Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Record Us? (Answered)

Your boyfriend wants to record you so that he can have the footage in his possession and probably keep it and wait for the moment you hurt him in the relationship.

If you guys end up calling it quits, he can go ahead and use the video to blackmail you or use it as revenge for breaking his heart. I do not always advise you to let your boyfriend record you while you both are intimate.

This does more harm than good. Even though you agree to it, ensure it is deleted totally after a while and does not let it leak, else it will be to your own detriment.

10 reasons why your boyfriend wants to record you

It is usually good for you to know the various reasons why your boyfriend wants to record you while intimate.

Usually, if there was no reason whatsoever, he would not want to do it. He has an intention in mind, and that is why he wants to record you guys.

Let me take you through the various reasons why your boyfriend wants to record you guys:

  1. He wants to keep it for viewing pleasure.
  2. He wants to blackmail you if you guys break up.
  3. He may upload it on intimate movie sites if you guys break up.
  4. He likes to make intimate tapes with different women.
  5. He wants to brag about how good he is during intimacy.
  6. He wants to use it to get famous.
  7. He wants to sell it without your consent.
  8. He wants to mess with you psychologically.
  9. If you are an influential person, he wants to ruin your reputation.
  10. He is just showing you how toxic and abusive he is.

He wants to keep it for viewing pleasure

If you are in a relationship with a guy and he tells you he wants to record you while intimate, it is possible that he is addicted to intimate movies and wants to keep the footage for his own viewing pleasure.

Guys like this always love to go back to the video when a lady is not available so that they can watch and probably give themselves pleasure.

This is one of the reasons why he wants to record both of you doing it. A time will come when he will feel like watching intimate movies and the only option he has is to resort to the video of you guys doing it.

I will not advise you to succumb to this. If he brings up this idea, simply tell him No! It is not a good thing if he continuously uses your video to please himself when he feels like doing it and he is not able to lay his hands on someone.

He wants to blackmail you if you break up

This is one trick that lots of guys do not have good intentions towards your use. The relationship may be going all fine and good, but if you happen to hurt him or break up with him in the long run, he has footage of you being intimate with him.

That alone is enough for him to blackmail you, which can eventually do a lot of damage to you.

If your boyfriend suggests recording you, you should decline because you never know what his intentions are.

Even if he does not have bad intentions toward you, who knows what will happen if someone gains access to his phone and that video is leaked, and whoever leaked it will use it to blackmail you and your boyfriend?

He may upload it on intimate movie sites if you guys break up

Intimate movies are one of the biggest industries today with the outbreak of the internet. Anything that can find its way on the internet does not leave anytime soon.

Your boyfriend may want to record you so that he can keep the footage somewhere in a safe document so that in the event that you guys break up in an unpleasant way, he can choose to upload it on intimate sites in exchange for a reward.

It gets worse if his face is not revealed in the footage, but every part of his body is revealed.

That is even more shameful because intimate sites get billions of views, which means you will get embarrassed in front of billions of people online.

He enjoys making tapes with various women

This may be his regular practice with any woman he gets to date or be intimate with. He must have done it with women in the past, and he wants to try it on you, who is his current girlfriend.

So, each time he brings up the idea of recording you while you guys are being intimate, then you know that it could be that he wants to do it with you just like he has done it with other ladies he has been with in the past.

You should not let this happen, I strongly advise you.

He wants to brag about how good he is during intimacy

This is a common practice among some guys who happen to be players. They get you intimate with them for the sole purpose of recording you and using that footage to brag to their group of friends who also do the same thing that he does.

You should definitely suspect this if the boyfriend keeps telling you he wants to record you while you guys are getting intimate in bed. He does not have good intentions toward you.

He wants to use it to get famous

There is no doubt that intimate sites make a lot of people famous. This is easy to tell because the intimate movies industry has become one of the biggest industries thanks to the internet.

Your boyfriend may want to record you intimately so that he can take that footage and post it on some of the biggest intimate movie websites.

Trust me, that footage alone can make him popular, especially if it happens after a break-up and he wants to use it as a means of revenge towards you.

When billions of people watch your tape on all the intimate movie sites out there, you get noticed and gain popularity in the industry.

He wants to sell it without your consent

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Record Us

Yes, people do sell tapes of themselves being intimate for a good price. Why it happens this way is because it is in high demand.

People who visit intimate movie sites always want to see the latest video that has been uploaded. This is another reason why your boyfriend wants to record you.

He probably wants to sell the tape without your consent, and that is not a reasonable thing to do at all. Each time he raises the idea, you should not accept it because it could be used against you if things go south between you guys.

Mind you, he will be making lots of money from selling that footage, while you will be the one getting sad and depressed over the leaked footage.

He wants to mess with you psychologically

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Record Us

When someone posts a video where you If you were intimate for millions of people to see, it could cause some sort of psychological instability in you because it is something that was done against your will and you obviously were not in support of it.

He also knows full well that things like this can affect your mental state, so if you guys eventually end up having issues in the long run and you break up in an unpleasant way.

If he wants to hurt you psychologically, he can easily refer to those clips of you he made while you were intimate.

If you are an influential person, he wants to ruin your reputation

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Record Us

If your boyfriend gets to know that you are a popular or influential person, and he wants to get back at you, it is probably because you wronged him in the relationship and he has not been able to figure out a way to get revenge for what you did to him.

He will try to cajole you into recording both of you while you are intimate. Once he gets hold of the footage, that is when things will begin to go south.

Because if you guys have a fight, he can easily ruin your reputation as a popular person by just leaking the footage, and your reputation will go down the drain in a couple of minutes.

He is just showing you how toxic and abusive he is

When you have a boyfriend who is hell-bent on recording you while being intimate with him, and he does not listen to you, even though you do not agree, he is just making it clear that he is toxic, and he may soon start being abusive.

I will advise you not to succumb to such. If he is being insensitive and selfish, then he has just confirmed the fact that he is being toxic.

For your mental health, I would advise you to leave that relationship because it will definitely result in something worse in due time.

What to do when he wants to record you?

  • Do not accept
  • Use your own phone.
  • Delete it after a while if you agree.

Do not accept

Right from the start of this article, I have been emphasizing that you should not accept if he asks you to be recorded while intimate.

This helps you to save yourself the stress and trauma of what could happen if things do not go as planned or if he happens to turn against you because you broke up with him.

If he insists, he probably has some plans, and I am pretty sure those plans are not plans that will favor you. It could cost you your mental health and reputation.

Use your own phone

Though I do not advise you to succumb to this, if you happen to agree, make sure it is your phone that is being used for the recording.

You also need to ensure that the file does not go to his phone for your own safety. You have to keep close tabs to ensure the safety of that footage. Your reputation could be jeopardized.

If you agree, delete it after a while

Why Does My Boyfriend Want to Record Us

If you have the recording on your phone after making it, make sure the footage does not have a long life span.

You should delete it and make sure it is not saved in any other place, be it an external memory card or even cloud storage.

Before you agree to make the recording, you should make an agreement with your boyfriend that you do not want the video to stay on the phone for long.

You should decide on when it will get deleted. Once the time has elapsed, go ahead and delete the video yourself.

After deleting it, ask him to find out if the video was saved somewhere else and delete it if it was saved somewhere else.

This is for your own sanity because you do not know what will happen in the long run.


Any boyfriend who wants to record you while being intimate does not have good intentions towards you one bit.

Whatever plan he has with that footage is going to harm you and cause you a lot of mental challenges. You should stop hanging out with such a person.

Do not even think of going on with the relationship if he has brought up that idea and you rejected it, and he keeps threatening you with it, using words like “if you love me, you will do this for me.”

That is a manipulative way to get you to do what you want to do even though you do not want it. Once you hear things about life like “if you love me”, it’s a trap.

You should not succumb to such a thing. I would advise you to call it quits with him. There are other decent guys out there you can have as a boyfriend who will not threaten you with being recorded while being intimate.

Always be on the lookout for such a guy, and remember that your mental health should be your top priority.

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