Romantic Words That Start With M

With so many romantic words in the world, in and out of the English language, it’s quite a shame that many couples find it hard to pick out the right words for compliments.

A simple word of Love is capable of taking your relationship to the next level. Check out the words below.

Romantic “M” Words

Romantic Words That Start With M

1. Mad About

Meaning: This refers to craziness over a particular thing, idea, or person. In this case, it is considered an exaggeration.

Example: /I have been mad about you from the onset/

Note: This is an exaggeration of how you feel about your lover. While this may be understood as an exaggeration, your lover will appreciate that you care.

2. Magical

Meaning: This refers to something unreal or beyond the ordinary. In this case, it is an exaggeration that refers to a beautiful and amazing thing or action.

Example: /Your dance is magical/

Note: This is an exaggeration of something your partner has done. It shows how amazed you are.

Even if your partner finds your reaction hyperbolic, he/she will be happy to see the reaction.

3. Madly

Meaning: This refers to a crazy extent of action. It is hyperbolic in this case.

Example: /I am madly in love with you/

Note: This is an exaggeration of how you feel about your partner. While your partner might see it as an exaggeration, your partner will be flattered to know how you feel.

4. Masculine

Meaning: This refers to characteristics associated with a man e.g. muscles.

Example: /You are so masculine/

Note: This is an admirable feature of your male partner. Saying this will get him flattered as he will understand that you find him admirable.

5. Manly

Meaning: This is a synonym of “masculine”. While “masculine” tends to refer to muscles, “manly” refers to all features attributed to a responsible man or male leader.

Example: /You have such a manly voice/

Note: This is an admirable feature of your male partner. Saying this will get him flattered as he will understand that you find him admirable.

6. Magnetic

Meaning: This refers to something with the properties of a magnet. It is slightly hyperbolic and, in this case, refers to the extraordinary ability to attract.

Example: /You have a magnetic smile/

Note: This is the exaggeration of a trait in your partner. Your partner will be happy to know you find him/her attractive.

7. Magnificent

Meaning: This refers to the exceptional beauty of a performance or a person’s appearance.

Example: /You were magnificent on the dance floor/

Note: This is your reaction to the performance or looks of your partner. By saying this compliment, you are making your partner understand that you find him/her attractive.

8. Marvelous

Meaning: This refers to an amazing performance or action

Example: /You were marvelous on the dance floor/

Note: This word is synonymous with “Magnificent”. It is a reaction to your partner and you will be getting your partner flattered.

9. Mannerly

Meaning: This refers to the right or respectful way of acting shown by a person.

Example: /You are so mannerly and responsible/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your lover. By saying this compliment, you will be getting your partner flattered and also encouraging him/her to continue doing right.

10. Matchless

Meaning: This refers to something or someone that is high-class and cannot be compared.

Example: /Your dance moves are matchless/

Note: This is an exaggeration of your partner’s abilities or looks. While your partner will understand the hyperbole, the compliment will be appreciated.

11. Maximal

Meaning: this can be compared to “Matchless”. It refers to the highest level of something.

Example: /Your beauty is maximal. I want nothing more/

Note: This sounds quite exaggerated. While your partner will understand the hyperbole, your partner will appreciate that you think so.

12. Mellifluous

Meaning: This refers to Melodious tunes or the ability to produce sweet melodies.

Example: /I have always known you to be mellifluous/

Note: This is an admirable and notable trait in your lover. By saying this compliment, you will be getting your partner truly flattered.

13. Mellow

Meaning: This refers to calmness and flexibility in a person.

Example: /You are so mellow and responsible/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your lover. By saying this compliment, you will be getting your partner flattered and also encouraging him/her to continue doing right.

14. Memorable

Meaning: This refers to a moment or event that is hard to be forgotten, usually in a positive way.

Example: /Moments with you will always remain memorable/

Note: With this compliment, you will be telling your partner how much you cherish moments with him/her. It will be truly appreciated.

15. Mystic

Meaning: This refers to a holy or divine object.

Example: /You have a mystic smile/

Note: While this word has a simple meaning, it can sound like an exaggeration in this context. By using this, you are comparing your partner to a divine entity.

16. Mirthful

Meaning: this refers to true happiness shown in a person.

Example: /Only your presence gets me so mirthful/

Note: by using this compliment, you will be attributing your happiness to your partner. Your partner will be happy to know he/she can make you happy.

17. Miraculous

Meaning: This can be used to replace “Magical”. It refers to something unreal or beyond the ordinary.

Example: /Your work was miraculous/

Note: This is an exaggeration of something your partner has done. It shows how amazed you are.

Even if your partner finds your reaction hyperbolic, he/she will be happy to see the reaction.

18. Mesmerizing

Meaning: this refers to an enthralling performance.

Example: /Your dance was mesmerizing. I just couldn’t take my eyes off/

Note: This sounds like an exaggeration despite its simple meaning. It is a notable trait of your partner. This will get your partner flattered and also help with confidence.

19. Mystique

Meaning: This refers to something mysterious or beyond the ordinary.

Example: /Your smile was so mystique that it keeps me staring/

Note: This is an exaggeration of your partner’s traits.  your partner will understand the hyperbole, your partner will appreciate that you think so.

20. Mischievous

Meaning: This refers to acts of trickery which is usually to deceive. The word may be considered negative if not used properly.

Example: /When you get mischievous, you hit me with a surprise/

Note: This is a trait you can point out in your partner but be careful how you sound so it doesn’t feel like a rebuke rather than a compliment.

21. Moonstruck

Meaning: this refers to a passionate show of love, usually considered crazy.

Example: /I got moonstruck by just staring in your eyes/

Note: This is an exaggerated reaction towards your partner. Your partner will be flattered and also appreciative of the fact that you still love him/her.

22. Motivating

Meaning: This refers to something, someone, or an idea that inspires or improves confidence.

Example: /Your smile was mysteriously motivating/

Note: By using this, you are attributing your productivity to your partner. That is one of the most flattering compliments you can say to your partner.

23. Multidimensional

Meaning: this refers to something or someone that exists in other worlds simultaneously. This is mostly used in fiction and may be considered hyperbole.

Example: /You have a multidimensional intelligence/

Note: By comparing your partner to an entity out of this world, you are exaggerating it beyond a known level. Your partner will appreciate the hyperbole.

24. Muscular

Meaning: This refers to the existence of visible muscles in a man, usually considered attractive.

Example: /Your muscular build turns me on/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your lover. By saying this compliment, you will be getting your partner flattered and also showing that you find him attractive m

25. Mutual

Meaning: This refers to the existence of similar feelings in two people towards each other.

Example: /I know the love is mutual and you can’t deny it/

Note: This comment will be found romantic if your partner truly loves you back.

26. Mysterious

Meaning: This is a synonym for “Mystique”. It refers to something unordinary or hard to understand.

Example: /Your smile is so mysterious that I can’t stop staring/

Note: This is an exaggeration of your partner’s traits. Your partner will appreciate that you think so about him/her.

Romantic “M” Names

27. Monsieur

This is a French word that means “Mister”. It is a nice nickname for your partner, even though there is no romantic meaning attached.

28. Muscleman

This is a nice nickname for a muscular male partner.

29. Madame Web

This is a fictional female character in “Spiderman” comics. It is a nice nickname to give your flexible female partner.

30. Mon Amour

This is one of the few endearment terms in French. This means “My Love” in French.

31. Ma Cherie

This is another French endearment term that means “My Sweetheart” or “My Dear”.

32. Movie Star

This is a nice nickname to give your partner if he/she tends to be dramatic or is an actual actor.

33. Mr. Amazing

This is a sweet nickname to give your amazing male partner.

34. Macho man

Macho can be used to refer to an Alpha male. If your man appears to be romantically dominating, muscular, and manly in all ways, “Macho Man” would be a nice nickname.

35. My precious

This is a simple English phrase but a nice name to address your partner with.

36. Munchkin

This is a name that refers to a child or a short person. However, it is still a nice nickname for your partner.

37. Munchie

This name doesn’t have a romantic literal meaning but it sounds cute enough to address your partner with.

38. My Knight

This is a flattering nickname to address your male partner with, especially if he’s always having your back.

39. My King

This is another great nickname for your male partner. He will be your king and you will be his queen.

40. My Everything

This is a great name for your male or female partner whom you are hoping to build a future with.


There are over a billion nice nicknames in the world and some are yet to be developed. Some may even start from you. Start using them effectively in your relationship.

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