What Does It Mean When Someone Calls You And Doesn’t Say Anything?( FIND OUT)

It means that the person is shy. Most times, when someone calls you and does not say anything, the person is shy and does not know what to say, or the person could be waiting for you to say something before he talks. 

If this has happened to you, you should know that the person did it because he was shy. However, there are other reasons why one would call you and will not say anything. Here are six possible meanings. 

6 Possible Meanings When Someone Calls You And Doesn’t Say Anything

  1. The person is shy
  2. The person is being vigilant
  3. It was a spam call
  4. It could be a wrong number
  5. It must have been your ex
  6. It must have been a private number calling

The person is shy

This is one reason why someone would call you and not say anything. The person could be so shy to talk, it happens when you call someone and you are so nervous to speak, or when you look up to the person so much and when you want to talk to the person you get so nervous. 

When you call the person on the phone, speaking first could be tough at first because you are nervous or shy, but once the person initiates the conversation, you would not be shy anymore. You would feel free to talk on the phone. 

Sometimes, this happens when you receive a call from someone who respects you or looks up to you. People like that tend to be shy when they talk to you on the phone. If they call you and do not say anything, you should understand that the person could be shy. 

The person is being vigilant

This happens when the person is just trying to be vigilant, the person wants to be sure that the call is safe. Sometimes, it could be that an unknown number is calling the person and he is trying to stay safe. 

Sometimes, when an unknown number is calling you, you have to take precautions and not say anything till the person who called you says something. That is the ideal thing to do. 

When you notice something suspicious or that an unknown number is calling you, do not be in a hurry to speak first, let the person speak first before you utter a word. 

If this happens, check to see if you were calling the person with an unknown number, it could be that the person does not pick up unknown calls from numbers he does not know. That is one reason why the person would not say anything when he calls. 

It was a spam call

Sometimes, you get spam calls from people you don’t know, often, it could be bots calling. But how do they get your number? Sometimes you get to fill out some online forms, not knowing that you are giving out your information to bots and spammers. 

If the person calls you and does not say anything, it could be a spam call. You need to be vigilant too, when a spam number calls you, do not be in a haste to speak, if the spammer does not speak on time, you should hang up the call. 

It is not good to give your information to spammers who could potentially use your details for fraudulent purposes. If you notice a spam call and the person does not speak first, do not continue the call, it is safe to not say anything, or better still, hang up the call. 

It could be a wrong number

If the person called you and did not say anything, it could be a wrong number. The person must have called someone, hoping to hear the person speak but since the person did not say anything when he called, then it could be a wrong number. 

If you notice that it is a legitimate call, but it seems the person called the wrong number, you can go ahead to tell the person that it was a wrong number and tell him to check the number again before dialing it. 

That way, the person would be sure of who he is calling. When people call without saying anything, there is a probability that the person called the wrong number. 

It must have been your ex

What Does It Mean When Someone Calls You And Doesn't Say Anything?

Your ex may miss you. You and your ex must have bonded so well in the past that even after you both broke up, your ex still misses you. Someone who misses you will most likely be the one to call you and not say anything. 

It could be that the person wanted to hear your voice or the person was missing you badly. If it was your ex who called you and did not say anything, then you should know that your ex misses you and she finds it hard to admit it, that is why she will call you and not say anything. 

Because you both must have had some issues in the past, when she calls you she will not want to talk first, she may keep mute for a while, hoping you will say something. If your ex calls you and she does not say anything, do not be surprised, expect it. 

It must have been a private number calling

Sometimes, when a private number calls you, it means the person must have had his identity blocked and he does not want you to know that he is the one calling.

It could be someone who has been trying to reach you but has not been able to reach you, then the person tried to get your attention by hiding his identity and calling you with a private number. 

Since the number is private and the person must have been trying to get your attention since, when he calls with a private number, he should not say a word till you speak. Sometimes, people do this to confirm if you are deliberately avoiding them. 

What To Do When Someone Calls You And Doesn’t Say Anything 

  1. If you know the person, ask why
  2. If it is a Spam number, end the call
  3. If it was your ex, engage in a conversation
  4. If it is a private number, confirm who the person is before calling back
  5. Text the person and ask why he said nothing when he called you
  6. Report the number if it is spam

If you know the person, ask why

If the call was from someone you know and the person called you without saying anything, or the person waited for you to speak before he said something, while you both are on the phone, ask why he did that. 

When you ask him why he did that he will have a clear explanation and you will be able to understand the reason why the person did that.

Maybe that person was in a noisy place and he could not say too much when he called, hence, the reason why he did not say anything the first few seconds when he called. 

Instead of assuming, you will end up knowing exactly why the person did that. This is a good way to handle it if someone calls you and does not say anything. 

If it is a spam number, end the call

You need to be extra vigilant because scammers try to get your information through phone calls or they even try to track you through a phone call. If the person calls you and does not say anything, you should suspect something already. 

The moment you notice that it is a spam call, do not even say anything to the person, and do not let the person speak either.

These days, there are apps you can use to confirm if a caller is a spam caller, if you find out the number is spam, you should end the call immediately before the person tries to get your private information. 

If it was your ex, engage in a conversation

It is possible that your ex still wants to talk to you, or even if your ex does not get the opportunity to talk to you, she would want to hear your voice at least. When she calls, she would be quiet for the first few seconds, to see if you would say something. 

She would do this if she was just calling so that she would hear your voice. If you notice that she is quiet because she wants to hear your voice, then you should understand her and engage in a conversation.

That may be what she wanted to do, just to hear you talk. Ask her exactly what she wants, that way, she would tell you if she misses you or if she wants you both to get back together. 

If it is a private number, confirm who the person is before calling back

If you notice that it is a private number that is calling you, the best thing to do is not say anything, then later check who has the phone number to see if it is someone you know.

Sometimes, someone you know could hide his identity to make the number private. Confirm who the person is, if you were able to successfully confirm who the person was, then you can go ahead to call back once you have confirmed who the person is. 

Calling the person back should only be done if you have been able to confirm who the person is and you discover it was someone you knew. Call back to know why the person called with a private number. This is a good thing you can do once someone calls you and does not say anything. 

Text the person and ask why he said nothing when he called you

If the person said nothing after calling you, text the person on whatever text messaging platform you can reach the person on. Ask why he did that. The person would be able to explain to you by text. 

After you both have text, you would be able to know why the person did that. You should text the person if you do not want to talk to the person on a call or if the person is not responding to your call. Sometimes, texting makes it easier for the person to explain himself. 

Report the number if it is spam

Learn to report spam calls, the more you report spam calls, the better for you. When you expose yourself to spam callers, you would be making it easier for them to steal your information. 

Because of how advanced technology is and the emergence of new apps, there are apps that you can use to discover if a number is a spam or not. After finding out if the number is spam or not, you should report the number as spam. 

Do not just stop at reporting the number as spam, go further to block the number. Once you block the number, that particular number will not be able to text or call you ever again till you unblock the number. 

Final Words

When someone calls you and does not say anything, it could mean that the person is shy and does not want to be the first that speaks when he calls.

It could also be your ex calling, your ex could not have totally gotten over you, but she still wants to hear your voice. 

If she calls and does not say anything, she just wants to hear you speak. If that is the case, engage in a conversation with her. If the call was a spam caller, do not fail to report the number as spam and block the number from calling or texting you. 

Sometimes, when you expose yourself too much to spam calls and texts, you make yourself more vulnerable to scammers. This is the ideal thing you need to do if you notice that the call was spam call. 


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