Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Everyone has some things that keep them busy. But if you’ve got that someone who wouldn’t make time for you, then you’re just not important to them.

It can be frustrating when you create time for someone and they get back to you with “they’re busy.” However, you may not always know what to say in reply. 

How you reply to someone who says busy will depend on your mood. Most times, we’re advised to reply courteously.

However, if you need funny and sarcastic comebacks that will either get to them or express your understanding, then you’re in the right place. In this article, I’ll be giving you funny replies to someone who says busy.

20 Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Sometimes we may need replies that will ease the tension when someone says busy and show that we’re not angry.

Also, we may need a reply that will get to them and express our hurt. Below are 20 funny replies that should take care of them.

  • Oh! Busy bee
  • Busy body
  • Mr. Bee, take it easy
  • Mr. Always busy
  • Are you God?
  • Even God rested
  • Doing what?
  • What have you achieved?
  • I can see
  • Okay, bee
  • But, I can’t find any honey
  • It remains a beehive
  • I hope you are enjoying your busyness
  • Sounds boring
  • All work and no play makes jack a dull boy
  • Make sure you get an award for your busyness
  • Do you have a business?
  • Keep missing out on all the fun
  • Do you even sleep?
  • I’m sorry you don’t bathe

Oh! Busy Bee

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Everyone knows a bee is always busy making honey. So, when you call someone who says busy, “busy bee,” they’ll get the message well.

Literally, a busy bee means a hard-working person, so this is a very suitable reply.

Also, this is a funny reply you both can laugh over, but it doesn’t stop there. It also passes a message that they’re too busy.

If it’s someone that always gives the “busy” reply, they should understand that you’re not only trying to be funny but let them know they ought to slow down.

When you use this response, it doesn’t show anger, but it’ll depend on the tone of your voice. So, if you want a reply that wouldn’t create tension, you can use this reply with a playful tone.  


Another funny reply for someone who says busy is “busybody.” Literally, a busybody means someone who doesn’t face what concerns them but interferes with that of others.

So, when you call someone who says busy a busybody, they would get you’re only joking and not insulting them.

This response will work in showing you’re not hurt and that you understand them. To make it more fun, you can use other words like, “madam busybody,” “Mr. busybody,” and the likes.

Mr. Bee Take it Easy

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

One of the suitable replies for someone who says busy is “Mr. Bee take it easy.” This is a reply that you both can laugh over and release some stress.

This reply works to create fun and to hint at them to take things easy. Mr. Bee here takes care of the aspect of their busyness. Calling them Mr. Bee indicates they work as a bee.

Then when you add that they should take it easy, it isn’t the only part of the fun but a bit of advice to them to take things slowly and they should understand. So, this is an appropriate response for fun and advice.

Mr. Always Busy

Another way you can reply to someone who says busy is by calling them “Mr. Always busy.” This phrase is a funny response that also drives home a point. 

When you call them, “Mr. Always busy,” it shows that they always give the “busy” reply. So, this reply is appropriate to create a cool atmosphere and also hint at them that they’re too busy.

Therefore, it can also serve as a subtle message, telling them to slow it down. However, depending on how your tone of voice is, it can also sound sarcastic.

Are You God?

Another reply for someone who says busy is, ” are you, God?” Yes, we all know God is always busy taking care of our needs, so we can ask someone who claims they’re too busy if they’re God.

This is another funny reply that can work if you don’t want to express anger or show disappointment. It can create some funny moments for you both.

Also, this can work as a sarcastic reply that hints that the person can never be too busy since they’re not God. This is appropriate to use on someone who always says they’re busy.

Even God Rested

Another way you can reply to someone who says busy is to say that God rested. We know that God who worked to create us rested. So, if we use this reply, the person will understand perfectly.

It’s suitable for someone who always tells you they’re busy. Moreover, the expression, “even God rested,” isn’t only funny, but it shows you’re not happy with the way they always say busy.

In addition, it’s a way to let them know they need to take a rest from whatever they’re doing. So, this reply works in advising them to take a break and to also create some fun.

Doing What?

Another reply, suitable for someone who says busy is, “doing what?” It works like, “busy doing what?”

This phrase is a sarcastic response to show your unhappiness for them telling you that they’re busy.

This is also a funny reply if you say this expression with a playful tone. Although this is meant to be a rhetorical question for fun, you can also find out about what’s keeping them busy. 

When you ask someone who tells you they’re busy what they’re doing, they can be inclined to tell you about it. So, with this reply, you can know if they’re really busy or they’re just making up excuses not to see you.

What Have You Achieved?

Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is to ask them what they’ve achieved with it. This is another sarcastic reply that can work to express how you feel.

Also, you can give this reply to sound funny. Asking someone who says busy what they’ve achieved is a good comeback that can get to them. Even if you sounded funny, it can still pass a message to them.

And if it’s someone who’s overworking themselves, they may get a message to slow down.

I Can See

Another response that will suit someone who says busy is “I can see.” This is a sarcastic comeback that should drive home a point.

This reply can work to express your anger toward someone who keeps telling you they’re busy. When you say you can see when someone says they’re busy, they’ll understand that you’re trying to be sarcastic.

Moreover, if the person is a friend they should be able to detect the hurt in your voice and should work towards changing. 

Okay, bee

Another reply for someone who says, busy is “okay, bee.” This is a funny reply that should get to the person.

When you say okay, it shows your understanding and doesn’t express anger. Then calling them a bee makes it all fun. This is a reply to laugh over with. 

But, I Can’t Find Any Honey

Another reply that suits someone who says busy is, “I can’t find any honey.” This is a sarcastic and funny reply that should work.

Everyone knows a bee keeps busy making honey, so telling someone who says busy that you can’t find any honey can create a cool atmosphere.

In addition, it doesn’t show any anger and you can use the expression to show your understanding.

It Remains to Make a Beehive

One of the expressions that should work for someone who tells you they’re busy is to let them know they should create a beehive.

This is another funny reply you can use. When you say there’s a need to make a beehive, it’s the same as calling them a bee since they’re busy.

This expression works in showing your understanding and at the same time, letting them know they’re always busy. It’s suitable for someone who always tells you they’re busy.

I Hope You Are Enjoying Your Busyness?

Another way you can reply to someone who says they’re busy is to ask them if they’re enjoying their busyness. This is another reply that can be both sarcastic and funny.

When you say this with a flat tone, it can let them know you’re not happy with them. So, this would fit someone who keeps saying busy to you. 

Again, you can say this with a playful tone to create a funny scene.

Sounds Boring

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Another appropriate response for someone who says busy is, “sounds boring.” This is a funny reply you can use to tease the person.

Someone busy definitely isn’t having fun, so telling them it sounds boring when they tell you they’re busy is a funny way you can get to them.

Moreover, you can use your expression to make it more fun, maybe roll your eyes at them if they’re with you. Or you can yawn over the phone when you say this.

All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull boy

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is an expression that has been in use for a long time. This expression is used on someone who is always working and doesn’t rest. 

So, you can use this reply when you want to be funny and the person will catch on.

Besides, this expression doesn’t only serve as a funny one, but it can pass as a warning, letting the person know they’re working too much. So, it should serve as a reminder that they need rest.

Make Sure You Get an Award for Your Busyness

Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is saying, “make sure you get an award for your busyness”. 

This is both a sarcastic and funny response. So, you can use it when you want to sound playful or show your unhappiness.

Moreover, if the person cares about you, they should detect when you’re unhappy with them from your voice. 

So, this reply can serve to create some fun and also let them know you’re hurt by their busyness.

Do You Have a Business?

One of the ways you can reply to someone who tells you they’re busy is to ask them if they’ve got a business. 

This question serves to tease them and create some fun. So, whether they’ve got a business or not, they’ll understand you’re only joking.

Keep missing Out on All the Fun

Funny Replies When Someone Says Busy

Another suitable reply for someone who says busy is to tell them to keep missing out on all the fun.

First, someone who’s always busy wouldn’t be having fun and so reminding them to keep missing out on the fun is a way to tease them.

In addition, this reply can serve to bring to their consciousness that they may need to take a break.

So, this is a good reply to tease someone who is always busy and to make them understand that they need to slow down.

Do You Even Sleep?

Another appropriate response for someone who says busy is to ask them if they sleep.

This is a cool response that you can say playfully. In addition, this reply shows your concern for them and can let them know they’re going too hard.

So, you can use this response to tease someone who always tells you they’re busy and at the same time show your concern for them.

I’m Sure You Don’t Bathe

Another proper response for someone who says busy is, “I’m sure you don’t bathe.”

This is a funny response you can use to tease them and also it can serve to let them know they’re too busy.

You can use this reply on someone who always tells you they’re busy. 


When someone tells you they’re busy when you need them, you can choose to give a sarcastic and funny reply.

A funny reply can express your understanding and at the same time show your worry and your disappointment. Also, it can serve as a subtle way to advise them to slow down.

However, your tone will also play a role in how you want your reply to sound. So, any of the expressions above can work when you want a sarcastic and funny comeback for someone who says, “busy.”


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