What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Dangerous?

Dangerous is a scary word. It makes you want to jump back and ask what we are talking about. However, Dangerous is not always as dangerous as it sounds.

When a guy calls you dangerous, there is a 99.8% chance that he’s only flirting with you. There is also a 0.2% chance that he means what he said and you are pretty dangerous.

 Check the list below for possible interpretations when a guy calls you dangerous.

What It Means When A Guy Calls You Dangerous

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Dangerous?

  • He is attracted to you
  • He believes you are self-confident
  • He thinks you will break his heart
  • He is in a relationship with another person
  • He is flirting with you
  • He thinks other people find you attractive
  • He doesn’t want a serious relationship with you
  • He believes you are manipulative
  • He believes you are an attention seeker
  • He finds himself vulnerably passionate about you

He is attracted to you

A guy can call you dangerous if he likes you. You may find this strange but you have probably heard guys call girls trouble. It is the same.

 You may wonder how the words relate to attraction or the fact that he likes you but that is what it means. While the word may seem new and strange to you, it has been used so many times that it is now known as an endearment term.

If you are called dangerous, you can just smile and ask why. He will probably explain the impact you have on him due to his admiration of you.

He believes you are self-confident

You may also be called dangerous due to a trait that you possess. However, when you are called by this name, there is almost zero possibility that it was meant as an insult.

 When he calls you dangerous, there is a chance that you have demonstrated an act of confidence in yourself.

It shows that you are strong and can stand up for yourself. It probably refers to your relationship with other guys and how they will view you as a self-confident girl.

 You can also ask what he meant by the word so you can be sure what it means. He would probably explain that he pities any person that tries to pick on you because of your gender.

He thinks you will break his heart.

As mentioned in the first point on the list, a guy can call you dangerous if he is attracted to you. While a guy calling you trouble may mean he is attracted to you and you have a compelling effect on him, dangerous can mean the same thing.

 Dangerous is already used as an endearment term but many people tend to find meanings when they use the word. There are some general meanings that are included in this list. Some guys also find their interpretations when they choose to use the word.

 If you ask him why he has called you dangerous, he may mention that he is attracted to you and he may mention the effects of that admiration.

He may also mention his fear of you breaking his heart. He will probably mention how easy it is for you to break his heart and that makes you very dangerous to him. It will flatter you though, but that is what he wants.

He is in a relationship with another person

Note every point on this list. While only one option may apply in your case, more than one can apply in the same case. A guy can call you dangerous if he is in a relationship with another person.

However, a married or committed guy will not go around calling every other girl dangerous. In other words, the reason he’s calling you dangerous is that he is attracted to you in a strange way.

 If he is in a relationship with another person, he may see you as an unwanted temptation. It makes you dangerous because he is deeply attracted to you and that makes you dangerous.

In this case, if you ask him why he calls you dangerous, he will most likely explain how he sees you as a temptation that is hard to resist.

You can get flattered by this but it may be meant as a neutral statement. It could also be bad news for you if you are interested in having a relationship with him.

He is flirting with you

This is one of the most common interpretations of the endearment term, dangerous. When a guy calls you trouble, what comes to your mind? It is almost the same if not the same as dangerous.

 When a guy calls you trouble, there is a 99% chance that he is just flirting with you. When a guy calls you dangerous, he is probably just flirting with you.

Dangerous is some sort of hot word. Just as mentioned earlier, several guys can use this endearment term and give several meanings to it.

 It can be used to refer to your character which he finds to be admirable and threatening. It could also be used to refer to your beauty or your curvaceous body. To him, it is dangerous.

 You can ask him why he has called you dangerous. When he explains this, you will probably get flattered just as he wanted.

He thinks other people find you attractive

While the word can be used as an endearment term or even for flirting, you should be careful to know what it means before concluding. It could be used as a neutral word.

 Dangerous can be used in a way that is not meant to flatter you or insult you. A guy can call you dangerous as a compliment after an observation.

It could mean that you have a nice appeal that pulls all guys to you. If he says this directly to you, you will probably get flattered but, from the way it is said, you can tell that he is just telling you an observation.

He would probably explain that someone like you can easily have many romantic partners and play with the hearts of all of them. He could also say you would be very hard to trust, considering how all guys stare at you.

He doesn’t want a serious relationship with you

 You may wonder how this is related to danger. It is already explained in some of the points above. A guy will not want to have a relationship with every girl but he can’t go around calling each of them dangerous. How then does this make him call you dangerous?

 He calls you dangerous because he is strangely attracted to you and he is trying to push the thoughts away. That is because you are so attractive that it makes him consider something he is trying to avoid.

 He may have reasons for not wanting a relationship but your attractiveness keeps making him consider changing his mind. If you ask him, this reason will flatter you and break your heart at the same time.

He believes you are manipulative

Most girls are considered manipulative so most girls can be considered dangerous. This may be taken as an insult if he tells you what he means by calling you dangerous but it is neutral since it is not said in a way that suggests disgust.

This could refer to your acts of deceit and cunningness. It could refer to your compelling effect on him. He will probably get away with calling you dangerous if you don’t ask what he meant. If he gets to explain this, it may feel a bit heartbreaking for you.

He believes you are an attention seeker

A guy can call you dangerous if he thinks you are a waste of time and all you do is for unnecessary attention. This is not a generally known meaning but it can be used to mean this. You can consider this a woman’s way of deceitfully manipulating a man.

 By calling you dangerous, he may mean that you are attractive enough to get attention easily but all you ever do is for the attention of people. He is saying you use your beauty as a way to get a guy to do what you want. That is quite dangerous if you ask him or any other guy.

He finds himself vulnerably passionate about you.

The word is used as an endearment term for flirting. It is also used to refer to an attractive girl that a guy likes. However, what makes you dangerous is your effect on the guy.

 While he could be calling you dangerous because he likes you, Dangerous could be his superlative word for how he feels about you. It could mean that he is very passionate about you at a vulnerable level.

 If you ask him why he calls you dangerous, he may tell you how vulnerable he feels when he is around you. He will probably tell you that he can be easily controlled by you and that makes you very dangerous to him because he finds you hard to resist.

What To Do When A Guy Calls You Dangerous

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Dangerous?

  • Ask why.
  • Study his actions around you.
  • Assess yourself
  • Say a compliment to him too.

Ask why

This is the first thing you should do instead of concluding on what the word means. Although this doesn’t guarantee you that he will give an answer, you may be able to tell if it is referring to something good or bad from his expression.

 You should ask him why, to know what he means by you being dangerous.

Study his actions around you

If you want to be sure what he thinks about you, you should study his actions around you and the words he says to you.

The meaning of dangerous may not be strong enough to convince you that he is interested in you. However, if he is interested in you, he should have other forms of showing you than just calling you dangerous.

Assess yourself

You should also assess yourself when you are called dangerous. After asking why you have been called dangerous, he may tell you how manipulative or selfish you have been. His eyes may also tell you that you are doing something wrong.

 Assess yourselves to know where you are failing to do the right thing, then you can change for the better.

Say a compliment to him too

If you are sure that he is calling you dangerous as a compliment, you can say a compliment to him too and put a smile on his face.

You may wonder what he meant when he called you dangerous but it is quite obvious when a guy is flirting with you. If he is flirting with this word, you can use a similar word to describe him too. You can use trouble or a less common word that is more horrible in literal meaning.

What To Say When A Guy Calls You Dangerous

  • How am I dangerous?
  • You are bigger trouble
  • You know nothing about me
  • That feels like a compliment

How am I dangerous?

You can simply ask this question to know why you have been called horrible. A guy could be flirting with you by calling you dangerous. Asking this question will help him to say more to flatter you.

 If it also has a less flattering meaning, you will get to know by asking.

You are bigger trouble

If a guy calls you dangerous, you can call him trouble but this is only nice if it was said as a compliment. He will understand the response.

 If it was meant as an insult, you will probably sound like an impatient idiot if you say this.

You know nothing about me

You can say this if you feel you are being scolded by the word. It could be used to mean you are manipulative or selfish so you may want to defend yourself.

 If you believe you do not deserve to be called that, you can respond with this.

That feels like a compliment

You can respond with this when you are sure it is a compliment. Making the mistake of taking a rebuke as a compliment can be embarrassing. It should be easy to tell when a person is trying to flatter you by calling you dangerous.

 When you say this, the person will probably smile and go sarcastic about it.


Now that you know what it means when you are called dangerous, you know you will probably appear stupid if you get angry about it since it’s mostly used as a compliment.

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