What to Say When Someone Says Don’t Worry About It

When someone says don’t worry about it, it can mean several things depending on the discussion taking place.

Literally, it means you shouldn’t bother about something. For example, someone may say it to help you out over something or to encourage you when you’re down.

In addition, someone may tell you this to keep you from worrying about offending them. Whatever the situation, finding the right reply sometimes may prove difficult.

You may feel whatever you say may not show exactly how you feel. To help you out, I’ve compiled 20 replies to someone who says don’t worry about it.

20 Replies to Someone Who Says Don’t Worry About It

What you say in reply to someone who says don’t worry about it will depend on what they mean. However, these 20 replies should take care of how you want to express yourself.

Whether you want to appreciate someone for taking care of something or to give a reply when you feel down, these replies will serve you well.

  • Okay
  • Alright
  • Fine
  • Thank you
  • I appreciate
  • I’m very grateful
  • God bless you
  • That’s kind of you
  • You are nice
  • Wow! That’s lovely. Thanks
  • Wow! That’s sweet of you
  • I can’t help it
  • I need to 
  • It’s Easier Said
  • I Can’t Stop Worrying
  • I won’t
  • Do You Mean It?
  • Really?
  • If You Say So
  • Are You Sure?


Okay is one of the most proper responses for someone who says don’t worry about it. You can use this response on almost any occasion. 

This reply shows your agreement when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something.

For instance, if you were having a discussion with someone and they tell you not to worry about something you offered to do, okay is the appropriate response. 


Alright” is another proper response for someone who says you shouldn’t worry about something.

You use this reply to indicate that you agree when someone tells you not to go on with something.

This reply will work for a stranger or a friend. When you say, “alright,” they’ll understand that you’re on the same page with them.


Fine” is a proper reply for someone who says you shouldn’t worry about something.

This reply also works to show your acceptance when someone tells you not to go on with something you wanted doing. You can always use it with anyone.

Thank You

Thank you” is another very appropriate response for someone who tells you not to worry about something.

This reply shows that you appreciate the person telling you not to worry about something because they’re helping you out: perhaps they don’t want you to go on with something that would’ve been an added stress for you.

Also, it could show they’re accepting your apology for offending them. This response will express how you feel.

In addition, you can use this response to show your gratitude when someone is comforting you with these words. Whatever the situation, “thank you” is one of the most appropriate responses.

I Appreciate

What to Say When Someone Says Don't Worry About It

I appreciate” is another proper reply to give when someone says don’t worry about it. 

Here, you’d understand they’re relieving you of something you should’ve bothered yourself with. So, this reply is used to show your gratitude.

For instance, if someone tells you not to worry about driving to the mall, that they’ll get whatever you want, this reply will work well. It’s a nice way to express your happiness over them helping you.

That’s kind of You

Another proper response to give when someone says don’t worry about it is to compliment them.

An expression like, “that’s kind of you” is effective. This phrase is appropriate when someone promises to help out with something and tells you not to worry about it.

Also, you can give this reply when they’re comforting you if you’re feeling down.

This response will not only show you appreciate their help you out, but it’ll also let them know that their kind act means a lot to you.

When you use this reply, it’ll surely move them to always help. You can use this reply on a friend or a strange person.

I’m Very Grateful

One very good response to use when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something expresses your deep gratitude.

Using a term like, “I’m very grateful” shows how much you appreciate their willingness to help out.

When someone promises to help out with something that you’d have done, letting them know you’re very grateful will move them to always help.

Also, when someone comforts you, telling you not to worry about something, this reply will move them not to hold back but to always help.

So, be always quick to express your appreciation with words like this when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something.

God Bless You

Another way you can respond when someone tells you not to worry about something is to leave words of blessings for them.

Saying “God bless you” is a nice phrase to use. Here, you use this term to show your gratitude for them making things easier for you.

This phrase will not only work in showing your appreciation, but the words of prayer should touch the person. It expresses how they’re helping out is doing much for you.

In this way, they wouldn’t hesitate to always help out if it. This reply is appropriate for just anybody; a stranger or whoever you’re familiar with.

You Are Nice

One of the proper responses to give someone who says you shouldn’t bother about something is saying, ” you’re nice”

It’s always to leave compliments. Moreover, letting someone who offers to help you know that they’re nice will make the person feel good about themselves.

In addition, this reply is suitable when you wish to show your appreciation. It won’t only express your thanks, it’ll go further to show that you also appreciate them as a person.

You can always say this to anyone, be it a stranger or your friend who tells you not to bother about something.

Wow! That’s Lovely. Thanks

When someone tells you not to worry about something, another way of responding is, “wow! That’s lovely. Thanks.”

This reply can be used when someone decides to take care of something and tells you not to worry. 

This expression works in showing your surprise. Probably you were not expecting that offer from the person. Also, “that’s lovely” is a compliment that expresses how nice it’s for the person to offer to help.

In addition, it shows you appreciate the person. This response can work with anyone.

Wow! That’s Sweet of You

Another appropriate response for someone who tells you not to bother about something is “wow! That’s sweet of you.”

This expression contains a lot of emotion that’ll show your gratitude deeply. When someone decides to take care of something you’ve been worried about, you’ll be very happy.

A reply like this will show the person that they’ve done well. “Wow!” expresses that you’re amazed they offered to help while “that’s sweet of you” shows your gratitude and value for the person.

I should

I should” is another way of responding when someone says don’t worry about something.

This response expresses how concerned and worried you’re about something. You use this response when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something to encourage you but isn’t offering any solution.

For instance, if you’re worried that you can’t pay a fee and a friend tell you not to worry about it, saying, “I should” shows that you ought to worry since there isn’t a way out.

This will indicate how serious the problem is and this may move your friend to find a way to help.

I Can’t Stop Worrying

When someone says don’t worry about something another way of responding is telling them you can’t.

If you’re in a deep problem and someone tells you not to worry about the problem, that won’t make the problem disappear.

Moreover, some people consider it rude when someone tells you not to worry about something that leaves you worried.

So, this reply expresses your deep pain about the situation you find yourself in.

When you use this response, the person will understand how serious the problem is. 

I can’t help It

What to Say When Someone Says Don't Worry About It

Another way of expressing that you can stop worrying about something when someone says don’t worry is saying, “I can’t help it.”

This reply is appropriate when someone is trying to comfort and encourage you when you’re in a bad situation.

In addition, It’ll work well in expressing your pain about the situation and letting the person know how difficult it’s not to worry.

It Is Easy to Say

Another way to reply to someone who tells you not to worry about something is by saying, “it’s easy to say.”

In this case, the person is trying to comfort you and make you hope that things would be better.

When you use this expression the person will understand that stopping worrying is very difficult when you can’t find help.

Although he’s only hoping to make you better, that wouldn’t change the situation if he isn’t providing the situation. 

I need to

Another way to respond when someone says don’t worry about something is to let them know you have to worry.

This phrase is a very serious way to express how deep you’re in a situation that keeps you worried.

In addition, this expression is proper to use when someone tells you not to worry about something to comfort you.

Do You Mean It?

Do you mean it?” is another way you can reply to someone who says you shouldn’t worry about something. 

In this way, you probably are planning to do something and someone then tells you don’t worry about it, it may surprise you.

So, this reply works best in showing your surprise and also to be sure you got what the person said. 

You can use this reply on your friend who you aren’t sure is serious. 


Another way of replying when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something is by using words that show your surprise. 

This reply is appropriate to use when someone tells you he’ll handle something and tells you not to worry.

Really?” is in form of a question. It works well in that it shows your surprise and at the same confirms if they really want to help. 

If You Say So

When someone says you shouldn’t worry about something, you can reply with, “if you say so“.

Here, this expression shows your agreement when they tell you you shouldn’t continue with something or they’ll take care of something.

Also, it shows your reluctance to agree; probably you’re only agreeing after they insist.

Are You Sure?

Are you sure?” is another way to reply when someone says you shouldn’t worry about something.

This reply is appropriate when someone tells you not to bother about something; maybe you offer to help with something and they tell you not to bother, you can ask to be sure.

So, this is a question you use when you aren’t expecting to hear the statement from the person.


There are many different ways you can reply to someone who tells you not to worry about something.

Usually, when they say this, they probably don’t want you to stress yourself over helping them. Also, they may say this to help you out with something.

In addition, people can tell you not to worry about something to encourage you and make you feel better when you’re done.

Therefore, your response will always depend on the occasion. So, you can use any of the replies above to express your acceptance of gratitude.

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