What to Say to the Girl Your Husband Is Cheating With (24 Things to Say)

When you discover that your husband has been cheating on you with a girl, you immediately get upset at your husband and the girl he is cheating with.

It even gets worse when you discover that the person that your husband is cheating with is a friend of yours. What will you do in such a situation?

There are things you will say to the person which is the major reason for this article. In this article, I will share with you 25 things to say to the girl your husband is cheating with.

24 Things To Say To The Girl Your Husband Is Cheating With

  1. Get off my man
  2. I am in my lane, stay in yours
  3. What have I done to deserve this
  4. Can’t you find your own man?
  5. I give you 48 hours to leave my husband alone
  6. What do you want from me?
  7. Are there no more men out there?
  8. If this is a joke better stop it
  9. Get something better to do with your time
  10. It’s like you like to see people sad
  11. Learn to leave people’s men alone
  12. Why don’t you mind your business?
  13. You are a thorn in the flesh
  14. Now, explain yourself
  15. What do you hope to achieve with this?
  16. You can have him, since you want him
  17. Do not let me see you around my man anymore
  18. The next time I see you with him, you may end up arrested
  19. The only thing saving you is that you were once my friend
  20. I trusted you, but you betrayed me
  21. How dare you cheat with my man?
  22. You just lost my trust
  23. I will warn others of you
  24. Of all men, why my husband?

Get off my man

What to Say to the Girl Your Husband Is Cheating With

This is the first thing you will say to a girl that your husband is cheating with. It may be a bit easier to confront her and warn her seriously to get off your man.

Your husband is your man because you both are legally married and you have been living together for a while, but she has no right to go cheat with your husband.

You need to warn her seriously to stay away and get off of your man with immediate effect.

That way, she will understand that you do not take your husband for granted and you will not accommodate anyone who tries to take your man away from you.

I am in my lane, stay in yours

What to Say to the Girl Your Husband Is Cheating With

In this, you are letting her know that if she knows exactly what she wants and what is good for her, she should stay in her lane.

Staying in her lane means that she should not cross your path at all and that you do not want to see her anywhere close to your man.

This sounds like a warning to her to stay in her lane and not even look at her husband at all.

What have I done to deserve this?

This means that you are asking her if there is anything she must have done in the past that made her deserve to be cheated on.

If there is anything you must have done either to her or to your husband, it’s best to find out and apologize. That could be what makes your husband cheat.

It could also be that he is angry at you and he found pleasure in another woman, which is not supposed to be so.

Asking what you have done to deserve this makes it clearer if there is anything at all you did.

Can’t you find your own man?

If she can find her own man, she will not be cheating with your husband or even lure your husband into cheating.

Ask her this question, can’t she find her own man? Maybe she finds it difficult to keep a man, that is why she prefers to go to your own man.

Ask her this question then listen to what she has to say.

I give you 48 hours to leave my husband alone

This reply shows that you are fed up and you will not like a situation whereby your husband is cheating on you with another girl and you will not be able to do anything about it.

In this reply, you give the girl two days for her to cut off every form of relationship that she has with your husband.

This reply shows that you are ready to go the extra mile to make sure that the girl breaks whatever relationship she was with your husband.

What do you want from me?

This is a calm way of asking the girl what exactly she wants from you. For her to agree for your husband to cheat on you with her shows that she is doing it probably because she wants to get back at you.

Maybe you did something to hurt her or you both had a misunderstanding in the past and she feels like the only way to get back at you is to cheat with your husband. Ask her what she wants from you.

Are there no more men out there?

There are so many men out there that are doing well that she can have fun with, but of all people, why did she choose your husband?

This is a question that you need to ask her. Ask her if there are no more men out there, and then you urge her to stay away from your man and get some other men out there.

If this is a joke better stop it

Your husband could be cheating on you with someone, and the person he is cheating on you with may be trying to test or even play an expensive joke on you.

That is one more reason why you need to ask her that if she is trying to pull a joke on you she should not even go there at all because you do not take your husband for granted.

Let her know that she should not play such jokes on you and that you do not tolerate such.

Get something better to do with your time

This is a good reply that you can give, if the person has something better to do, she will not think of going to cheat with her husband, she would have thought of something better to do with her time.

This is good advice that you can give to her, tell her to stay off your man and also if she cannot find anything to do, tell her that she should do something more productive with her time. This is a good reply that you can give.

It’s like you like to see people sad

This is a straightforward reply that you can give. If she cheats with her husband, it may be that she just likes to see people sad.

She knows that you will be sad if you discover that your husband is cheating on you with her.

But she continued to do it just because she wanted to see you sad. You should avoid these types of women because they do not wish for you to become better. They just want to see you sad,

Learn to leave people’s men alone

Women like these cannot find and keep men of their own, what they do instead is that they look for another woman’s husband and cling on to him because she knows that he is a married man.

Women like these do not like to find their men, they love to cling to other people’s men. You should tell such women to learn to leave people’s men alone. This is a good reply that you can give.

Why don’t you mind your business?

If she was minding her business, she would not have landed in a situation where she is secretly seeing someone else’s husband. Tell her to mind her own business so that she does not fall into a situation like this.

Some women can be so violent when it comes to their husbands, they do not want to see any other woman come near their man. If you are that kind of woman, you need to tell her to mind her business.

You are a thorn in the flesh

When you say that someone is a thorn in the flesh, it means that the person consistently causes you pain and you are getting fed up with such a person.

If your husband is cheating on you with another woman, that woman is a thorn in your flesh because she causes you pain.

Let her know that she is a thorn in the flesh, that way, she will understand that you don’t like what she is doing at all and that you do not approve of it one bit.

Now, explain yourself

It could be that she did not know that he was your husband before she started seeing him. In a situation like this, you may need her to explain herself to see if what she has to say has meaning or not.

Simply tell her to explain herself. When she explains herself, you may be able to understand why she did what she did.

That is the main reason why you told her to explain herself. She may have something to say.

What do you hope to achieve with this?

The lady may be with your husband because she has evil intentions toward you and there is a hidden agenda for her actions.

In a situation like this, you should ask her what she hopes to achieve by making your husband cheat on you with her.

When she tells you why she is doing that, you will see if it is worth it or not. Sometimes, she may not have a hidden agenda, she may just like the fact that she is seeing your husband and cheating with him.

You can have him since you want him

This shows that you are willing to give up your marriage and your husband because you discovered that your husband is cheating with her and you are really disappointed about it.

Telling her that she can have him since she wants him shows that you do not want anything to do with her and your husband anymore and that you are willing to part ways with your husband.

If you say this, then you are done with him and you do not want anything to do with him.

Do not let me see you around my man anymore

This is a strict warning that you do not want to see her around your husband again. When she sees that you strongly do not want to see her around your husband anymore, then she will begin to back out.

At this point, she already knows that you are not going to take it likely with her if you see her around your husband again.

The next time I see you with him, you may end up arrested

This reply shows that you are already aware that she is making your husband cheat on you and she is the person that your husband is cheating with.

This reply is more of a threat and it shows how angry you are that she is seeing your husband.

Tell her that you can get her arrested if you see her with him again. This shows how serious it is and how angry you are about what has happened.

You could even go to the extent of arresting her just to ensure that you keep your marriage safe.

The only thing saving you is that you were once my friend

If you discover that your husband is cheating on you with another girl and you notice that the girl is someone that was once your friend.

That could be the only thing saving her. Because if not that you both shared a friendship sometime in the past, you would have dealt with her seriously and you would have made her regret why she would make your husband cheat on you.

If not for friendship, you may have even arrested her because she is trying to cause damage to your home and it will cost you your happiness and even make you lose your beloved husband.

I trusted you, but you betrayed me

This is you telling the girl your husband is cheating with that you once trusted her and you never knew that she could do such, but she ended up betraying you.

She went behind your back and had an affair with your husband. Even after she knew that he is your husband and that you love him so much, she still went ahead and cheated with him.

This shows how she will still betray you in the future if you bank on her or trust her with something as delicate and sensitive as your husband.

How dare you cheat on my man?

This reply shows how angry you are that she made your husband cheat on you with her. This shows that she is not supposed to do such and you are so angry with her because of what she did.

When you ask how dare her, you will notice her reply and if she is truly sorry about what she did, she will apologize and let you know that she feels remorse and she regrets what she did.

You just lost my trust

Because she had an affair with your husband and made your husband cheat on you with her, you lost every bit of trust you had in her and you cannot even trust her with the slightest thing.

This is another thing you can say to such a girl, it will let her know that you are truly disappointed in her and you cannot even trust her with the slightest thing or secret.

I will warn others of you

When you warn others of her, it makes people know what she is capable of. Even though this may label her as a bad person, it will make other people keep their husbands away from her.

Even those that used to be her friends will see her differently, they will not have the same level of trust that they used to have in her.

Of all men, why my husband?

Of all the men in the world, what made her choose your husband? Even if she wanted a man, why did she not choose other single men that are doing well, why did she have to go with her own husband?

Final Words

If someone has an affair with your husband, ensure you show the person that you are really upset about what the person did and that you are not happy about it.

That way, the person will feel remorse for what she did and she will understand that she is not supposed to be doing such, especially with people’s husbands.

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