How To Respond When Someone Tells You A Secret

When someone wants to tell you a secret, the person trusts you enough to not reveal the secret to a third party.

You can respond by simply assuring the person that “you can trust me with your secret“. This way, the person is well assured that his secret stays with you.

However, there are other replies that you can give the person when they tell you a secret. Take a look at the various replies that you can give when someone tells you a secret.

When someone tells you their secret, here are the 20 best responses

How To Respond When Someone Tells You A Secret

  • You can trust me with your secret.
  • I won’t tell anyone this.
  • Count on me, I won’t let out your secret.
  • Sure, I won’t tell anyone.
  • You need not worry about others knowing your secret.
  • You kept it to yourself for too long
  • Do you know the repercussions of keeping such a secret to yourself?
  • You should have said this before now. We would have found a way out.
  • I won’t let out your secrets even though we are not on good terms.
  • I am not like others that go about spreading your secrets and telling lies about you.
  • Trust me, if I tell other people, then it’s no longer a secret.
  • If you doubt me, why do you think I would reveal your secret?
  • If you do not trust me with your secret, then you should not tell me in the first place.
  • I suppose you trust me enough to keep such a secret; if not, you would not reveal it to me.
  • Secrets are personal. Think well before you reveal them to me.
  • I’m not emotionally prepared to hear such a secret. I think you should tell someone else or keep it to yourself.
  • Are you sure others don’t know about this secret?
  • It will be difficult to keep such a secret, and I would prefer that you not tell me.
  • I’m empathetic. I know how you feel about your secret. I will not let anyone know.
  • You should have known me by now. I am not a talkative person.

You can trust me with your secret

When someone tells you a secret, you need to be able to assure the person that his secrets are safe with you and that you will not spill them to someone else.

This is a reply that you need to give that makes the person believe that you are actually going to keep the secret to yourself and not tell anyone.

It is actually a straightforward answer. With this reply, you are directly telling the person that he can trust you.

I won’t tell anyone

How To Respond When Someone Tells You A Secret

This is another way to tell the person directly that you are not going to tell anyone the secret. Once you tell him that you will not tell anyone, he will gain your trust at that instant and he will be moved to tell you the secret without doubting if you will tell him or not.

Count on me, I’ve got your back

How To Respond When Someone Tells You A Secret

 This way, you are telling him that he can count on you as long as he has told you his secret.

You communicate to him that you have his back and you will not let an outsider know about his secret that he shared with you. You have made him trust you, and he believes that you will not let out his secret.

You trust me to the extent of telling me such secrets?

This reply is more like a question. You are actually asking if the person trusts you so well to the extent of telling you a secret.

If the person trusts you so well, then you should ensure that you do not disappoint by telling people the secret. If you have been trusted, ensure that you live up to that trust. If you break the person’s trust, he may end up not trusting you next time.

You should not worry about others learning of your secret

 When someone tells you a secret, the first worry that the person has is if other people will get to know the secret.

You must assure the individual that no one from outside will learn the secret.Once the person is assured of this, then he will feel more comfortable telling you about it.

You kept it to yourself for too long 

This is a reply asking the person how long he has kept the secret to himself because some things are better left unsaid.Perhaps he was afraid that telling someone would make the secret public, making it no longer a secret.

Do you know the repercussions of keeping such a secret to yourself?

There are some secrets that should not be kept to yourself simply because they have some repercussions that are not pleasant at all.

Some people are not usually aware of this, and this is why they go ahead and keep such a secret to themselves.

You may even need to explain to the person the repercussions of keeping such a secret to yourself. The person probably would have saved a life or something similar, but keeping the secret to himself for too long was not really a good idea.

You should have said this before now, we would have found a way out

 It is possible that the secret that person is about to tell you is a solution to a particular problem. In situations like this, draw his attention towards the fact that the secret he kept for so long was probably a solution to something.

If he had told you the secret before, you both would have used it to find a solution to a problem.

I won’t let out your secrets even though we are not on good terms

You must have heard stories or you must have even had experiences in the past where you were close friends with someone and you shared secrets together, only for you both to have a little misunderstanding, and because of that, the other person started to let out the secrets that you guys once kept, which is actually not a good thing.

With this reply, you are assuring him that you will not let out the secrets even if you are no longer on talking terms.  

I am not like others that go about spreading your secrets and telling lies about you

Many people out there cannot be trusted with secrets. Some can even go as far as telling lies about you.

When someone tells you a secret, you need to assure the person that you are not like those people out there that go about telling secrets to people who are not even supposed to know about it.

As long as you are able to convince him that you are a unique person, the secret stays safe with you.

Trust me, if I tell other people, then it’s no longer a secret

This is a way of communicating to the person that you can be free with people and talk to people, but you cannot go to the extent of telling your secret to other people.

If at all, something is being said to other people, then it is no longer a secret. It is probably another conversation entirely that is way different from the secret.

If you doubt me, why do you think I would reveal your secret?

 This is also a direct question. If the person doubts you and does not trust you with his secret, ask the person why that is so and why he thinks you would reveal his secrets to other people.

If you are able to get feedback from him, you would know where your fault is and how to work on it as well.

If you do not trust me with your secret, then you should not tell me in the first place

This is a direct statement to the person that if he does not trust you, why would he want to tell you a secret in the first place?

The fact that he can trust you is reason enough for him to tell you a secret, because he believes you are a trustworthy individual who would not go about spreading his secrets to people who should not know about it.

I suppose you trust me enough to keep such a secret; if not, you would not reveal it to me

 With this reply, you are giving him a heads up that you assume that he trusts you already and that you will not reveal his secrets to people, and that for the fact that he has known you for a while, he should at least have a good level of trust in you. This is one reason that you can give that would make sense.

Secrets are personal, think well before you reveal them to me

This is more like a reminder telling him that secrets are meant to be personal and he should think well if he is ready to tell you before he even does.

Some people go about telling their secrets to people even before they think about it. It is best if you think about it before telling anyone, so that you will be sure that you are ready to tell the secret.

I’m not emotionally prepared to hear such a secret, I think you should tell someone else or keep it to yourself

This is a reply you need to give to someone if you know full well that you are not emotionally prepared to hear a secret from someone, and also if you would prefer the person to tell someone else the secret instead of telling you the secret.

You may not be in the right emotional state at that point in time, and you do not want to hear anything else.

Are you sure others don’t know about this secret already

This is a reply in which you ask if others don’t know about the secret already. There are some secrets that you have kept for a long time without knowing that people outside already know about them.

That is why you need to be sure if others don’t know about it already. Reply by asking him this question.

It will be difficult to keep such a secret. I’d rather you don’t tell me

 There are some secrets you will not be able to keep because they affect you in some way.

The best thing to do is to tell the person to keep such a secret to himself because you are already aware that you do not have the capacity to keep such secrets to yourself.

This is the right thing to do, instead of allowing the person to tell you the secret and then going ahead to spread it.

I know how you feel about your secret. I will not let anyone know

People love it and also feel better when you are more empathetic towards them. When someone wants to tell you their secret, put yourself in the person’s shoes and check to see how it would feel if you told someone a secret and the person went ahead to tell someone else.

You will be able to understand the feeling. What you would do is to assure the person that you are empathetic towards him, and because of that, you would not reveal the secret.

If you are aware of how it feels if someone spills your secret, you would not want to do it to someone else.

You should have known me by now. I am not a talkative 

 Those who talk too much are usually prone to telling their secrets to other people. If someone is about to tell you a secret, remind him that you are not a talkative person, so he should not be worried about you telling your secret to other people.


Humans are generally looking for people they can trust. That is why you only tell your secrets to someone you can trust.

This is to avoid your secret being heard by a lot of people. If the person you want to tell your secrets to is not comfortable with it, you can keep them to yourself.


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