Negative Words That Start With G

It’s quite hard to track how many negative words some people utter every day. They are already used to it so much that they forget the actual meanings of those words.

 However, the person you are referring to might be well aware of the meaning of what you consider to be “normal words”. Some words are even used to refer to you in the public and you have no idea what they mean but someone is secretly making fun of you.

Check out some negative words in the list below and learn to avoid them.

Negative “G” Words

Negative Words That Start With G


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of speaking gibberish in a fast and foolish manner. A person might take this word as an insult, as it is assumed to be foolishness.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to harsh treatment or unfair criticisms of a public character.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an embarrassing mistake or error that is made by a person in public. It is also called “Blooper”.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of saying something contradictory to what is already known or what another person has said. This act can be considered confusing and annoying.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of causing trouble. It also refers to an act of attacking a person with the intent to cause damage or injury.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a criminal, especially one who is a member of a gang. This word can be considered offensive.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of opening your mouth involuntarily as a result of anger or fear.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to dirt or a pile of dirt. It also refers to something that is considered useless and should be thrown out. Anyone will take offense if referred to with this word.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to something done in a manner that is humiliating or annoying.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that is excessively showy and ostentatious but tasteless.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This is a synonym for “Garish”. It refers to something done in a manner that is excessively showy and tasteless.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to an unattractive or clumsily annoying person. This is a highly offensive word to refer to a person with.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is persuasive with words but has less understanding. A person may take offense if called with this word.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to something deceitful to the eyes; appearing innocent and friendly but having dubious intentions.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an uncontrollable act of breathing heavily and convulsively, usually as a result of fear or shock.


Status: Very negative

Meaning: This refers to an act of killing a large number of people in one attack.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This is an idea or scheme that lures gullible victims with fake promises to make them rich.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of taking delight in the misfortune of a person.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of staring widely and fiercely as a show of anger.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that appears extremely bad or horrifyingly shocking.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to a place that is considered low-quality or crude.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to spoken or written words that make no sense. It can be found offensive when used to refer to a person.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This is the act of rebuking a person with scornful or contemptuous words.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is considered unfortunate or unattractive in appearance and movement. It will be considered insulting if used to refer to someone.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a state of dizziness or unsteadiness.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an unexpected malfunction in something. It is not offensive but quite unpleasant.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a silly mistake. It also refers to a person who is considered foolish.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something done in an obvious manner; usually negative.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an idea that is found tricky or deceitful.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to something done in a gloating manner; showing pleasure in the downfall of someone.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to someone or something looking dejected.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: It is the same as “Glare”. This refers to the act of staring widely and fiercely as a show of anger.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a moody despondent look.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to the act of eating excessively; like a glutton.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to something intense, usually negative.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to the act of provoking a person.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of discussing the personal issues of people behind their backs.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to something done in a silly or absurd manner.


Status: Very offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a thug with a muscular build but very low intelligence. It will be considered offensive if used to refer to someone.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This is a synonym for “Gawky”. It refers to a person who is considered unfortunate or unattractive in appearance and movement. It will be considered insulting if used to refer to someone.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to the amassing of wealth through illegal means, especially by a person in a political office.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a person who is unnecessarily stubborn and unyielding. It can be considered offensive.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to an act of fighting or wrestling an opponent.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of getting a person annoyed or irritated.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who takes more than needed, ignoring the right way of sharing.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a negative situation of pain and misfortune, usually having to do with the loss of a loved one. 


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that is considered unethical or detestable.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that is found serious, usually in a negative way.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a show of unwillingness and resentment for something that has to be done.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a situation that is considered to be seriously bad and lamentable.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an ugly distortion of one’s face as a show of fear or contempt.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of complaining in a very annoying and disturbing way 


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to an act of annoying or irritating a person.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This is a synonym of “Grainy”. It refers to a person who is unnecessarily stubborn and unyielding. It can be considered offensive.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to something that is disfigured or odd in look. It will be considered offensive if referring to a person.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to something done in an appalling or wrong manner. It insults how something is done.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of complaining about one’s situation. It is synonymous with “Grumble”.


Status: Quite offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a situation where a person’s argument has no proof, no support, or makes no sense. It can be considered an insult.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of complaining about one’s situation in a violent manner. An aggressive grumble. The act can be offensive. The word can also be considered an insult.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to an act of complaining about a situation, usually in murmurs.


Status: Not offensive.

Meaning: This refers to a sight that is shocking and frightful.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a show of resentment or lack of desire for something that seems necessary.


Status: Very offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who is considered stupid or easy to deceive. It is an offensive word.


Status: Not offensive

Meaning: This refers to a person who has committed an offense and should bear the consequences.


Status: Quite offensive

Meaning: This refers to vulgar language. It refers to a set of people or a place that is considered to be for the low class.


There are so many negative words in and out of the dictionary and the words above are just a bit of them. Whichever word will make you feel bad, you should never use them for a person.

Stay away from negative words. Don’t use them. Don’t receive them.

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