20 Things To Say To Someone Who Deserves Better (Best Responses)

Is there someone dear to you and you want to tell them they deserve better? 

Perhaps, your family member, friend, or even significant other truly deserves better than what’s happening to them and you are looking for a better way to tell them.

It can be quite tricky to articulate this expression, especially when it has to do with relationships.

For instance, when trying to end a relationship, people will often say, “You deserve better than me.”

But using this pre-break-up statement is flawed because you are only assuming you know what’s best for the person.

So if you truly want to say something to someone who deserves better, it is best to show them more respect and trust them to take care of themselves.  But a few words to inspire them to embrace something better isn’t a bad idea.

If you are looking for what to say to someone who deserves better than what they’re currently experiencing, here are the best ways to put it:

Table of Contents

20 of the Best things to say to someone who deserves better

Things To Say To Someone Who Deserves Better

1. A relationship works best when both people believe they have better than they deserve

It could be that the person does not value or prioritize their relationship due to issues that have happened in recent times. Or they do not see it that way.

The story can never be good when both parties do not believe they are fortunate to have each other.

So, instead of saying “you deserve better to the person” (and erroneously assuming that you know what’s best for them), you can simply open their eyes to the fact that they are better off in a situation where they believe they have better than they deserve.

2. Once you realize you deserve better, letting go will be the best decision ever

This is another statement of fact you can say to someone who deserves better.

It could be that the person is not seeing the flaw of holding on to a relationship or experience. By saying this to the person, it can make the person realize that the reason they find it hard to let go is that they’ve not realized they deserve better.

It will serve as an eye-opener for them.

3. If you love a person you should fight for them. If they don’t do the same for you, let go.

Another powerful thing you can say to someone who deserves better is when you can make them see how one-sided the relationship is. It is a better experience to be with someone who can reciprocate love and affection.

If they are presently not in that position, they don’t deserve the person and it’s not worth their time.

Telling them to ‘let go’ is more subtle but powerful, instead of saying ‘they deserve better

By saying this, you are suggesting to the person that they have a healthy balance of appreciation for their partner while also ensuring that their needs and boundaries are being respected in a relationship.

4. I know you don’t expect much. But you deserve someone who would step up and love you as I deserve to love

The person is probably getting the wrong impression about who Mr./Mrs. Right is for them.

Since they do not see things from your perspective, you can use this to explain to them that they deserve someone who would step up and love them like they deserve, even though they don’t expect a Mr./Mr. perfect.

It is an encouraging remark to make when you are trying to tell someone they deserve better.

5. Settling for less than you deserve is like watering a plant with poison.

When you water a plant with poison what happens? It begins to diminish. The play will not grow or flourish.

Since you care for the person, you wouldn’t want the person to settle for someone who is not compatible in the long run.

So you can help them see that they deserve better by using this figurative expression to drive home your point.

6. You deserve someone who sees your worth and treats you accordingly.

Things To Say To Someone Who Deserves Better

If someone deserves better, it means they deserve to be with someone who recognizes their value and treats them with kindness and respect accordingly.

If the person’s current experience or relationship is far from this, then you can use these words to tell them they deserve better.

It means they ought to be with someone who acknowledges and values their strength, opinion, and contributions in a relationship.

This is also a way of encouraging them about their actions too because relationships are a two-way street.

7. You are amazing, and anyone would be lucky to have you.

Another thing you can say to someone who deserves better is to compliment them and make them see a better version of themselves that does not deserve the kind of treatment they are currently experiencing.

This remark suggests that you believe the person is wonderful with many desirable qualities.

It means the person has what it takes to be an exceptional partner, friend, or person in general and they should look out for that in whoever they plan to settle with.

8. You deserve to be with someone who values and respects you.

Everyone deserves to be loved and respected by their partner in a relationship. If this person is experiencing the opposite, you can tell them they deserve better by using this strong remark.

It means that they shouldn’t settle for someone who does not value or respect them even though there are other perks. Mutual respect for opinions, character, and boundaries is very important in any relationship.

9. You are too good for someone who doesn’t appreciate you.

Another thing you can say to someone who deserves better is that they are too good for someone who doesn’t appreciate them.

This remark would suggest that you are aware the person is in a position where they are not appreciated by a group of people or a person in their life.

So you are saying they deserve better because they deserve to be appreciated for their personality.

10. You deserve someone who makes you feel loved and supported.

Things To Say To Someone Who Deserves Better

If someone deserves better, and you want them to realize this truth, you can let them know that they should choose someone who makes them feel loved and supported.

It could be that you want to cut ties with someone you’ve been seeing because you both are no longer compatible. To help the person see that they deserve someone else, you can use this remark.

11. When you settle for less than you deserve, you teach others how to treat you.

If someone fails to realize early enough that they deserve better, they eventually accept less than they deserve.

By extension, they are communicating to others that it is acceptable to treat them poorly. So you can open the person’s eyes to this reality by using this statement.

And it goes beyond romantic relationships – this can be applied in one’s friendship, workplace, or any area.

12. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. You are worth more than that.

If someone is accommodating someone, an experience, or a relationship that is not good for them, you can let them know that they deserve better because they are worth more than that.

You can use this statement to encourage the person not to settle for less or they should walk away from relationships or situations that don’t serve them.

13. You deserve a partner who is committed and invested in your relationship.

If you know someone that deserves better and wants to be a source of encouragement to them, you can use this statement as a wake-up call to make them see their worth and what’s better for them.

This statement typically applies if the person is going through some hurdles in their love life by accommodating a partner that gives them trouble.

Let the person realize the standard they need to set in their relationship because they deserve better.

14. You are worthy of someone who brings out the best in you and makes you happy.

Alternatively, you can be the person’s reminder that they deserve to be with someone who enhances their life and makes them feel fulfilled and happy.

Everyone deserves it. And if your friend, SO, or family member is falling short of this, you can use this statement to tell them they deserve better.

By saying this, you are suggesting that every relationship is one in which both partners support and encourage each other to grow and achieve their goals. If this is not happening for them, then they deserve better.

15. You deserve to be with someone who loves you for who you are.

Things To Say To Someone Who Deserves Better

Another way to tell someone that they deserve better is to remind them of their worth and that they need to focus on only accommodating people who love them for who they are.

You can use this statement to suggest to the person that they are valuable and deserving of a relationship that makes the person happy and fulfilled.

It is a remark of positive affirmation of the person’s worth to lift his/her spirit.  It also shows that you want the best for the person.

16. You deserve to be with someone willing to grow and evolve with you.

Is the person settling for someone who is not open to personal growth and change and willing to grow and evolve alongside them?

It means they serve something better — a healthy and fulfilling relationship.

This statement will help them understand that a relationship is supposed to involve both partners committing to personal growth and supporting each other in that process. 

So if they are currently moving with one who is not willing to engage in introspection, self-reflection, and personal development, they need to hear you say this one.

17. You deserve someone who can keep up with you in every way, especially on the dance floor!

This is another way to encourage someone who deserves better than what they think is best for them.

But this time, you are adding a bit of humor but driving home your point that: even down to the mundanest factor, the person deserves someone who can keep up with them.

18. I’m scared and not able to commit right now.

Perhaps, you are the one caught up in their lives. The person wants you but deep within, you know that they deserve better. 

You can tell them so using this sentence.

It helps you communicate your hesitation to enter into a committed relationship at the moment. 

It could be that you have concerns about your emotional readiness or may have experienced past relationship trauma that’s making you hesitant to fully invest in a new relationship. 

So instead of pretending like you know what is better for them or not, simply say you are not yet ready to commit and may need more time to work through their fears and concerns. 

19. I feel like I’ve reached my limit for intimacy and need a break.

Again, If the situation with the person is about you and you want to tell them they deserve better, you can use this expression to communicate that.

When you say this, it helps the person understand that you’re feeling emotionally overwhelmed and need some time and space to recharge. 

You can also use the statement to express yourself if you’re feeling like you need to take care of your own needs before continuing to engage in an intimate relationship. Thus, they deserve someone in a better position to give them the attention they deserve.

20. I doubt myself in a relationship.

Instead of just saying they deserve better, throw in the suggestion that they should be the ones to move on because if you end this, you’re too scared to hurt his/her feelings, feel uncomfortable with yourself, and thus be judged as the bad person.

Wrapping up

It’s important to recognize when we or someone we care about is settling for less than they deserve and to encourage them to aim higher.

By speaking up and offering words of support and encouragement, you can help someone you love realize their worth and strive for better relationships and experiences.

Remember, settling for less than you deserve can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness, but recognizing your value and standing up for yourself can lead to a happier, more fulfilling life.

So don’t settle, and encourage others not to settle either.

We all deserve the best that life has to offer.

I hope you found this helpful. 


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