Romantic Words That Start With I

There are thousands of words in the dictionary and millions of words in the world.

While these words may seem like ordinary combinations of letters, they hold meanings, messages, and emotions.

They turn out to matter in our personal lives and our relationships.

If you don’t use your words right, this can affect how you are viewed by other people. The same applies when certain ugly words are used against you.

Equally, attractive words are important in keeping your relationship perfect. Below is a list of romantic words to utilize in keeping your partner happy.

Romantic “I” Words

Romantic Words That Start With I


Meaning: Perfect or Flawless (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /Your artwork is so ideal/

Note: This is a usual word but it holds a quite large meaning. It may not be believed since it is an exaggeration. However, your partner will love to hear you say more compliments.


Meaning: peaceful and beautiful (It may sound like a hyperbole)

Example: /I never thought I could have an idyllic relationship till I met you/

Note: While the word has a simple meaning, it may sound like an exaggeration. Attributing your idyllic life to your partner’s influence will make him/her smile. It will also make your partner feel appreciated.


Meaning: beyond count, infinite (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /If Beauty were in numbers, yours would be immeasurable/

Note: Complimenting your partner with this word will stun him/her. The comment may be considered a mere means of flattering but, if you can say this compliment to your partner often, it will be treasured like gold.


Meaning: Passionate, or filled with emotions. (A reaction to your partner)

Example: /Your impressive voice got me impassioned/

Note: This is not a direct compliment. However, you can carve a smile on your partner’s face by reacting to your partner’s appearance or actions with this word.


Meaning: perfect, flawless, or ideal (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /Everything you touch seems impeccable/

Note: This is a hyperbolic compliment on your partner’s works or appearances. It can replace “Ideal” in virtually every context. It may be hard to believe but, if you can say it often, your partner will treasure the compliment like gold.

In my Heart

Meaning: Feeling (A phrase for expressing emotions)

Example: /You have built a tower in my heart/

Note: This is a lovely phrase to use for your partner. By saying this, you are telling your partner exactly how you feel. While not every word will be believed, saying it often will matter to your partner.


Meaning: commendable or mind-blowing (A reaction to your partner)

Example: /Your voice is quite impressive. You blew my mind/

Note: This refers to your reaction to your partner’s appearance or work but it is said directly as an attribute, implying that anyone would be impressed.


Meaning: tricky (can sound like an insult)

Example: /I love your impish vibes/

Note: While this word can be an insult, your tone can determine how your partner feels about the comment. If you can keep your voice light and romantic, you will be praising your partner’s wits.

In Raptures

Meaning: full of excitement

Example: /Just staring in your eyes puts me in raptures/

Note: This is a way of attributing your excitement to your partner. By saying this, you will succeed in carving a smile on your partner’s face.

In the seventh heaven

Meaning: full of excitement, in raptures

Example: /Staring in your eyes makes me feel like I’m in the seventh heaven/

Note: This is synonymous with “In raptures”. You can use both phrases interchangeably and pass the right message.

In the now

Meaning: focused on the moment (A slang to express an urgent feeling)

Example: /I need you in the now/

Note: This phrase can be used to express intense passion for your partner. You will be getting an instant and honest reaction from your partner by using this.


Meaning: undefeatable, unsurpassable (it is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /Your Will to succeed is indomitable/

Note: This is a hyperbolic compliment on your partner’s work. By saying this, you will be carving a smile on your partner’s face while helping his/her confidence.


Meaning: amazing or unbelievable (Used mostly as an exclamation)

Example: /You have an incredible voice/

Note: Your partners will be very happy to know you are stunned by them or by something they have done. This will surely carve a smile on their faces.


Meaning: Rare, perfect, and immeasurable (It is used as an exaggeration)

Example: /Your expertise is incomparable/

Note: This is similar to “Incredible” and “immeasurable”, and the three words can be interchanged in certain contexts.

While your partners may consider this word an exaggeration, they will be happy to hear you say it.


Meaning: Passionate, or shining brightly

Example: /Your performance on the dance floor was incandescent/ /The incandescent glow of your face in the portrait/

Note: This is a great word for complimenting the attractiveness of your partner. It can also be used to refer to a passionate performance.

Saying a compliment on your partner’s looks or actions will successfully carve a smile on your partner’s face.


Meaning: Forbearing or pampering

Example: /You have always been indulgent to me/

Note: Mentioning a desired trait in your partner will not only successfully instill a smile but also encourage your partner to please you more.


Meaning: intoxicating (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /Your love is inebriating/

Note: This compliment will be received as hyperbole but your partner will be happy to hear you say it. It will begin to matter more when you say it often.


Meaning: passionately in love (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /I feel so infatuated when I see your face/

Note: While the literal meaning of this word might not be considered right, it is considered to hold more passion. By saying this, you are telling your partner how much you desire him/her.


Meaning: unspeakable (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /My feelings for you are ineffable)

Note: This is a hyperbolic way of describing how you feel about your partner’s looks or actions. While it will be considered exaggerated, your partner will be successfully flattered.


Meaning: immeasurable, immensely large

Example: /If beauty was measured in numbers, yours would be infinite/

Note: Complimenting your partner with this word will stun him/her. It can be interchanged with “Immeasurable” in virtually all contexts.


Meaning: kind, guiltless, and harmless

Example: /Your innocent eyes put me in a trance/

Note: This is a compliment on your partner’s appearance. This will successfully carve a smile on your partner’s face.


Meaning: innocent, or trusting.

Example: /You are so ingenuous. I don’t deserve you/

Note: This can be used interchangeably with “Innocent” in only literal contexts. This will equally flatter your partner.


Meaning: Beyond imitation, unmatchable, incomparable (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /Your expertise is inimitable/

Note: This can be used interchangeably with “Incomparable” in almost all contexts. It will be considered a hyperbole but you will successfully flatter your partner with this.


Meaning: Sticking together forever, impossible to be pulled apart (It may sound like a hyperbole)

Example: /I would love to have us inseparable/

Note: You can use this word to confess your desires to your partner. If he/she loves you back, you will successfully get a flattering reaction.


Meaning: Influenced or impacted

Example: /All of my works are inspired by thoughts of you/

Note: With this word, you can attribute your work to your partner. This will successfully carve a smile on your partner’s face. It could be even much easier than the other compliments.


Meaning: Impacting, impressing, or encouraging

Example: /Your beauty is inspiring/

Note: This is close to hyperbole and may be considered so by your partner. However, saying this often will lead to a genuine reaction.


Meaning: Deeply felt. (It may sound like an exaggeration)

Example: /My feelings for you are so intense that I can hardly breathe/

Note: With this word, you can express your feelings for your partner.


Meaning: twisted together, hard to separate (Used metaphorically and may sound like a hyperbole)

Example: /I imagine us intertwined in love/

Note: You can use the word interchangeably with “inseparable” to refer to your bond with your partner.


Meaning: Friendly closeness or intimacy 

Example: /No moment surpasses when we get intimate/

Note: Using this kind of innuendos with your partner will encourage openness and free communication in your relationship.


Meaning: intertwined, inseparable

Example: /I imagine us interconnected in Love/

Note: You can use the word interchangeably with “Intertwined” and “inseparable).


Meaning: inebriating, instilling drunken excitement

Example: /Your love is so intoxicating/

Note: This is not considered a good word but attributing your drunken state to your partner in a good way will flatter your partner. It is used as a metaphor so you don’t have to be truly drunk.


Meaning: strengthening, revitalizing. (It may sound like a hyperbole)

Example: /Your smile truly is invigorating/

Note: By using this, you are attributing your newfound vigor to your partner. You will easily carve a smile on your partner’s face by saying this compliment.


Meaning: mysteriously attractive and captivating. (It may sound like a hyperbole)

Example: /Your intriguing voice will shake the earth/

Note: This is another nice comment on your partner’s traits.


Meaning: captivating or intriguing.

Example: /You have an interesting voice/

Note: You can use this word interchangeably with “Intriguing”. It sounds less hyperbolic than “intriguing” so you are likely to get a more genuine reaction to this word.


Meaning: impossible to control or contain (It is used as a hyperbole)

Example: /My feelings for you are irrepressible/

Note: You can use this word interchangeably with “intense” and “ineffable” in certain contexts.

By saying this, you are exaggerating your feelings for your partner and you will be carving a smile on your partner’s face easily.


Meaning: impossible to substitute

Example: /You are irreplaceable in my heart/

Note: By saying this, you are telling your partners they are worth so much to you. While they can believe it is an exaggeration, saying it often will gradually convince them.


Meaning: Stunningly attractive

Example: /Even the blurriest pictures of you are irresistible/

Note: This is a compliment on your partner’s looks. By saying this, you are emphasizing your feelings to your partner.


Meaning: attractive or tempting

Example: /Your waist is so inviting)

Note: This is a compliment on your partner’s looks. By calling your partner “irresistible”, you are informing your partner about your unchanging desires.

Romantic “I” Names

Romantic Words That Start With I

 Ice Cool

This is a suitable nickname for a male partner who keeps his calm and stays confident.


This unusual name will fit a male partner. It refers to a bunker used by soldiers for storing dangerous weapons. Give your male partner this name if he is rugged.


This is another nice nickname adapted from a superhero character in the MCU. You can give your male partner this name if he is a fan of the MCU or if he is charismatic and calm.


You can give this nice name to your female partner. Nothing is more romantic than comparing your partner to “Icing” on a cake.


This refers to a female partner whom one is in love with. You can carve a smile on your partner’s face with this name.

 Indian Princess

You can also choose to compare your girlfriend to an Indian Princess and watch her smile.


Ivy is a nice nickname to give your girlfriend. You can consider this as a name after the popular “Blue Ivy”.


This is a perfect nickname for your “God-sent” girlfriend. If you believe you both are destined to be forever, you have found the perfect nickname for her.


There are some of the nicest words in the dictionary above us. Start using them to impact your relationship positively.

 Say a compliment, flatter your partner, and stay happily ever after.

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