How To Know If A Russian Guy Likes You

Are you in love with someone and you wonder if he likes you back? There are ways to tell. It can be complex to read anyone but it’s not the same with a Russian guy. At least, not in terms of love.

 There is something special about Russian guys when it comes to love. You can easily tell when they are in love with you. There is nothing special to look out for. Without being told, it will already be obvious to you.

 Russia is blessed with a lot of beautiful women but Russian guys don’t flirt so when a Russian guy is attracted to you, it will be obvious to you and virtually everyone around. If you still wonder how to know, check the list of signs to look out for.

15 Signs A Russian Guy Likes You

How To Know If A Russian Guy Likes You

  • When he pays full attention to you
  • When he shows off his traditions to you
  • When he wants you to meet his family
  • When he puts your needs ahead of his
  • When he starts to phone you regularly
  • When he makes excuses to touch you
  • When he surprises you with gifts
  • When he asks frequent questions about you
  • When he tells you he loves you
  • When he introduces you to his friends
  • When he wants to take you out
  • When he tells you about himself
  • When he seeks your attention obviously
  • When he asks silly questions
  • When he gives you a romantic nickname.

How To Know If A Russian Guy Likes You

When he pays full attention to you

 As mentioned earlier, there is no special feat to expect from a Russian guy that is in love with you. Virtually any guy will pay attention to someone he loves. However, Russian guys are not flirty. You have to keep that in mind.

 If you already have a Russian friend, you are probably already aware that he doesn’t go around with women. If your Russian guy likes you, he will pay attention to you. Not just attention but full attention.

 It will be in an unusual way so you won’t have to think deeply about it before realizing he is giving you special treatment. He will listen to you. He will stay open-minded and you will easily get in touch with him whenever you want.

 You can tell he is in love with you when you realize that he is not the same with other girls.

When he shows off his traditions to you

This is a pretty common feature among many guys. You may see it as a show of love from many guys when they tell you things about themselves and take you home.

It may be a show of love but it is a low-key plan to lure you into their lives. You will get to know a lot or all about him and feelings of attraction may start to develop slowly. 

Since Russian guys don’t go around speaking to every girl, you should find yourself special when a Russian guy tells you so much about himself that you get to know his culture and traditions. He will probably be telling you about Russia and his hometown, and mostly about his family. When he starts talking about his family, he is indirectly teaching you to act in the right way and get prepared for when he chooses to take you home.

When he wants you to meet his family

Every guy that likes you may want to show you to his parents, his brothers, and virtually everyone close to him. It is the same with a Russian guy.

 It is very rare and almost impossible for a guy who only intends to flirt with you to want to show you to his family. In other words, there is a high chance that you can trust a guy who wants to show you to his parents.

When a Russian guy likes you, there is a high chance he will want to show you to his family. When he tells about his family and his hometown, he has indirectly prepared you for what to expect when you are taken to his hometown.

After that, he will want to take you to his family. It is a show of love but it is another way of getting his family to accept you

For a guy who doesn’t speak to other girls, you should know something is up when he wants you to meet with his family.

When he puts your needs ahead of his

 It is quite unusual for any guy to sacrifice his needs to satisfy someone else but it happens. When a person is in love with you, there is a high chance you will be getting a lot of this.

 Russian guys may not flirt around with many girls but they are great lovers. They are committed to whatever relationship they are in and they will do anything to keep their partners happy.

While you may not be in a relationship with the Russian guy yet, he is slowly luring you into his life with his attention.

 He will satisfy you in every way he can, even if he has to sacrifice some things. When you see this sign in a Russian guy, he considers you special and you should take note of him.

When he starts to phone you regularly

This is a way of showing attention. Once again, there is no special feat that distinguishes Russian lovers from others. However, you can easily tell the difference between Russian guys that are in love and those that are not.

 When a guy starts to phone you regularly, he is most likely in love with you. However, there are rare cases where a guy temporarily calls you often just to flirt with you. This is not the case with Russian guys since you already know they are not flirtatious.

When a Russian guy begins to give you frequent phone calls, you can tell that he is seeking your attention. It would be more obvious if you don’t have anything special to talk about but he keeps calling.

When he makes excuses to touch you

As mentioned earlier, a Russian guy is very generous with attention when he is in love with you. He won’t flirt with other girls and he won’t flirt with you either but the way he seeks your attention will make it obvious.

 Most Russian guys are known to be cuddly so when you are in a relationship with a Russian guy, you can expect a lot of cuddling.

 However, when a Russian guy is in love with you and is unsure about how you feel about him, he may touch you unintentionally. He may even touch you deliberately and find an excuse. However, he won’t try to seduce you.

When he surprises you with gifts

Most guys give gifts to the girls they are in love with, irrespective of where they are from. A Russian guy can give gifts and come up with surprises for someone he loves. However, it may not be a special feature. The Russian guy may consider you as a mere friend and the gift may be a mere friendly gift.

 However, you can tell there is something more to it when a Russian guy keeps surprising you and giving you gifts.

 A Russian guy can lure you into his life by telling you about his culture and traditions, his hobbies, and his family.

After giving you a lot of information about himself and making you a part of his life, then he will start to do things to make you stay. He will give you his optimum attention, care for you in every way, and constantly surprise you with gifts.

 When you can count all of these signs, the Russian guy is most likely in love with you.

When he asks frequent questions about you

This is one of the signs you can see in a lover. This also applies to a Russian guy that is in love with you. Since Russian guys are not known to flirt and talk excessively with random girls, you can tell that something is up when a Russian guy asks frequent questions about yourself.

 It is part of the process of building a lovely bond with you. A Russian guy starts by luring you into his life with stories about himself. He tells you about Russia or his hometown.

He tells you about his family, his close relatives, and their culture. After luring you into his life, he makes you stay by doing sweet things. Then he will try to get into your life by knowing all about you.

 This will help in creating a stronger bond between the two of you. When a Russian guy starts to ask frequent questions about you, you can tell he is falling in love with you.

When he tells you he loves you

 This is probably the easiest part to understand on the list. Many guys show love by simply saying how much they love a girl. Unfortunately, many men can flirt with the statement. Some say it without meaning it so you may not trust just anyone. It is not the same with most Russian guys.

It is already known that Russian guys don’t flirt around. You have probably seen this sign in your Russian friend so you don’t have to wonder if he is flirting with you when he tells you he loves you. Since he is not a flirt, you can be assured that he is being honest when he tells you he loves you.

 This saves you the stress of looking for other signs, even though all signs will be too obvious for you to overlook.

When he introduces you to his friends

Most guys will introduce you to their friends when they are in love with you. It can be very deceptive too but you don’t have to worry in the case of a Russian guy. Russian guys don’t play around with girls so your heart won’t be broken.

This may not be a strong sign to assure you so you will have to check for other signs. If you have started a relationship with a Russian guy, there is a chance he will introduce you to his friends as his girlfriend. With that, you will be sure he is serious with you.

However, if he hasn’t asked you out, he may introduce you as a friend and you may not find that special enough to call it a sign.

When he wants to take you out

 Anyone can take you out, even without the feeling of love or deception. A Russian guy can also take you out without feeling love for you but you should pay attention to him and other signs.

If he takes you out regularly, there is a high chance he is romantically attracted to you and he is only seeking your attention.

When he tells you about himself

Asides from his traditions and his family, a Russian guy will tell you so much about himself. He will tell you so much that you will find yourself imagining some part of the story. It is a way to get you to think about him for a moment.

 It is also a way of luring you into his life because you will get to know his likes and dislikes, his wishes, his secrets, and much more.

When he seeks your attention

When you find him asking for your attention, he is in love with you.

 It is important to know that Russian guys won’t play around with girls so if he is asking for some time with you, you should know he finds you special.

When he asks silly questions

 This is common to virtually all men when they are in love. They tend to ask silly questions. You may hear questions about the food you will be eating and other irrelevant questions.

 A Russian guy can ask these questions just to talk to you and have your attention.

When he gives you a romantic nickname

There is a very high chance you will be getting a pet name from a Russian guy that loves you.

 Russians are used to addressing one another with cute pet names so a Russian guy may find a pet name for you if he finds you special.


All the signs in the list above are common in virtually every lover. They are also very obvious to take note of so you don’t have to look deep into any part.

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