Romantic Words That Start With L

Do you think the love in your relationship is dying? The first question you should ask yourself should be if Love can just disappear.

Fortunately, Love is like an addiction that grows to a point and stays forever. Your relationship started from somewhere so you are probably doing something wrong to feel this way.

It is time to take a dramatic step and change how you feel about your relationship. When was the last time you told your partner how much you love him/her?

Do it today. Below are other words you can use asides from “Love” and how to use them.

Romantic “L” Words

1. Lascivious

Meaning: This refers to a feeling of intense sensual passion, usually considered negative. It is also known as “lusty” or “lewd”. In this context, however, it is a hyperbole.

Example: /Words can’t explain how lascivious I am about you/

Note: This word is usually considered negative so it is not advisable to refer to your partner with this word. Referring to your feelings for your partner with this word will sound exaggerated and flattering.

2. Laudable

Meaning: This refers to an action that can be praised or commended. It combines an impressed reaction with the awesomeness of the action being reacted to.

Example: /Your performance was beyond laudable/

Note: This is a compliment mixed with a reaction. By saying this, you are not only praising your partner’s work or appearance but also saying anyone would be impressed by it.

Your partner will be happy to hear this.

3. Love

Meaning: This refers to the affection felt towards a person, an object, or an action. The common use of the word has reduced how passionate it should sound.

Example: /I have never loved anything as I love you now/

4. Lust

Meaning: This refers to a feeling of intense sensual passion, usually considered negative. It is another word for Lasciviousness and Lewdness.

Example: /Your curves get me lusting after you/

Note: This word is usually considered negative so it is not advisable to refer to your partner with this word. Referring to your sensual feelings for your partner with this word will be better appreciated.

5. Like

Meaning: This refers to the admiration of something or someone. It is compared to Love but less passionate.

Example: /I have never liked anything as I like you now/

Note: This sounds less passionate when compared to the feelings of Love but your partner will take the use of “Like” as a joke.

It is advisable to use superlative adjectives when using this word to make it more flattering.

6. Likable

Meaning: This refers to admirable or lovable features in a person or thing. It refers to the qualities that make something admired or loved.

Example: /You have so many likable qualities that I’m scared to let you go/

Note: This is a compliment that refers to certain traits in your partners.

This will improve the confidence of your partners and also make them happy to know you think so about them.

7. Liberating

Meaning: This refers to a feeling of freedom or actual freedom gotten from someone or something. It is a hyperbolic statement in this context.

Example: /Your smile is so liberating/

Note: This is not a hyperbolic word but in a romantic context, it is usually an exaggeration.

By using this in complimenting your partner, you are referring to your partner as the reason for your feeling of freedom which refers to your momentary happiness.

8. Like-minded

Meaning: This refers to two or more people who have similar opinions. It can be used to mean “Compatibility” in this context.

Example: /Look at us; like-minded and beautiful together/

Note: This refers to a noticeable connection between you and your partner. You will be getting a flattering reaction on your partner’s face if the feeling is mutual.

9. Lithe

Meaning: This refers to the flexibility of a person; the ability of a person to adapt to new rules easily. It also refers to calmness.

Example: /You are so lithe and easygoing/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your partner. By saying a compliment on the positive traits of your partner, you will not only get a flattering reaction but also give your partner encouragement to remain good.

10. Lissome

Meaning: This refers to the flexibility of a person; the ability of a person to adapt to new rules easily. It is a synonym for “Lissome” so the two words can be used interchangeably.

Example: /You are so lissome and easygoing/

Note:  By saying a compliment on the positive traits of your partner, you will not only get a flattering reaction but also give your partner encouragement to remain good.

11. Limpid

Meaning: This refers to an object that is transparent and bright. In a romantic context, it will be metaphorical to attribute this adjective to a person.

Example: /Your limpid glow overshadows the crowd/

Note: This is an exaggeration of the beauty of your partner. It will be understood by your partner as an exaggeration but you will be getting a flattering reaction while reminding your partner that you still see beauty in her.

12. Limber

Meaning: This refers to the flexibility of a person; the ability of a person to adapt to new rules easily. It is a synonym for “Lissome”, “Lithe”, and “Flexible”, so the words can be used interchangeably.

Example: /You are so understanding and limber/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your partner. This statement will flatter your partner and equally encourage them not to let you down.

13. Lively

Meaning: This refers to vibrance and energy in a person or place

Example: /I have never met someone as lively as you/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your partner. By saying a compliment on the positive traits of your partner, you will not only get a flattering reaction but also give your partner encouragement to remain good.

14. Lovable

Meaning: This refers to admirable or likable features in a person that makes someone desired. It is a synonym for Likable but more intense.

Example: /You are so lovable and I’m scared to let you go/

Note: This refers to your undying love for your partner. This will improve the confidence of your partners and also make them happy to know you think so about them.

15. Lovesick

Meaning: This refers to an aching desire for a person you love. It can be compared to signs of infatuation.

Example: /I am lovesick and it’s your fault/

Note: This is a romantic word that sounds negative. By putting this in a compliment, you are blaming your partner for your “Love” ailment. It will be received with sincere laughter or a smile.

16. Lovely

Meaning: This refers to a lovable thing, action, or feeling.

Example: /You stun me with your lovely eyes/

Note: This is a compliment mixed with a reaction. By saying this, you are not only praising your partner’s work or appearance but also saying anyone would love it.

Your partner will be happy to hear this.

17. Love-struck

Meaning: This refers to a disturbing feeling of love, usually for an unlikely person or at an unexpected time.

Example: /I was love-struck after meeting you at the bar/

Note: This sounds slightly negative but overly flattering.  It will be received with sincere laughter or a smile.

18. Luminescent

Meaning: This refers to the attractive glow of an object or a person.

Example: /Your luminescent glow overshadows the crowd/

Note: This is synonymous with “Limpid”. It is an exaggeration of the beauty of your partner and you will be getting a flattering reaction while reminding your partner that you still see beauty in her.

19. Lucky

Meaning: This refers to a fortunate or successful person.

Example: /I am so lucky to have you/

Note: By saying this, you are telling your partner you feel fortunate to have him or her.

20. Loyal

Meaning: This refers to the faithfulness of a person to an idea or a person.

Example: /I feel so guilty when I realize you stay loyal to me/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your partner that may not be true. This will flatter your partner and also encourage your partner to remain faithful to your relationship.

21. Loving

Meaning: This refers to a show of affection

Example: /You have been loving to me and I deserve none of it/

Note: This is an admirable trait in your partner. It will be received with a smile and your partner will be happy to know you care.

22. Lush

Meaning: This is slang that means “beautiful”. Depending on how it’s used, it can also mean “Amazing”.

Example: /Never thought I would have such a lush partner/

Note: This is a compliment on your partner’s looks. Your partner will be happy to know you still see beauty in him/her.

23. Luminous

Meaning: This is a synonym for “Luminescent”

Example: /Your luminous glow overshadows the crowd/

Note: It is an exaggeration of the beauty of your partner and you will be getting a flattering reaction while reminding your partner that you still see beauty in her.

24. Luscious

Meaning: This refers to something or someone that arouses a sensual feeling; seductive.

Example: /Your luscious poses make me lose control/

Note: This is a reaction to the appearance of your partner. It will sound sensual and also flattering to your partner.

25. Luxurious

Meaning: This refers to something made in high quality to deliver comfort.

Example: /You have a luxurious body. I wouldn’t trade it/

Note: This is an exaggeration of your partner’s beauty but it could be used to mean “Lavishness” which may be considered an insult.

26. Lusty

Meaning: This is another word for Lasciviousness. It refers to a passionate feeling in you towards your partner.

Example: /Your weird smile gets me lusty/

Note: This word is usually considered negative so it is not advisable to refer to your partner with this word.

Referring to your feelings for your partner with this word will sound exaggerated and flattering.

Romantic “L” Names

27. Lily

This is a flattering nickname for a female partner. It is a kind of beautiful flower.

28. Ladies Man

This is a nice nickname for a man who is considered handsome. It will surely get your man flattered.

29. Love Muffin

This is a flattering nickname for a partner you are deeply in love with.

30. Ladybug

This is a flattering nickname for a female partner. Its literal meaning refers to a kind of insect but your partner won’t care.

31. Lovey-dovey

This is a flattering nickname for your partner. If you want something that rhymes, this will work well.

32. Love Professor

This is a flattering nickname for a man who is still wooing you.

33. Love Candy

This is another flattering nickname for your partner. You can choose this ahead of Lovey Dovey.

34. Lovely boo

You can also flatter your partner with this nickname. It will be simply understood.


Virtually every relationship has trust issues and this is because the show of love reduces with time.

This is why compliments are important. Get used to these beautiful words and keep the love alive.

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