20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Snack?

The internet is full of new words and slang that young people use every day. And if you’re not conversant with the trends, you’ll find it hard to keep up with or understand some of these words.

So, If someone has recently called you a snack, you probably should be wondering what it means.

This is not one of the slang you hear every day, so it’s no surprise you want to know what to say in reply. So, what do you say when someone calls you a snack?

In this post, I’ll help you with 20 things you can say when someone calls you a snack. First, however, I’ll explain what it means when someone calls you a snack.

20 Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Snack

When someone calls you a snack, there are countless things you can say in reply. First, snack is internet slang for an attractive person

So when someone calls you a snack, they’re complimenting you on your beauty and Sensual appeal. It’s like saying you’re good or beautiful enough to be eaten.

Therefore your reply can be appreciative or flirty. Depending on your relationship with them, there are thousands of things you can say in reply.

Below are 20 things you can say:

  1. Thanks, you are hot yourself
  2. Thanks, you look good too
  3. Do you wanna have a taste?
  4. So, am I good enough for you?
  5. Wondering how I taste?
  6. You could have a bite, you know?
  7. Then, you’re a whole meal
  8. Good enough for a bite?
  9. I thought you’d never notice
  10. I was about to say so too
  11. You flatter me too much
  12. Is that your way of asking for a night?
  13. You wanna hang out?
  14. A tasty one or the regular one?
  15. I appreciate it, I try to look good
  16. Aww! You’re so cute
  17. Are you flirting?
  18. Do you say that to all your friends?
  19. I hope my crush notices too
  20. If you’re looking for a snack, walk down the street

Thanks, You Are Hot Yourself

A good reply to someone who calls you a snack is to thank them and compliment them in return.

This reply is appropriate to use on anyone irrespective of their relationship with you.

An expression like, “thanks, you’re hot yourself” is suitable, as it appreciates and also calls them a snack in a different way.

Thanks, You Look Good too

Another appropriate thing you can say to someone who calls you a snack is, “thanks, you look good too.” This statement also appreciates their compliments and returns the gesture.

It’s a good reply for your partner, crush, friend, and even a stranger or colleague at work. Whether the person is of the same Intercourse with you, this reply can work on them.

Do You Wanna Have a Taste?

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Snack

When someone calls you a snack, they probably may be attracted to you or hitting on you. If it’s someone of the opposite Intercourse , you can give a teasing or suggestive reply.

Moreover, it’ll be cool to say something flirty to someone you fancy and wish to have a thing with.

So asking them if they want to have a taste is a bold and suggestive reply that can get you both started if you both have feelings for each other.

In addition, this is also a good teasing reply for your partner. They should want to have a taste of you. Also, if it’s a friend of the same gender as you, you can joke with this response.

So, Am I Good Enough for You?

Another cool way to respond to someone you’ve got eyes on when they call you a snack is, “so, I’m good enough for you?”

This is a question for your crush to get them to state their feelings right away. Since they feel you’re a snack, asking them if you’re good enough is proper.

You can flirt with this reply, with your voice or body language. If they feel the same way, they should be positive.

Wondering How I Taste?

A snack is an item of food that should be eaten. So when someone calls you a snack, you can ask them if they’re wondering how you taste.

This is a suitable question you can ask your crush to tease or flirt with them. It can get you both started on something. At the same time, you can tease or joke with anyone with this reply.

This question should get a laugh from your friend of the same Intercourse , so it can work all around.

Thanks. You Could Have a Bite, You Know?

Someone calling you a snack probably would want to have a bite. So, first, you can thank anyone who calls you a snack for finding you attractive.

Then tell them they can have a bite. This is a reply suitable for your partner or someone you fancy. It’s an invitation for more, probably to get intimate with you.

It’s suggestive, bold, and daring. So, you can be flirty with this reply, especially to get someone you’ve romantic feelings for.

Then, You’re a Whole Meal

When someone calls you a snack, you can call them a whole meal. This is a funny reply you can use on anyone; your friend, colleague, crush, or partner.

In addition, this expression is a way of complimenting whoever sees you as attractive. Also, you can use this reply to relate how you feel to your partner or crush.

Calling them a whole meal can let them know, you also want to have a taste.

Good Enough for a Bite?

Another way you can flirt with your reply when someone calls you a snack is by asking them if you’re good enough for a bite.

This is a suitable reply for your crush or when you want to play or tease your partner. Asking someone you like if you’re good enough for a bite can let you know about their feelings.

I Thought You’d Never Notice

I’ve established that if someone calls you a snack, that means they find you attractive. So, you can say this in reply, “I thought you’d never notice.”

This statement is appropriate for just anyone; your partner, friend, or someone you like.

Probably, you’ve been making effort to look good for them, so this is a way to let them know you’ve been awaiting the compliment.

Also, this is a nice way of sharing your feelings with someone you like; they should get the hint.

I Was About to say So too

Another cool response for someone who calls you a snack is, “I was about to say so too.”

This is a wonderful way of complimenting them, letting them know you also find them cute and attractive. It’s a nice response that’ll fit anyone: your crush, friend, partner, or colleague.

You Flatter Me too Much

“You flatter me too much” is another thing you can say to someone who calls you a snack.

If it’s someone you’re familiar with, it’s a nice way to express your gratitude and handle your embarrassment well if you feel shy.

Is That Your Way of Asking for a Night?

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Snack

When you’ve romantic feelings for someone you want to get intimate with, you can give a bold reply to make your intention very clear.

One way to give a bold reply is by saying, “Is that your way of asking for a night?” It’ll work in setting the pace faster if it’s someone who fancies you too.

You Wanna Hang Out?

There’s nothing wrong with taking the initiative straight away when someone calls you a snack. If you think they like you and feel the same way, ask them if they want to hang out.

In this way, if it’s someone who’s shy and doesn’t know how to ask you out, you’ve helped them by doing the honors.

So, you can ask your crush or a friend you’ve been harboring feelings for if they want to hang out or if they call you a snack.

A Tasty One or the Regular One? 

Things to Say When Someone Calls You a Snack

Another thing you can say to someone who calls you a snack is to ask them if you’re the tasty type or the regular one.

This is a reply you can use on anyone if you want to be funny. It’ll get a good laugh from your partner, friend, or colleague. Also, this reply can work to show your disinterest.

If it’s someone you think has feelings for you, or the person is a stranger, you can say this to laugh the intention away.

I Appreciate it, I Try to Look Good

Another proper thing to say to someone who calls you a snack is to appreciate them and also appreciate your effort.

“I appreciate it, I try to look good” is a cool response that’ll work. It’s suitable for your friend, coworker, or stranger. It shows confidence and pride in how you look or make an effort to look.

Aww! You’re So Cute

Another cool thing to say to someone who calls you a snack is, “aww, you’re so cute.” It’s a nice reply to use on your friend or coworker.

It’s an appreciative statement, that’ll work adequately.

Are you Flirting?

When your friend or colleague at work calls you a snack, you can ask them if they’re flirting to get their reaction.

Probably they’re trying to get your attention and pass a message; they could find you attractive. So, you can ask if they’re flirting with you to gauge their reaction.

In addition, also watch out for their body language; you may be able to tell if they’re flirting with you with that.

Do You Say that to All Your Friends?

Another question you can ask someone who calls you a snack out of the blue is to ask them if they call their friends that too.

If it’s someone you’re not very close to or even your friend, it’s normal to wonder if they’re teasing or hitting on you.

So, you can ask them this question to hear their answer and know how to further react.

I Hope My Crush Notices too

One of the things you can say to someone who calls you a snack is, “I hope my crush notices too.”

This is an adequate reply for a stranger, a colleague, or even your friend. Also, if you want to get anyone jealous, you can use this statement.

If You’re Looking for a Snack, Walk Down the Street

When you’re not interested in the person that calls you a snack, you can give a dismissive reply.

If you’re looking for a snack, walk down the street” is a suitable reply to dismiss just anyone. Perhaps a stranger, or someone you know but have no interest in; this is a cool reply for them.

End Note

When someone calls you a snack, it’s either because they find you attractive, they’re flirting with you, or want to be more than friends with you.

There are different things you can say in reply, depending on your relationship with them.

If the person is your partner or crush, you can appreciate them and at the same time, return the compliment.

In addition, you tease them with your reply or be straightforward with your intention if it’s your crush. With your friend, you can always appreciate the compliment and return the gesture.

Also, with what you say in reply, you can show your disinterest and dismiss the person, especially if they’re a stranger.

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