Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else? 7 Possible Reasons!

Well, knowing that something works perfectly for some people doesn’t and shouldn’t make it generalized. The same thing applies to setups. If matchmaking has done some good, it may not be for everyone

In the same vein, you mustn’t permit someone who is forced into your life to remain. You ought to protect your mental health rather than dance to the tune of emotional game players.

A guy can try to set you up for so many obvious reasons. However, you may not know the way out unless you know his intentions very well.

In this article, you will get to know some reasons why he is trying to set you up with someone else and what you can do or need to do to escape that snare.

7 Reasons Why Why Is He Trying To Set You Up With Someone Else?

There could be a number of reasons why he wants to set you up with someone. Most times, it is not for a good reason, except if he likes you and wants to know if you like him too, or if he wants to know how fast you can get over what you both shared in the past.

The following are some other reasons:

  1. He wants you to know that he is not interested in you.
  2. He feels you’ll be a good companion with such a person.
  3. The other person might have informed him that he or she likes you.
  4. He might have noticed a trait in you that the other person likes or that will suit the other person.
  5. He wants your attention on someone else.
  6. You both like one another.
  7. To exercise emotional authority over you.

He Wants You To Know That He Is Not Interested In You

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

It is possible that he feels that you think he is interested in you, and in a bid to prove you wrong, he may try to set you up with someone else.

However, his actions may seem strange, but he will go to any length to give people the impression that there is nothing between you too, including setting you up with someone else.

To show you that he is not interested in you, he may choose to set you up with someone else.

If you have been showing interest in him and he sets you up with someone, then it is a signal that he wants your focus diverted from him and to him; that’s the only way in which he can accomplish what he wants to or clear your suspicion.

He Feels You’ll Be A Good Companion With Such A Person

Looking closely at your personality could be the reason why he is trying to set you up with someone else.

Maybe such a person is taking time to heal from a past relationship, or better yet, he feels you will be a great companion to the other person.

His reason may seem selfish at first but may be beneficial if the other party really needs company and is in search of one.

Although that may not be the best way to get a companion for someone else, who knows if it will give birth to something fulfilling?

Anyway, if you are not interested in the other person, then you should not oblige and move on.

The Other Person Might Have Informed Him That He Or She Likes You

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

Even when there is obviously no relationship between you and the guy who tries to set you up, it is obvious that he is doing that because the other party has confessed that they admire you, and he is trying to be the connector, especially if he foresees something beautiful.

Being the connector that he is, it’s a risky game, but it matters less to him so long as he brings you closer to the person who likes you and maybe has set a goal to get you.

So, look closely and observe their body cues. It could be that he is being contracted to set you up with the other person because of their interest in you.

He Might Have Noticed A Trait In You That The Other Person Likes Or That Will Suit The Other Person

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

People automatically get interested in connecting two parties when they notice a trait one possesses that may suit someone they know.

This could be the reason why he is trying to set you up with someone else. It happens more often when the quality you possess is rare and seems to match that of the other person.

In that case, if you look closely to know the traits he praises, you may gain insight into why he wants to set you up with someone else.

He Wants Your Attention On Someone Else

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

If, after a series of resolutions, counseling, and conversations, someone is still unwilling to heal from past hurts, then he or she can become attached to someone else.

On that note, he may try to set you up with someone else so that you can move on from the experiences of the past, especially unpleasant ones.

After counseling, if he feels you are adamant to move on, then his next move could be to set you up with someone else. In this case, you may feel uninterested in his new plan; however, it may help you overcome your past experiences and focus your attention on someone else.

The intent of trying to set you up with someone else may not be to help you move on from emotional hurt that happened in the past but to give you hope in your current relationship, which may not be favorable.

You Both Like One Another

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

It may be true that he set you up with someone else, but in your hearts of hearts, you are aware of the chemistry between you two, and that could be the reason why he is trying to set you up with someone else.

In the end, he may be trying to know what you feel about me or whether you can move on with the other person easily without considering anyone else, even him or her.

In a case where you like him, you can let him know at this point so that he will stop playing games trying to test your feelings or know if you can move on with someone else even after he knows that you have feelings for him or have neglected his feelings.

To Exercise Emotional Authority Over You

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

A pill fanatic is capable of exhibiting this trait. Most times, he tries to set you up not simply because he doesn’t like you but because he wants to exercise emotional authority over you.

As a pill fanatic, he can try to manipulate your emotions, making you feel less of yourself as he sets you up with someone else.

He might conclude that you are inferior to him so he can mislead you to do what he wants you to do.

Therefore, if you have observed such a dominant trait in him, ensure to protect your emotional health and break free from every serious connection between you two. If you can, avoid him.

9 Things To Do When He Is Trying To Set You Up With Someone Else?

When someone tries to set you up with someone else, it may feel weird at first. Especially if you like him or you both like one another but he simply wants to test your reactions.

Beyond that, if he tries to set you up with someone else because of his narcotic-like attributes, you ought to stay far away from him to protect your emotions.

As discussed previously, there are quite a number of reasons why he tries to set you up. Anyway, you shouldn’t worry or get confused. Simply do any of the following that works best for you:

  1. Don’t paint him in a bad light.
  2. Ask him why he is doing so and sincerely request for answers.
  3. Express or talk about disconnections between you two.
  4. Ignore him or develop tough skin.
  5. Challenge him
  6. Avoid or eliminate him.
  7. Change the subject matter
  8. Tell him to truth
  9. Tell him to stop

Don’t Paint Him In A Bad Light

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

You may get hurt by his actions toward you; however, don’t paint him like the devil. Simply calm down and try not to paint everything that concerns him in a bad light.

Acting in anger or hurt towards him may not birth anything good but make the matter worse. So, remain calm as you think of the best possible action to take instead of getting upset and tarnishing his reputation when you get to know his selfish interests.

Ask Him Why He Is Doing So And Sincerely Request For Answers

It’s most important to know why he tries to set you up with someone else. As you ask him, request answers so that you are not left in the dark and you’ll know his real intention and the best way to tackle the whole situation will not be difficult henceforth.

Express Or Talk About Disconnections Between You Two

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

Just in case you do not like the person you are attached to, you shouldn’t hide your disinterest. Instead of seeing and accepting the connection between you two, talk about your connections, and don’t give room for anything that will attract you two.

Ignore Him Or Develop A Tough Skin

Instead of spending energy or trying to play along with him, showing whether you’ve moved on or not, simply develop a tough skin or ignore such a charismatic dude.

When he begins such a set-up, act like you are not aware of what is going on and ensure that he doesn’t force what you do not want on you.

Challenge Him

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

It is possible that he simply needs you to stand up against his uncomfortable plans. Don’t apologize if you don’t find it funny. With all seriousness, challenge him as to the direction you want.

When you do, it makes him perceive your seriousness, and from there, he may begin to water down his agenda and finally let you be.

Avoid Him Or Eliminate Him From Your Agenda

Act like their opinion of you counts less, and don’t always be on the run to go close to where they are so that such situations will die down naturally as you avoid them physically and otherwise.

Ensure that your plans, hangouts, and events don’t revolve around them.

Change The Subject Matter

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

Whenever he comes up with such talks, ensure you change the subject matter if you are not interested.

Otherwise, at every point in time, when you join the conversation and contribute to the set-up matter, especially in a playful manner, you may be delving deeper into it unknowingly.

Tell Him The Truth

Instead of playing such games with him, you can simply tell him the truth—that you like him.

Who knows, since he simply wants to figure out if you still like him or are ready to move on without him, when you tell him the truth, there is a high chance that he will stop trying to set you up with someone else and the atmosphere between you two will be less tense.

Tell Him To Stop

Why Is He Trying To Set Me Up With Someone Else

Trying to set you up with someone else can be so annoying. In order for him not to constantly get upset, you can simply tell him to stop.

Bottling up your anger for too long can be so dangerous that the day you decide to let it out can lead to a more complicated condition.

So, speak your mind, tell him to stop, and if possible, involve an authority so he will know that it is more serious than he thinks and back off with immediate effect.


A set-up is mostly a share that is unfavorable. And no one should opt to live an uncomfortable life, including you, especially in a situation where the person setting you up is a pill fanatic or wants to blackmail your emotions.

Don’t keep silent in this care, and if you admire him, tell him already so he can relate with you in a more clear manner without forcing or behaving someone your way by all means. I hope you get a message from this piece.

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