

 Keep them in mind, in case you have a reason to avoid them.

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