40 Names to Call Your Girlfriend When She Calls You Daddy

If your girlfriend calls you daddy, it means that she feels safe around you and that you are the protector of her children. It could also mean that she has gotten so fond of you that she feels so comfortable calling you daddy.

When your girlfriend calls you daddy how do you reply or what do you say? This is another thing that you need to put into consideration.

It may even require you to seek answers so that you will know exactly what to say if you find yourself in such situations.

Take a look at the 40 names that you can call your girlfriend when she calls you Daddy

40 Names To Call Your Girlfriend When She Calls You Daddy

  1. My other half
  2. My dear
  3. My missing rib
  4. Mommy
  5. My Queen
  6. My love
  7. My princess
  8. Key to my heart
  9. My jewel
  10. My precious
  11. My cupcake
  12. Sweetie
  13. Sugarplum
  14. Brown sugar
  15. Lollipop
  16. Honey
  17. You are mine
  18. My angel
  19. My left rib
  20. My naughty princess
  21. My sweet girl
  22. My pretty girlfriend
  23. My pumpkin
  24. My Goddess
  25. My good-looking girlfriend
  26. Beauty
  27. My flower
  28. My buttercup
  29. My honey bee
  30. Babe
  31. The Apple of my eye
  32. My darling
  33. Hey sweet
  34. My bae
  35. My honey bee
  36. My only
  37. My dear one
  38. The sugar in my tea
  39. My Hummingbird
  40. My flower

My other half

This is a way of saying that the person means a lot to you and is also a part of you. Humans are made up of parts, when the other part of you is unavailable, you may not be able to perform at your best.

That is the reason why you need your other half.

If you call the person your other half, it means the person means a lot to you.

My dear

Names to Call Your Girlfriend When She Calls You Daddy

This is another sweet name that you can call the person. Someone you call your dear is close to you and you can only have that person as your girlfriend.

If she calls you daddy, you can call her your dear. She would like it. The next time your girlfriend calls you daddy, you can say that she is your dear.

My missing rib

Originally, according to what was written in the Bible, it was said that women were made out of the rib of men.

Since she is your girlfriend, you can call her your missing rib. It will make her feel special. This is a name that you can call her.


If she is so caring that you can call her mommy, do not hesitate to. The same thing is applicable if she calls you daddy.

She feels you are protective enough, she will rather call you daddy. If she calls you daddy, you can call her mommy as long as she plays that role to an extent.

My Queen

A queen is someone so important in a kingdom. A queen is next to a king. If you feel she is your queen, go ahead and call her that.

She will be happy that you called her your queen if she is worth it. She will even love you the most.

My Love

This is a name you can call her. If she means a lot to you and you love her, you can simply tell her that you love her. You can call her your love too.

That way, you are communicating how much she means to you and how much you love her. The fact that you can call her your love, means that she means a lot to you.

My princess

Your princess is someone you so much love and value a lot. That is what your girlfriend is to you and that is why you will call her your princess.

If she calls you daddy, feel free to call her your princess, that way, she will understand that she also means a lot to you.

Key to my heart

Someone who holds the key to your heart holds the key to what means a lot to you. This means that the person knows how to unlock the inner you.

It means there is a part of you that she has the key to. Only someone you love will be able to do that. This is a good name you can call your girlfriend.

My jewel

A jewel is something that is so precious to you. If she calls you daddy and you know full well that she is so precious to you, you can call her your jewel.

That way, she understands that she means so much to you and you can not take her for granted by any means.

My precious

Anything precious is something that you hold to a high standard and you do joke with at all. It is a good thing that you do not joke with your girlfriend and hold her to a high standard.

If he calls you daddy, call her you’re precious, she will like the fact that she means a lot to you.

My cupcake

This is another sweet name that you can call your girlfriend if she calls you daddy. She will understand that you love her so much and that is why you call her your cupcake.

This is a sweet name that lovers call themselves. It is not a bad thing if you call your girlfriend that.


It means that she is a sweet person. If she calls you daddy, call her sweetie. Let her know that she is a sweet person and you value her too much.

That way, she will not take your love for granted. She will understand that she means a lot to you and you love her as well.


This shows you love her and you will always call her sweet names regardless if she calls you her daddy or not.

Calling her sugar plum shows you so much value in her and she is also a sweet person. This reply is a good one, she will value it.

Brown sugar

This reply fits best if the girl in question is dark in complexion. If she is, then you can comfortably call her brown sugar and it will mean a lot to her.

You are indirectly talking about her complexion and you are also telling her that she is a sweet person.


This is a cute name that you can call your girlfriend if she calls you Daddy. Lollipop sounds like you are calling her a sweet name that she will love to hear.


This is so common, especially around married people. They tend to call themselves honey a lot. You can honey your girlfriend if she calls you Daddy.

You are mine

This communicates to your girlfriend that she is yours. When he calls you Daddy and you tell her that she is yours, she will tend to feel closer to you and she will have the belief that she is yours.

My angel

This name shows that the girl is beautiful and pure. If you call her that she will be so happy about it and she will like how you value her that way.

My left rib

Imagine how important your rib is to you, that is the same way the girl is important to you. When she understands how important she is to you, she will be happy about it.

My naughty princess

This shows that the girl is so naughty but you love her that way because you both tend to love each other that way. Call her your naughty princess and watch how happy she will be.

My sweet girl

If your girlfriend calls you Daddy, call her your sweet girl. That reminds her that she is sweet and precious to you, not just that, you also value her.

My pretty girlfriend

This shows that she is pretty and you like the fact that she is so pretty good-looking. Ladies love it when they are reminded of how beautiful they are. If she calls you Daddy, let her know that she is pretty.

My pumpkin

This is a sweet name that you can call your girlfriend if she calls you Daddy. She will like the fact that you called her pumpkin, it shows how well you like how and how much you like her sweetness. She will love this name.

My Goddess

This shows how powerful she is. In this name, you are indirectly trying to show how good and powerful your girlfriend is.

This is a name that she will be proud of and happy about. She will understand that you hold her to high standards.

My good-looking girlfriend

This name reminds her that she is good-looking. It may not just be about how pretty she is, but how good she looks all around. Next time she calls you daddy, remind her that she is good-looking.


This could be someone’s name. However, you can call your girlfriend that, she could blush, but as long as what you called her is what you think she is, she will also believe that she is beautiful.

My flower

This is a name that shows how nice she looks and smells, and how tender she is. Generally, flowers tend to smell nice. If that is the case, call her flower and see how happy she will be.

My buttercup

Let her know that she is your buttercup, this name sounds sweet, right, call her this and you will see how happy she will be.

My honey bee

Honey is usually sweet and the bee that produces the honey is the most important thing. That is what it implies, it shows how important she is to you when you call her honey bee.


This is also another common name that you can call your girlfriend if she calls you daddy. A lot of guys out there do that, you can join the bandwagon.

The Apple of my eye

The Apple of your eye shows how important she is to you. Call her that and you will see how happy she will be.

My darling

This name is also common. You can simply call her your darling if she calls you daddy. It is possible you must have been calling her that before, but do it again.

Hey sweet

This is another common way to call your girlfriend. Call her sweet, see how much she will be happy to see you or talk to you.

My bae

This way, it sends a confirmation that she is your baby girl and you have no other person except her.

My other half

This is another way of saying that she means a lot to you and you will not be able to do much without her.

My one and only

This way, you communicate to her that she is the one you love. She will be very much happy to hear you call her that.

My dear one

This is a way of telling her that she is dear to your heart and she is your love. You can call her this when she calls you daddy.

The sugar in my tea

This sounds old-fashioned, but you can still make use of it. It may sound funny, but your girlfriend will not dislike it.

My Hummingbird

Hummingbird is regarded as a bringer of love. If your girlfriend calls you daddy, call her your hummingbird and watch how happy she will be.

My only

This name reveals that she is your only and she is the only one that you love and are with. This sends a message to her that you are loyal to her.

Final Words

If your girlfriend calls you daddy, just know that she holds you to high standards and she also sees you as someone who she can rely on.

There are a lot of names you can call your girlfriend if she calls you daddy, you can make use of any of the names I have explained in this article. Say it and watch how happy she will be.

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