Why Do I Cry When I Think About My Boyfriend?

Your tears serve as an emotional release medium.

Have you ever had a worrying knot in your throat when you were thinking of your boyfriend? Perhaps you’ve seen tears starting to form and then gathering over time, making the surroundings slightly blurry while you attempt to sniffle them away.

Or perhaps you’ve felt your breath shorten and are praying that no one would even look at you, much less ask you a question, since you know you’ll cry if you open your mouth to try to speak.

If you’ve experienced this, you could have also questioned how to stop sobbing or how to put off or delay going through with the initial event.

You’re not alone, by any means. Below are reasons why you might cry when thinking of your boyfriend.

Reasons Why You Cry When You Think About Your Boyfriend

  • You cry when you think of your boyfriend because you miss him
  • When you feel ignored by your boyfriend
  • If your boyfriend is late

You cry when you think of your boyfriend because you miss him

Missing someone can cause a wide range of emotions, from mild sadness to excruciating pain, based on the state of the relationship at that time and the length of time spent apart.

If you’re apart from your significant other, it’s only natural that you’d feel lonely.

Why Do I Cry When I Think About My Boyfriend

Longing for someone who isn’t present physically is miserable, whether you’ve been separated for a few days due to a hectic work week or you’re long distance and you’re used to being apart for months at a time.

Although your heart may be hurting, your mind is also in the mix. Emotional waves can be triggered by chemical reactions in the brain.

Humans are often motivated by chemical reactions in the brain that we aren’t even aware are taking place, but this doesn’t mean that the emotions we experience as a result of these reactions don’t have substantial effects on our daily lives.

Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist at Yeshiva University, found that the withdrawal some people experience after a breakup is very similar to the withdrawal some people experience when they quit using drugs or alcohol.

When that special someone isn’t around, it’s normal to feel down in the dumps. You’ve been longing for a reunion with your boo.

When you feel ignored by your boyfriend

You first make an effort to engage with them, you inquire as to why, you apologize, you’re willing to comply with all of their requests, and you explore all possible options.

Sadly, they don’t show up. The majority of people experience it. Same old tale. Despite your best efforts, he refuses to pay attention to a single thing you say.

Your actual test will now begin. It hurts that you are too overwhelmed to express your feelings. You’re becoming more silent. You start to lose hope and patience, but you still want him on the table facing a barrage of inquiries.

A fairy tale, that is. In actuality, you are still dealing with the issue and waiting for his response while you are memorizing him. But nothing that you expected happened.

You haven’t shed a single tear for him though. You are powerful. You started crying a lot when an emotional attack struck out of nowhere.

Your worst moment is now. You’re hesitant to express your feelings. You sobbed late at night and let go of everything. At the very least, you desire him, but he doesn’t get it.

If your boyfriend is late

The final stage, whether it be for love or grief, is crying. It doesn’t even start to come out.

You cry with happiness when you accomplish your long-sought-after ambitions. And you cry dejectedly when you’re in your lowest state and feel utterly unhappy.

The highest level of love and pain is crying. When you grieve for someone, all you feel at that moment is profound, pure, unadulterated love. You are at your top for those 5 to 10 minutes.

How To Stop Crying When You Think About Your Boyfriend

First things first: Crying is normal. But here’s what you can do if it happens at awkward moments or you feel intensely about it.

Contrary to what you may have heard, crying does not indicate a lack of strength. In reality, having the strength to accept and acknowledge your own feelings is a tremendous strength.

An effective way to release emotions is by crying. Tears, though, could seem like a hassle depending on the occasion, the setting, and your own preferences.

You can feel out of control during these inappropriate times and realize that trying to stop yourself from crying has the opposite impact.

There are various methods to calm your nervous system and aid in emotion regulation when you want to quit crying when you think of your boyfriend. There are:

  • Every day, find ways to relax.
  • Determine what could make you cry and the reason(s) you last cried.
  • Even if it will take time and practice, replace thoughts that bring you to tears.
  • Imagine that you are a movie actor.

Every day, find ways to relax

Crying can be a way to self-soothe, but if you see that you’re breaking down in tears regularly and without warning, I urge you to stop and consider how you’re taking care of your general emotional health.

Use self-compassion to calm yourself down and realize that it’s alright to feel what you’re experiencing.

Whether you find yourself in a scenario that makes you cry or not, you can take precautions to stop yourself from sobbing. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating enough, and drinking enough water.

Attempt to lessen or get rid of additional sources of stress in your life. Doing all you can to resolve issues, such as ongoing arguments with your spouse or housemates, could help you create a baseline that is less shaky.

Our coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety, two of the main reasons why we weep, are quite similar.

This won’t stop some things, ideas, or situations from making you cry, but it might make you feel more prepared to deal with some of the feelings that come your way.

Determine what could make you cry and the reason(s) you last cried.

If you start your day with the expectation of having a reasonably good day but know that you might think about your partner and the thinking would make you emotional, the thought may make you respond negatively, resulting in tears.

However, if you anticipate it and are aware of it beforehand, you can kind of brace yourself for it. So attempt to foresee potentially challenging scenarios and get ready. Until you have a minute to yourself, it might help you maintain your composure.

Don’t merely brush aside the fact that you have shed tears in a similar circumstance in the past.

When we cry, we frequently want to forget about it right away because we feel embarrassed or angry that it happened and would want to never think about it again.

But because you didn’t take the time to consider why you were sobbing, that strategy can make you cry more in the future.

Tears provide very significant emotional messages. But if you take the time to pay attention to such signs, you can only benefit from them.

So, once you’ve calmed down, try to identify the emotions and other causes that led to your tears.

When you’re not feeling as emotional, consider how you might address the underlying cause (or causes), regardless of whether you’re furious, glad, hateful, or anything else. It could possibly stop the tears from welling up in a similar circumstance.

If you find yourself crying frequently, there may be a deeper problem that needs to be addressed before you can stop yourself from crying now and then.

Examples of such problems include depression or a truly toxic workplace that you need to figure out how to abandon behind.

Even if it will take time and practice, replace thoughts that bring you to tears.

It doesn’t mean you can’t mentally leave a situation that makes you think of your past or triggers these feelings just because you can’t physically leave it.

You can take inspiration from thought pausing or thought replacement, an intervention strategy that is occasionally employed in therapy. The description is accurate.

Try to ignore whatever it is that is making you want to cry and think about something completely unrelated in its place.

Why Do I Cry When I Think About My Boyfriend

I advise having a backup idea ready to go. Perhaps it’s the way your puppy always makes you giggle.

You can tell yourself, “I love my dog so much,” to block out thoughts about how your boyfriend treats you well or doesn’t treat you well, which might move you to tears.

Before attempting to rely on this in an emergency, you should practice it under low-pressure circumstances. This is because mastering it will require practice.

You might keep hopping back at first, but practice really does make perfect. Even yet, it might not be effective for everyone in all circumstances.

Imagine that you are a movie actor.

Another idea that I have is a little out of the ordinary, but I insist on it since it has helped me get through challenging situations and trying times of contemplation.

Pretend you’re an actor in a movie if you feel like you’re about to cry, yell, or say anything you might regret due to the intensity of your thoughts.

Instead, you can put yourself out of the picture and pretend to be the stereotypically professional “third person,” whose emotions are constantly kept in check.

Is Crying Normal Because You Really Love Someone?

Naturally, it is normal. Being in love is the most enchanting feeling in the entire world, and the reason you’re sobbing is that you love that person so very much that crying joyfully is your only response.

I’ve shed many tears in the past for the person I loved because she made me very happy. You should also give yourself permission to cry since you might find it difficult to picture your life without him.

Therefore, if you truly love someone, you shouldn’t feel guilty about crying out of joy. You only get one life.

Why Do I Cry When I Think About My Boyfriend

You can suddenly get overcome by your feelings. When you finally find the one person you are truly in love with, you will realize that the previous relationships you thought you were in love with pale in comparison.

You will be aware of it, and sure, it is positively emotional.


The next time you find yourself wondering how to stop sobbing, remember that this may not always be a bad thing and that you can add sobbing to the list of natural workplace reactions

For my part, I’d like to live in a society where crying is accepted as natural and equally ordinary to laughing, albeit ideally less frequently.

Consider talking to a therapist or someone you can trust if you’re unhappy with how often you’re sobbing or you’ve discovered that the crying is making you feel worse.

In the end, just as yawning may indicate that you need to take a nap, a little sobbing may indicate that you need to pay attention to some feelings.

Therefore, even if you may not want to cry, think about doing so in order to process your emotions.

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