20 Things To Say When Someone Says They Are Happy For You

We have several achievements and growth that are deserving of compliments, enlightenment, and happiness from both ourselves and our loved ones.

In moments like this, we get remarks and blissful statements of support and happiness from anyone and everyone. This article will reveal to you 20 things to say when someone says they are happy for you.

After reading this article, you will be loaded with replies to give back, mixed with a touch of excitement from you.

20 things to say when someone says they are happy for you


  • Thank you, you are so nice.
  • I am glad you are
  • This is an encouraging compliment 
  • Having you is like a blessing
  • Thank you for believing in me.
  • I was not expecting to see you happy
  • It is my pleasure 
  • You do not know how excited I am that you are happy for me 
  • Thank you for spreading positivity 
  • Because you said something good to me, you have become my friend.
  • I love spending time with positive people 
  • Because you supported me, I will support you too.
  • Now I will start paying attention to you because of what you said.
  • Your kind is rare.
  • Wow, it means a lot 
  • You have brightened my mood 
  • I appreciate your interest in my success 
  • It’s been a while since someone said something encouraging to me.
  • I almost gave up, but you have comforted me with your words.
  • Your happiness is a pronouncement of good feelings.

Thank you, you’re so nice

When someone says they are happy for you, they have expressed some form of nice gesture, and the quickest way is to show appreciation by saying “Thank you” and also reminding them how nice they can be, so it doesn’t make them feel less for their expression.

I am glad you are

20 Things To Say When Someone Says They Are Happy For You

This reply shows that you are internally excited about a person’s genuine happiness for you. It gladdens you that you have someone who can be there to let you know something isn’t so bad about you; they recognize it and they express their happiness in words.

This is an encouraging compliment

Sometimes people are happy for us when we get a big achievement or something we’ve always wanted and have worked hard for.

This reply gives an expression of morale boost and energy refueling to never give up, and we say it to reassure someone whose happiness just gave us a charge.

Having you is like a blessing

20 Things To Say When Someone Says They Are Happy For You

People who tell us this are usually people we know or who have hints about our life stories, and they are mostly friends.

A reply like this doesn’t only comfort you, but it also strengthens the bond of friendship between you and them. When you say you are blessed to have such a person in your life, it means life would not have been any better without that person’s impact on your life. That is actually a blessing!

Thank you for believing in me

If a person says they are happy for you after a big win, you could use this expression to show your appreciation of their support for your achievement.

It is a way of showing gratitude towards every bit of encouragement. These days, people do not often have people who believe in them. If you are able to have someone believe in you, it is actually a big deal. It means a lot.

I was not expecting to see you happy

You might have a former acquaintance or friend who tells you they are happy for you at some point in your life.This is a way of showing how surprised you are that they are happy for you and how excited you are.

Sometimes, you get really surprised that someone says they are happy for you. It works, especially when you do not expect it to happen.

It’s my pleasure

This is a direct reply to show pleasure derived from a person’s happiness for you. It is a very plain and simple sentence, but it is appreciated. When you say something is your pleasure, it means you are really happy that it happened and it gives you excitement.

You don’t know how excited I am that you are happy for me

This projects a certain form of happiness that you portray when someone says they are happy for you. When you are so happy that someone is excited about your progress, there is this inner joy you get that motivates you to keep going. With

Thank you for spreading positivity 

Happiness is a form of positivity and it is contagious. You can get happy because another person is happy, especially when the person says it just for you.

This reply is so appreciative of the positivity you are able to receive. These days, only a few people get to spread positivity to everyone around them. Negativity is the default setting of many individuals these days.

Negativity is spread widely by individuals. The more you spread positivity, the more you spread hope to people. This is how far being positive and spreading positivity can take you.

Because you have said something good to me, you have become my friend

This reply has just got you a new friend. Happiness for you is a feeling of selflessness.

You give this reply when you genuinely believe someone has looked out for you till a certain point, even without you both knowing each other so well to be friends, and you achieve what you have aimed for and the person says they are happy for you.

When you have a positive person and a supporter as a friend, you can achieve great things with them. The more you have positive people around you, the better for you.

I love spending time with positive people

You give this reply to a person who sees beyond faults and flaws, and yet they are happy for you because you keep going and don’t give up. Tell them this makes you attractive enough and they’d always want to be around you too.

Because you have supported me, I will support you too

It is an encouraging reply to give someone who has helped you through anything and everything you have been through.

This increases relationship trust and strengthens the bond. When someone has been good to you and has shown you support, you will have no option but to show that person support in return.

That is the same situation here. You will barely see someone who stood by you and supported you along the way, and you will support the person in return.

Now I will start paying attention to you because of what you said

You have revealed a certain gesture to always pay attention to someone because they have expressed their happiness towards you. This reply replicates the act of friendship and selflessness.

These days, people pay attention to what benefits them. If someone benefits from you, the person will most likely pay attention to you because he believes that he can gain positive things from you.

Your kind is rare

You reassure a person that you don’t take their emotions for granted and you tell them how special they are. Someone who says kind things to you is rare.

These days, you hardly find people who want to genuinely support you without expecting something in return. When you see an individual like this, make sure you keep the person close as a friend because people like this are hard to come by.

Wow, it means a lot

Not everyone can tell you how they feel about you or your achievements in a certain way, but when they do say it, this reply expresses a surprise and great gratitude towards the person.

When you say it means a lot, it means you value what the person said to you and you Not only do you value what the person says to you, you also value the person.

You have brightened my mood

It is very satisfying to hear someone tell you something that is uplifting and brightening, and the best way to share the mood is to give a reply that reflects how you truly feel.

A lot of people go through mood swings, especially those who are emotionally soft and are easily swayed by the things people say to them.

If you encourage this type of person, you may just be lifting the person’s mood without even knowing it. That is why you should only say positive things to people because you do not know how deep the negative things you say to them are.

I appreciate your interest in my success

Someone’s happiness for you might be to let you know that they are aware of your success. When you know this is the reason for a person’s happiness, you can give them this reply that isn’t so emotional but still shows gratitude and appreciation for their feelings.

When someone is interested in your success, the person wants to see you succeed and even go farther in life. This is a very kind gesture shown by the person. People who can do something like this are few.

That is why, if you have someone who genuinely wants to see you succeed and advance in life, you should keep that person close to you because that person is deserving of the title of friend.

It’s been a while since someone said something encouraging to me

It is an encouraging remark when someone expresses their happiness to you.You can use this response to tell them how important, useful, and far their compliment can go.

Happiness from someone shows a certain form of encouragement, and when you haven’t received it in a long time, you can give this reply to thank the person for such encouragement.

When you say it has been a while since someone said something encouraging to you, it means there are no positive people around you, and it is also rare to see people these days who care genuinely about you and are willing to encourage you to do better in life.

I almost gave up, but you have comforted me with your words

This buttresses the word of encouragement, but in a different way. You may feel sad and want to give up, but find comfort in the words of a person who says they are happy for you.

A reply like this tends to give them a narrative of how they redefined a whole sad, near-to-fail person into an active, ready-to-overcome person.

When talking to people, try to be positive because you do not know what the person may be going through and that a word of encouragement is all the person needs to ignite the fire in them to keep going and not give up.

Your happiness is a pronouncement of good feelings

When a person tells you they are happy for you, it has said more than enough for you to know their true feelings.

You already know how they perceive you and what idea of you they have in their mind, but you can tell it is a pronouncement of good feelings. You can tell them this to improve their emotions towards you.


Happiness is free; it is a feeling of positivity; it breeds a fine and welcoming atmosphere. The reply which we give back to people who have expressed their happiness for us should be an exchange of gestures.

When we receive a statement as lovely as “I am happy for you”, we should also tell them what we feel inside in the most likely way, even if it isn’t very beautiful sometimes.

This article has given you 20 replies you can easily relate to on your day-to-day basis when you are told such wonderful compliments.


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