How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

Pet names are known to be endearing terms that are used to refer to a person nicely. However, people tend to use it in both a friendly and unfriendly manner for so many reasons.

It is possible you do not like being called pet names by someone in particular because it makes you feel uncomfortable or sounds too childish. Pet names, particularly ones that so many people identify you with, could be a challenge to deal with.

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

In this article, I will be talking about 10 ways you can tell someone to refrain from calling you by pet names. You mustn’t forget that pet names are only names and do not reflect who you are.

10 Ways To Tell Somebody To Stop Calling You Pet Names

Everyone is different, and for this reason, an approach you use for one may not be effective for the other. Hence, I am going to be walking you through various possible reasons you can consider.

The following are 10 possible ways you can tell somebody to refrain from calling you out by name:

  1. You should not respond to the pet name.
  2. You need to request that they stop calling you the pet name.
  3. You ought to explain the reason why you don’t like being called pet names.
  4. You should ensure that you make a proper introduction with the name you chose to be called.
  5. You need to be assertive about it.
  6. You may need to speak to a higher authority figure about it.
  7. You ought to employ the use of your real name while conversing with them.
  8. You need to ignore them.
  9. You ought to consider calling them names they don’t like.
  10. You should give no room for tolerance.

1. Do Not Respond To The Pet Name

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

When you do not respond to pet names, your silence makes them notice that you are displeased with what they call you. People will always call you by the name you respond to.

When someone calls your name, they expect you to respond because it is what you are known by.

Just as you would normally respond to your name when you are being called, someone who calls you a pet name will not get to know you dislike it if you keep responding to it as though it is okay with you.

When you do not respond to the pet name you dislike, you are telling that person that you do not like being called by such names.

For instance, during a conversation with someone who called you “Big Baby” instead of Barbra, They expect you to flow with the vibe of the conversation, but if at that point, you do not respond to the name, it will definitely tell them you do not want to be referred to with pet names.

2. You Need To Request That They Stop Calling You Pet Names

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

One reason someone may call you a pet name is because he thinks it’s a nice way to address you, and another is because they want to make fun of you.

If they do it in the context of making you feel nice, then they definitely feel it’s harmless and does not think you will find it displeasing and are bound to continuously call you those pet names.

Talking to them about it will make them conscious of the fact that you do not fancy being called pet names, and because it was a genuine attempt to make you feel nice, they wouldn’t want to be a reason for your displeasure and would refrain from it.

If they are doing it on purpose to make fun of you, a simple conversation telling them you do not want to be called pet names will be a direct communication medium.

3. You Ought to Explain the Reason Why You Don’t Like Being Called Pet Names

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

It is possible that you will still be called pet names right after you make a request that the person who calls you pet names stop.

This is because they do not really understand the extent to which it makes you feel bad. One of the most proficient ways to get them to stop calling you names is to explain how it makes you feel.

For instance, if the pet name you are being called was born out of a display of weakness, do not hesitate to clearly point it out.

Tell them how much it makes you feel insecure and less of yourself. It may also be that it makes you feel childish, insulted, or however it is, explain it to them.

Most people who call you pet names for the sake of making fun are not really aware that beyond the hilarious atmosphere they create, it doesn’t resonate well in your heart.

An explanation of how it makes you feel is an effective way of not only telling them you dislike the name but also explaining why.

4. You Should Ensure That You Make a Proper Introduction With the Name You Choose to Be Called

Someone who calls you pet names will be knowledgeable about the fact that you find it displeasing when you do not condone this name-calling.

There may be occurrences when someone introduces you to another person using a pet name. This is a very favorable chance to challenge the pet name and assert the name you chose to be called.

When you correct the use of pet names, thereby making a proper introduction of yourself to everyone, it will be communicative in two ways.

The first is to the person you are meeting. This will let them know that you do not fancy the use of pet names.

Secondly, to the person who called you by your pet name. It clearly tells that person that you prefer being called by a set name and not a pet name.

For instance, you are in a company of people and someone refers to you by a pet name and says, “Hi everyone, meet Jimmy.” Simply put, “Hi everyone, it’s actually Jim.” Or, ” Hi everyone, I’d appreciate it if you called me Jim instead.”

5. You Need To Be Assertive About It

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

When you want to tell someone to stop calling you pet names, you need to be assertive in that instance.

This is because when you experience displeasure for a stipulated amount of time, you may explode in rage and act in a way you ought not to.

You need to be confident about telling them that you do not like being called pet names. This will deter every form of over-familiarity and make them know that you are serious about it.

For example, if someone calls you “Sweetie,”, slowly reply to them by saying, ” Don’t call me sweetie.” This tells the person you do not like being called pet names.

6. You May Need To Speak To A Higher Authority Figure About It

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

Someone who calls you pet names for the purpose of making fun of you may be adamant about stopping even if you repeatedly confront them about it.

Hence, you don’t have to continually put up with it, but you can employ the help of an authority figure to speak to them about it.

In this context, an authority figure includes not only uniformed personnel but also your parents, guidance counselors, teachers, or anyone else you trust to communicate effectively.

When you involve a higher authority figure, it lets the person calling you pet names understand that you are truly against them calling you pet names, and that is why you could have had it to that height. To prevent some more issues, they will get the message and refrain from it.

7. You Ought To Employ The Use Of Your Real Name While Conversing On Messages with them

Employing the use of your real name while conversing with them is an important way to let them know that you do not want to be called by a pet name.

This will make them get used to it because they will constantly get to see that you are more interested in being called your real name.

Most of the time, when someone calls you a pet name on a text message, mail, or chat, they do it because they feel it’s an informal way to communicate with you.

When you do not correct them at that point, they will continue to do it even when you see them. But if in an informal setting, you employ the use of your desired name, it lets them know that you really do not fancy pet names.

For instance, you may get a text from them like; “Hey Sophi-Baby, I’ve tried reaching you all day but to no avail.

Text me when you get this. ” While replying to their message, you can simply put in the name you desire to be called at the end. I just got your text. Sorry for the inconvenience. Sophia”.

8. You Need to Ignore Them

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

We frequently regard silence as a troubling thing, oblivious to the fact that it speaks volumes. When you ignore someone who calls you by a pet name, it sends a message to them that you do not like being called by a pet name.

This is especially important when someone isn’t aware you’re upset about the names they’re calling you. Ignoring them when they call you pet names will tell them you do not like it and they will refrain from it.

Also, someone who calls you pet names in an attempt to get at you will refrain from doing it when you ignore them. This is because after a continuous effort of trying to get to you through pet names It seems they do not pull through and they stop.

Here’s how you can go about it: when they meet with you or converse with you, the moment they call you pet names, act like you didn’t hear it at all.

This is significant because you are expected to maintain the vibe of the conversation or react to the name.

9. You Ought to Consider Calling Them Names They Don’t Like

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

Someone who calls you pet names may prove adamant by acting like they do not know that you dislike being called such names. In this case, requesting that they stop calling you pet names may not be efficient.

Therefore, when they call you pet names, call them a particular name they don’t like in response. It is possible they detest being called that name for certain reasons.

For instance, the name could be a reminder of a foolish or childish behavior they once displayed.

Hence, calling them by such names gets to them.

When you are able to get to this length, it communicates to them how much you detest being called pet names.

It won’t end at just that, but they will stop referring to you with pet names, so you should also stop calling them by the same names they detest.

10. You Should Give No Room for Tolerance

How To Tell Someone To Stop Calling You Pet Names

You are responsible for how people treat you. Someone who calls you pet names you don’t like will do it over and over again if you keep accommodating them.

You may be furious each time you are called pet names but won’t show it because you are more concerned about not ruining your relationship with them.

But this will give them more liberty to continue referring to you with those pet names you detest. If you truly want to let them know you dislike them, do not tolerate them.

This is a very efficient way to let them know you do not like the name. So when they are expecting the conventional accommodating response from you, they get that resentful reaction.

This directly tells them you do not like being called pet names without sugar coating it.


To bring this article to a close, I would love you to know that it can be hard to stop people from calling you pet names you don’t like.

The approach you should employ depends on the compliance of the person. If after you’ve politely requested that they stop calling you pet names, you sure need to employ other methods capable of communicating it.

However, you don’t need to crack your head about it because I have clearly listed and explained 10 ways you can get someone to stop calling you pet names. I believe you found this article helpful.

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