Romantic Words That Start With V

Some people are so used to negative words that they forget what positive words sound like or how they are pronounced. Before we judge, when was the last time you complimented a person or your partner? Most of us are guilty of that 

Compliments are capable of putting smiles on some faces. Check out the words below and start using them today. Watch the words do their magic.

Romantic “V” Words

Romantic Words That Start With V


Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is considered to be of great worth. 

Example: /You are a valuable member of our society/

Note: This is an approving comment on your partner that mentions how you believe others should feel about him/her.

While this might be just your opinion, it is blunt and objective. Your partner will be happy to hear your opinion of him/her. It will also help with confidence. 


Meaning: this refers to something or action that provides satisfaction.

Example: /You have a velvety voice/

Note: This is an approving comment on your partner’s skill or action that satisfies you. While it expresses how you feel, it also refers to the sweetness of the trait you compliment. It will make your partner happy and confident about himself or herself.


Meaning: This refers to something that is in the correct order that is considered acceptable. It doesn’t refer to people but it can be used metaphorically.

Example: /You are a valid description of the partner I’ve always imagined/

Note: This is an approving comment that mentions how much you appreciate your partner. With this remark, you are telling your partner how perfect they are to you. Your partner will be delighted to hear that.


Meaning: this refers to someone who deserves to be regarded for an awesome reason.

Example: /You are a genius! You deserve to be venerated/

Note: This is an approving comment on your partner that mentions how you believe others should feel about him/her.

It shows your reaction which your partner will be proud of. It also commends your partner and improves his/her confidence.


Meaning: this refers to liveliness and vigor in a person.

Example; /I love your vibrant personality/

Note: This is an approving comment that appreciates a noticeable trait of your partner. Your partner will be delighted to know you care about how he/she feels.


Meaning: This refers to someone active and physically strong. It also refers to an action that requires a lot of strength.

Example: /You are vigorous and handsome/

Note: This is an approving comment that appreciates a noticeable trait of a male partner. It mostly refers to the agile build of a man. Your partner will be delighted to know you find him attractive.


Meaning: This refers to something clear and bright. It doesn’t refer directly to people. However, it can be metaphorically used to emphasize a trait.

Example: /You have a vivid womanly shape/

Note: This is an approving comment that emphasizes a noticeable trait in your partner. While showing your admiration, you are also saying it is clear to everyone.

Your partner will be delighted by your reaction and also be more confident about the complimented trait.


Meaning: This refers to manly characteristics in a man. It is mostly associated with the drive and capacity of a man to perform sensual intimacy.

Example: /You are so hot and virile/

Note: This is an approving comment that appreciates the sensual intensity of a male partner.

With this remark, you will be showing how much you appreciate intimate moments with your male partner. He will be delighted to know you find him pleasurable.


Meaning: This refers to something that is needed for life to continue. It is slightly hyperbolic in statements like this.

Example: /You are so vital to me/

Note: This is an approving comment that states how much you appreciate your partner’s presence in your life. You will be forcing a smile on your partner’s face with this comment. 


Meaning: This refers to someone energetic and lively. It is synonymous with “Vivacious”.

Example: /I am always happy to see you vivacious/

Note: it can be used in place of “Vibrant” in virtually all contexts. This is an approving comment that appreciates a noticeable trait of your partner. Your partner will be delighted to know you care about how he/she feels.


Meaning: this refers to something that gives life to someone or makes a person excited.

Example: /Your performance was quite vivifying/

Note: This is an approving comment that refers to your reaction towards your partner’s beauty or performance.

This not only states your reaction but also commends your partner for being capable of getting that reaction from anyone. Your partner will be delighted to hear your review. He/she will also be more confident.


Meaning: This refers to the curvaceous figure of a woman.

Example: /Your voluptuous body turns me on/

Note: This is an approving comment on your partner’s attractiveness. By saying this remark, you are not only stating your reaction but also addressing the true beauty of your partner.

It will make your partner smile while increasing his/her confidence.


Meaning: This refers to something invigorating or enlivening. It is similar in meaning to “Vivifying”.

Example: /Your performance was vitalizing. You killed it!/

Note: This is an approving comment that refers to your reaction towards your partner’s beauty or performance.

This not only states your reaction but also commends your partner for being capable of getting that reaction from anyone. Your partner will be delighted to hear your review. He/she will also be more confident.


Meaning: This refers to a promise made by a person to another to do or not do something.

Example: /Our marital vows are forever/

Note: This is a reassuring comment that easily gets your partner flattered. With this remark, you will be reassuring your partner of your faithfulness to the relationship you share.

This will make your partner delighted and also increase his/her confidence in you.


Meaning: this refers to an intense desire or appetite for something, usually food. In this case, it is metaphorical and refers to a person with crazy and passionate feelings.

Example: /Your crazy body got me voracious for you/

Note: This is an approving comment that refers to your passionate desire for your partner. Your partner will be delighted to know you are attracted to him/her.


Meaning: This refers to something that is held to be of great worth to a person. It is almost the same as “Valuable” but “Valued” refers directly to a person who considers something else valuable.

Example: /You are a valued member of a society/

Note: This can be used in place of “Valuable”. While “Valuable” is an objective word referring to your partner’s actual worth, “Valued” refers to how much you desire and respect your partner i.e. how much worth you accord to your partner.

Your partner will be delighted that you consider him/her worthy of your respect.

Romantic “V” Names

Romantic Words That Start With V


Meaning: This refers to a saint with the same name who is remembered with love since 269 AD.

Although Valentine was to be remembered for his undeserved execution, the day has been recognized with Love for so long.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for a partner you love. You will be naming him after the annual Valentine’s festival.


Meaning: This refers to a secondary color. There is also a fragrant plant with this name. It has been adopted as a female given name.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for a cute female partner.


Meaning: This refers to a city in Nevada, USA. Las Vegas.

Note: You can give this fitting name to your male partner who lives in Las Vegas or who is obsessed with the place.

Vita Mia 

Meaning: This is an Italian word that translates to “My Life”.

Note: instead of calling your partner “My Life” which is an already common endearment term, you can make it more interesting with the Italian translation of the phrase and make your partner search for the meaning.


Meaning: This refers to an evil character or an antagonist.

Note: You can jokingly address your male partner with this name. There is a very low chance of him getting offended by it.


Meaning: This refers to something old-school, or in an old-school color. It also refers to an old-fashioned person.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for your partner who is old-fashioned. It may be found funny at first. If your partner doesn’t react well to this nickname, you may have to stop.


Meaning: This is a rare name derived from “Valentine” and is mostly used for females.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for your female partner who you love.


Meaning: This refers to the second planet in the solar system. This is the name of the goddess of love in Roman Mythology.

Note: This is a fitting name for your female partner with voluptuous curves.


Meaning: This is the name of a popular anime character.

Note: You can give this name to your partner if he/she is a fan of anime.


Meaning: This is an English word that refers to something wild and dangerous.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for a partner who keeps breaking your heart.


Meaning: This is an English word that refers to a neighborhood crime fighter who is not given legal power.

Note: This is a fitting nickname for your male partner if he is always playing the hero in your life.


Meaning: This refers to the Roman goddess of sensual pleasures. 

Note: This is a fitting nickname for your female partner who has nice curves and a great sensual appeal.


Meaning: This refers to a supernatural character in fiction who sucks blood and can be destroyed by the sun.

Note: This is a funny nickname for your partner. Vampires are usually attractive so he/she will understand.


Meaning: This refers to a person who has never been involved in intercourse. It may also refer to the Virgin Mary (Mother of Jesus).

Note: This is a fitting name for your innocent female partner.


 There are other romantic words you can utilize in your day-to-day conversations. Use them right and they can beautify your relationships.

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