Romantic Words That Start With Q

“Q” is one of the letters with the fewest words in the dictionary. That is probably true but there are still romantic words on the list.

 When was the last time you heard a lovely compliment? When was the last time you said a compliment to someone? Words matter in our relationships. You can make someone happy with just a simple word.

 Go through the list below and pick some positive words to compliment someone with.

Romantic “Q” Words

Romantic Words That Start With Q


Meaning: This refers to something that is of great worth, well-made, and perfect for the purpose it was made for. It is not used to refer to persons so can be considered metaphorical in this context.

Example: /I could tell you were of great quality/

Note: This is a sweet remark on how valuable you consider your partner to be. By saying this, you are comparing your partner to a precious product that is worth a fortune. Your partner will be delighted to hear how valuable you consider him/her to be.


Meaning: This is a word that refers to the wife of a King or the female ruler of a kingdom. It is metaphorical in this case where a man addresses a woman as his Queen.

Example: /Right from the first glance at you, I knew you were my queen/

Note: This is a direct remark where you compare your female partner to a Queen. This is mostly used for female partners whom you want to spend a lifetime with. Your partner will be delighted to hear this remark.


Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is used as a perfect example of portraying an idea while all other kinds can only try to be just as much but can’t go beyond. It can sound like an exaggeration but it is quite simple.

Example: /All eyes trailed your quintessential body as you descended from the staircase/

Note: This is a remark on your partner’s performance or looks. It is usually an exaggeration in a romantic context, despite its simple meaning.

While your partner may see it as an exaggeration, he/she will be grateful for the remark and it may help in building his/her self-confidence.


Meaning: This refers to a person who harbors the desire of doing something romantic or noble without considering realism and possibilities. It is a crazy reaction to passion felt for someone. It can be considered stupid and exaggerated.

Example: /The day you hugged me, you made me quixotic/

Note: This is a sweet remark on how you feel about your partner while addressing your passion and craziness.

While this can be embarrassing for you, your partner will be extremely flattered that he/she was able to make you feel that way. You will be reassuring your partner of the love you have for him/her.


Meaning: this refers to the act of subduing a person, putting someone to silence, or forcing a person to surrender. It also refers to total defeat. It is metaphoric and possibly hyperbolic in this context, referring to the act of making someone calm.

Example: /Your graceful smile quelled the wildness in me/

Note: This is a sweet remark on the influence of your partner on you. By saying this, you will be attributing the reason for your calmness to your partner.

Your partner will be flattered to know he/she has been able to make such an impact in your life. More importantly, it shows you have respect for your partner and that will be respected too.


Meaning: This refers to the ability of a person to do things fast. It can refer to a fast movement, fast reaction, or even fast thinking and intelligence.

Example: /Never thought I could keep a partner with such a quick wit/

Note: This is a sweet remark on an observable trait in your partner. By saying this, you are expressing your admiration for that ability or feature of your partner.

Your partner will be much delighted to hear you say the compliment, even if it was already obvious. You will be showing that you appreciate that feature and will also be helping with your partner’s confidence in the particular trait you complimented.


Meaning: This word can be used to refer to the extinguishment of a fire or a light. In this context, it is used figuratively to mean the satisfaction of one’s thirst or desire for something. It is metaphorically here.

Example: /Having you around me quenched my age-old thirst for true happiness/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your partner’s influence on you and how you feel about it. By saying this, you will be attributing the reason for your satisfaction and happiness to your partner.

Your partner will be flattered to know you were able to derive comfort and satisfaction from him/her. It will also serve as a reassurance of the love you both share.


Meaning: This refers to a pulsing motion, usually associated with pleasure from sensual intimacy.

Example: /Only intimate moments with you make me quiver/

Note: This is a sweet remark on your level of sensual pleasure during intimate moments with your partner. By saying this, you are attributing your satisfaction to your partner.

Your partner will be happy to know you only desire sensual moments with him/her. Asides from flattering your partner, you will also be reassuring your partner of your love and relationship.

Romantic “Q” Names

Queen Bee

Meaning: This refers to the only female reproductive bee in a colony of honeybees. It also refers to a woman who is in a position to dominate and control a particular group of people

Note: This is a cool pet name to address your female partner with, especially if she is a sophisticated and confident person. With “Queen” as part of the name, you will be getting a flattering reaction from her.

Queen’s man

Meaning: This phrase doesn’t have a literal English meaning. “Queen” refers to the wife of a King or the female ruler of a kingdom. It is also used metaphorically when a man addresses a woman as his Queen.

Note: This is a cool pet name for a man who you want to spend a lifetime with. If he calls you “Queen”, this is a nice name to call him back. While some may choose to use “King”, this is a funnier pet name. This name will also prove you accept him as your lover.

Queen of my heart

Meaning: This phrase doesn’t have a literal English meaning. “Queen” is a female ruler or a kingdom, as stated earlier. This phrase is an endearment term that is commonly used to refer to a female whom a man can’t stop thinking about. 

Note: This is a cool pet name for a female partner who you want to spend a lifetime with. If she calls you “King”, then this is a nice name to call her back, instead of just using “Queen.”

Quick feet

Meaning: This is a football language. It refers to a player who can pull off dribbles, run, and make moves quickly. You can also use this to refer to a fast runner.

Note: This is a cool pet name, most suitable for a man who is very fast at running. You can also use it to refer to your partner if he makes quick moves.


Meaning: This refers to a wife or widow of a king or a female monarch. In this case, it is metaphorically used to refer to a female partner whom a man is ready and willing to parade as his wife. 

Note: This is a cool pet name for a woman whom you want to spend a lifetime with. It is much shorter than “Queen of my heart” so you can use this pet name instead.

Quantum Man

Meaning: This phrase has no literal English meaning. “Quantum” is a term in Physics that refers to the smallest possible unit of a quantifiable phenomenon that is too small to be further divided. The phrase, however, refers to a man who’s engrossed with Physics.

Note: This is a cool pet name for a man who studies physics. It is not the romantic name on this list. However, your boyfriend will find it funny if you can coin a nickname out of something that he loves.


Meaning: Quidditch is a sports game, also known as Quad ball, which was inspired by a fictional Quidditch game in the Harry Potter series. 

Note: This is a cool pet name for a man who is interested in this game or the Harry Potter series. You can pick the name of any of the popular characters as a nickname. You can also use this fictional sports game as a nickname.


Meaning: This is the name of a fictional character in the MCU with supernatural speed.

Note: This is a cool pet name to use instead of “Quick Feet.”


Meaning: Quantum” is a term in Physics that refers to the smallest possible unit of a quantifiable phenomenon that is too small to be further divided

Note: This is a cool pet name for a man who studies physics. You can use this instead of “Quantum Man.”


Meaning: This is mostly used to refer to fake health practitioners and doctors but It can also refer to actual doctors.

Note: This is a cool pet name for a man who is a doctor. It will be considered funny at first.


Meaning: This refers to a female fictional character who is considered crazy and badass. “Harley Quinn”.

Note: This is a cool pet name for a quirky female partner.


Meaning: This refers to someone or something that is absurdly silly and cute.

Note: This is a cool pet name to address your crazy female partner. You can use this instead of “Quinn.”


Who said “Q” has no romantic words? They may be few or even literally mean something else but what matters is the message you are passing.

 Say sweet words to your partner today while you still can.


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