Romantic Words That Start With Y

There are several romantic words in the dictionary but we seem to not use them in the right way. Your relationship may be sleek at the moment but you never know what “sleeker” feels like till you truly experience it.

Good words can do the magic if you let them. Check the words in the list below and learn how to make your relationship sleeker 

Romantic “Y” Words

Romantic Words That Start With Y


Meaning: This refers to a person’s strong desire for something or someone.

Example: /There’s this yearning in my head and it is for you/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on your strong desire for your partner. It expresses your admiration and desire for the attention of your partner. If your partner loves you back, this comment will put a smile on his/her face.


Meaning: This refers to a food that is exceptionally delicious. In a romantic context, it is used metaphorically to mean someone who is very attractive.

Example: /Even in that dress everybody hates, you still look as yummy as ever/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that expresses your admiration for your partner. The compliment is delivered in an objective way, expressing that your partner is truly attractive and anyone would find him/her hard to resist.

This will not only make your partner smile sincerely but also serve as a help to his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to someone who looks younger, stronger, and more vibrant than usual. It tends to be an exaggerated compliment in this context.

Example: /We’ve been here for fifty years and you still look as youthful as our early days/

Note: This is a complimentary remark on your partner’s attractiveness. It can also refer to a temporary attractiveness of an old partner.

Your partner will be flattered to hear of your admiration of his/her new look which you praise. This is usually seen as an exaggeration so it may not be believed. However, it will make your partner smile to hear you say so.


Meaning: This refers to someone who is not old; someone who is still looking vibrant and strong. In a romantic context, it is usually metaphorical and refers to looks alone. It is similar in meaning to “Youthful.”

Example: /I have known you for fifty years and you still look as young as ever/

Note: This is a complimentary remark on your partner’s attractiveness or unusual vibrance. It mostly refers to a temporary appearance making your partner look more attractive than usual. Your partner will be delighted to hear this remark.


Meaning: This refers to a person who is flexible with decisions and opinions. It can also be referred to as “Submission”.

Example: /You are so yielding and energetic/ /You are so yielding but you can stand up for what you desire, Jenna. I’ll love to see you do that/

Note: This is a complimentary remark on an admired trait of your partner. This act can be detested by some people so you get the choice to mention it in a manner of admiration or encourage the opposite in a romantic way.

Your partner will be delighted to know you admire that part of him/her. If you will be rebuking the submission, your partner will be glad to know you accord respect to him/her.


Meaning: This refers to a young playboy with an affluent lifestyle.

Example: /You have been a handsome yuppie since day one/

Note: This is a complimentary remark on the admirable lifestyle of your partner. It is not as flattering as other remarks but it can put a smile on your partner’s face if you add a flattering adjective. Your partner will be flattered to hear you say words of admiration for his Lifestyle.


Meaning: This refers to something that is of yellow color. To pass in a romantic context, it is used to refer to brightness and attractiveness in comparison with Yellow.

Example: /Your yellow skin makes that dress look good/

Note: This is a complimentary remark on your partner’s attractive complexion. Your partner will be flattered to hear of your admiration of his/her look which you praise. This may be seen as an exaggeration but it will make your partner smile to hear you say so.


Meaning: This refers to the unity of people or the bond shared by two people.

Example: /I see endless beauty in you, endless love from me, and our yoke lasting forever/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on the relationship you share with your partner.

This is an acknowledgment of the relationship you share with your partner and also a show of admiration. Your partner will be happy to hear your comment from you.


Meaning: This refers to the simple word uttered to mean an agreement to an idea, affirmation of an answer, or submission to a proposal. In a romantic context, it refers to the agreement in a relationship.

Example: /It makes me smile when I remember the day you said Yes/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on your proposal to your partner. It can also be used to refer to your partner’s yielding nature.

Your partner will be flattered to know you are impressed by his/her agreement to be with you. It will show that your desire for the relationship is true.


Meaning: This refers to something that is owned by the person being referred to. In a romantic context, it can also mean total submission to a person.

Example: /I have had no regrets since we’ve been together. I will forever be yours/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on your relationship and your submission to your partner.

With this, you are expressing your devotion and true desire to keep the relationship together. Your partner will be elated to see your devotion.


Meaning: This refers to an exclamation of excitement.

Example: /I didn’t think I would ever meet you, not to talk of getting a kiss. Yahoo!/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that shows your excitement towards something your partner has done or just your partner’s presence.

It can serve as an encouragement for your partner to continue doing something. It can also just flatter your partner to know you get excited with him/her around.


Meaning: This refers to an exclamation of excitement. It is synonymous with “Yahoo!” but with less vibrance.

Example: /Yay! You finally gave me a peck after asking for so long/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that shows your excitement towards something your partner has done or just your partner’s presence.

It can serve as an encouragement for your partner to continue doing something. It can also just flatter your partner to know you get excited with him/her around.


Meaning: This refers to something that has not happened but will happen. In a romantic context, it can sound exaggerated. It can also refer to a process of wooing where your partner says he/she is “yet” to be taken.

Example: /They say no marriage is perfect but I am yet to see a stain on you/ /I’m not married yet, Steve/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that exaggerates the goodness of your partner by emphasizing the absence of imperfection.

In the second context, it can serve as a show of submission or liking to the wooer. Emphasizing your partner’s “perfection” will be seen for what it is; an exaggeration. However, your partner will be delighted to know you believe that.


Meaning: This refers to a person’s passionate desire for something or someone. It is synonymous with “Yearning”.

Example: /There is this yen for you in me and I can’t deny it anymore/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on your strong desire for your partner. It expresses your admiration and desire for the attention of your partner.

If your partner loves you back, this comment will put a smile on his/her face.


Meaning: This refers to the state of being in harmony. 

Example: /The Ying-yang we share will last a lifetime/

Note: This is a complimentary remark that focuses on the relationship you share with your partner. This is an acknowledgment of the relationship you share with your partner and also a show of admiration. Your partner will be happy to hear your comment from you.

Romantic “Y” Names

Romantic Words That Start With Y


Meaning: This is an unidentified large creature that is said to live in the Himalayas. It is considered a myth.

Note: This is an awesome nickname for a male partner who is bigger in size and enjoys cuddling.

Yadi (Friend in Hebrew)

Meaning: This is a Hebrew word that translates to “Friend

Note: You can give this nickname to your partner if you’re just starting your relationship.


Meaning: This refers to the color yellow or something of yellowish color

Note: You can give this nickname to your partner if she has a yellowish complexion.


Meaning: This is the pronoun for a person being directly referred to.

Note: This is a funny nickname for your partner. It is not exactly romantic but it will put a smile on your partner’s face.

Yum Factor

Meaning: This is an endearment word derived from “X Factor” and “Yum

Note: This is a funny and flattering nickname for your lover.


You have probably heard of some of these words but you haven’t tried using them to flatter a person. Putting a smile on someone’s face might turn out to be worth it. You only realize it after you’ve done it.


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