Luv Ya vs Love You: Understanding the Terms

“Love ya” is a carefree, informal, and everyday word used when communicating with someone you like. It can be used on anyone at all. It’s OK to say it to your friend, your dog, your mother, or anyone else.

When parting after spending the day together, sending texts, or hanging up the phone, good friends frequently say, “Love you.”

Families greet one another with “Love ya,” if that’s how they roll.

When someone says, “I love you or love you,” the most frequent response tends to be, “Love you.” It’s not consequential!

The phrase “I love you” is commonly feared by a lot of people who are in relationships. Instead of committing to Everlasting, Monogamous, Forever and Ever, Infinity, and Only Loving You, expressing “I Love You” is like saying “I Like You.”

What Does “Love You” Mean?

Luv Ya vs Love You

“I love you” is an endearing word said in a moment of comfort, mostly as an expression of appreciation.

It can be expressed when one tells a hilarious joke or says something silly. For instance, a friend could give you the best advice of a lifetime, and you would respond, ‘Love you, dude!’

The phrase ‘love’ is often shared with those we have established a strong friendship with. It is a casual way to appreciate how easy it is to be with someone.

‘I love you’ is like a friendly pat on the back. It is a light-hearted compliment, which is like saying, “You are a cool person, and I like what you just did.”

It is a way to show affection and care without freaking the person out into thinking that you want to put a ring on it.

Difference Between “I Love You” And “I Love You”

Luv Ya vs Love You

The primary difference between “love ya” and “love you” is that “love ya” is a little more informal and less in-depth than “love you.”

When expressing romantic thoughts or affection for someone, the term “I love you” is stronger and more intense.

You can use it to express your feelings to anyone you’re in love with, including your partner.

“Love ya” is a less formal way of saying “I love you,” but it still sounds casual. Saying “Love you” to your pal before you part ways is one example.

One more distinction is that “I love you” is typically used to express romantic love. One who is genuinely loved and revered says, “I love you.”

Additionally, you can use the expression when conversing with those with whom you have a platonic relationship, such as your parents.

‘I love you’ is a declaration of intense emotion. In contrast, “luv ya” is typically used by friends, coworkers, siblings, or even ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends to convey a certain level of concern for them.

Why Do People Say “Love Ya” Instead Of “Love You?”

Do people mean the same thing when they say ‘love ya’ instead of ‘love you?’ Or could there be reasons why someone says they would sound more casual than actual?

In this section, we shall be looking at three possible reasons why people say “love ya” instead of “love you.”

They Do Not Want To Commit To True Love

Most times, when people don’t want to commit to true love, they do everything possible to sway away from the crux of the matter.

This includes their actions as well as their expressions. Hence, when someone says “love ya” instead of “love you,” they may be trying to make you feel okay and not arouse any questions.

And so while departing, they simply assert “I love you” or as a reply after you say “I love you.” They do this in a bid to remove every picture that shows their true disposition towards a person.

They Say It Because They Have To

When you tell someone that you love them, they feel obligated to give you a reply. Since their response is needed, they may consider saying “love you” just because they have to.

This is more prevalent when you are not so close with them and they do not want you to feel bad for not responding.

Also in cases where they keep up appearances, I’m in a social gathering or public setting. They say it because they just have to.

To Show Care, But Not As Deep As It Would Be For A Lover

Luv Ya vs Love You

When someone wants to show that they care about you without sounding intimate, they tend to use the word “love you.”

This is because it is a popular way of showing care without any strings attached. For instance, if a friend visits you in the hospital and is about to leave, they can simply say, “I love you.”

This is to let you know that they care about you. The word can even be used among acquaintances. In general, it is an exclamation used to express care for just about anyone without sounding too emotional.

To Express Love To Their Partners In Public Without Having To Be All Detailed

It is expected that two lovers will proclaim their love for each other as often as they can. This doesn’t only revolve around saying, “I love you.”

They can do it in different ways. Hence, if two lovers are in a public gathering, they may just say to themselves, “I love you,” instead of being all detailed about how they feel for each other.

What do you say when a guy says ‘I love you’ instead of ‘I love you’?

Below are six responses you can give when a guy says “love ya” instead of “love you.”

‘I Love You Too, Buddy’

Luv Ya vs Love You

When you get an “I love you” statement from a guy, a simple way to respond is by returning the same words.

This is valid, especially in cases where you share mutual feelings with friends, colleagues, or siblings.

It shows that they aren’t the ones who should appreciate your efforts toward making the relationship easy, meaningful, and fun.

They also play a role in making friendship a pleasant experience, so they deserve to be appreciated. This response helps you communicate your affection for him without having to sound particularly romantic.

‘What are friends for?’

Making use of the word ‘love you’ may be intended to show sincere gratitude. Peradventure, you did something for your friend, who is a guy who went the extra length of exceeding his expectations.

Asserting the norm, which is a hearty “thank you,” may not be enough to communicate the extent of his gratitude to you.

He may employ the use of the “love you” phrase, which shows that what you have done for him resonates deeply in his heart.

Since you already have an existing friendship, you can simply assert, ‘What are friends for?’

‘Hey! Did You Say That Because Your Friends Were Present?’

Luv Ya vs Love You

When a guy who regularly says the words “I love you” without miming the words begins to like shorten the initial words to “love ya,” you can sure relate it to the current situation or environment.

Most guys put up with behaviors that are often influenced by their circle of friends, activities, or environment.

Hence, if you notice that he reluctantly said “I love you,” which he normally doesn’t say in the presence of his friends, you can simply respond by stating the obvious reason for the change.

I Look Forward To The Day You’ll Use A More Appropriate

WordThis reaction will be really helpful if the person in issue is your boyfriend and you don’t like the fact that he prefers to use a casual tone when he declares his love for you.

This serves as a hint to let him know that you do not fancy his preference if you use the words “love ya” instead of “I love you.”

Giving a response like this helps clear the air. instead of harboring unnecessary sentiments in your heart and concluding that your boyfriend doesn’t take you seriously.

‘Why Are You Withholding Yourself From Saying How You Really Feel About Me?’

Luv Ya vs Love You

If the guy in question shows some indications that he is interested in you, you can get this response. There are so many reasons why a guy would withhold what he feels about you.

And instead of using more endearing and intimate words such as “I love you,” he will make use of a casual word like “love ya.”

He is probably scared of shooting his shot at the wrong time or fears getting rejected.

However, if you see certain reasons why you feel he shouldn’t use such casual words with you, you can simply ask why he keeps using casual words on you instead of communicating the exact way he feels about you.

I Had Mad Fun Today, All Thanks To You. You Are The Best!

As established earlier, “love ya” is a casual way of saying you appreciate, care about, or like someone.

If you went outdoors with a guy who happens to be your friend, boyfriend, or sibling and you had fun to the brink,

This is a good way to respond if he uses the words “love you” while you both depart. This lets him know how profoundly you also hold him.

What Is The Psychology Of Saying “Love You”

Saying the words “I love you” comes from a place of sincere appreciation. It is often used as a way of showing love, care, or gratitude to people with whom we aren’t in a romantic relationship.

One distinct attribute of the phrase “I love you” is that it does communicate a more intimate feeling.

When expressing romantic thoughts or devotion toward someone, the term “I love you” is more profound. You can use it to express intense feelings of love for your partner or anyone else.

Because it’s simple to brush feelings of love aside, we often become distant from the individuals we express them to.

We can simply shrug our shoulders and continue living our lives if the other person doesn’t feel the same way about us.

“I love you” frequently has a less devoted and intimate feeling toward the other person.

“I love you” usually conveys a less committed relationship with the other person and feels less personal.

Saying “I love you” isn’t necessarily a terrible thing, though, if the intention is to keep things informal or lighthearted.

Since the dialogue is quite casual and laid-back, we can quickly express “I love you” in a text message or as a parting statement.

For instance, when you listen to Rihanna’s “Love On The Brain,” you can mutter the words “Love you, girl.” This is because you appreciated her beautiful vocals and excellent rendition at that point in time.

However, saying “I love you” to someone who has a big meaning in our life can be seen as cold or uncaring. This puts up a barrier between you and the other person you are speaking to.

They have a high expectation of getting intimate while conversing with them.

When expressing romantic thoughts or devotion toward someone, the term “I love you” is more profound. You can use it to express intense feelings of love for your partner or anyone else.

The expression can also be used when conversing with those with whom you have a platonic relationship, such as your mother. To say “I love you” is to express sincere affection for someone.

Someone who is genuinely loved and admired will receive the words “I love you.” Although “love you” and “love ya” have similar broad meanings, “love you” is more formal, deeper, and generally used to express romantic love.


In conclusion, you ought to understand that people express their love in different ways and with different expressions.

As much as the words “love ya” seem more casual than “love you,” they can also be used between people who are in love with themselves.

Therefore, if a guy tells you “I love you” or “I love you,” you need to check his behavior toward you before attributing meaning to it.

Ensure you do not conclude on the matter, and if you can ask him about it, then that would be a great choice too.

I believe you now know the differences between “love you” and “love you.”

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