What Does It Mean if a Guy Says You Look Fresh?

When a guy says you look fresh, what he is trying to say is that you are looking good. Even though he may not say it directly that you are looking good, that is what this statement means. It could also mean that he likes your style.

Not everyone who likes your style or thinks that you are good-looking will be able to tell you that upfront. It is not enough to say that he said you are fresh because you look good.

There are other meanings you can draw from that statement. Take a look at other meanings of when a guy calls you fresh.

4 Possible Meanings When A Guy Calls You Fresh

  1. He finds you physically attractive
  2. He wants to be your friend
  3. He just wants to commend you
  4. He simply likes your style

He finds you physically attractive

A guy who finds you physically attractive will find ways to compliment you to make you feel good about yourself. Sometimes, guys do this so that they can let you know that they find you physically attractive.

When next you hear a guy calling you fresh, pay attention to his use of words, you will see that he may just be trying to communicate to you that he finds you physically attractive.

This is another meaning that you can derive when a guy tells you that you look fresh.

He wants to be your friend

That could be the reason why he is saying that you look fresh. Anytime a guy tells you that you look fresh and you notice that he is making further advances towards you or trying to get closer to you, it could just be a tell that he wants to be your friend.

He just wants to commend you

It could just be that he wants to randomly commend you because of how good you look. Guys who are outspoken tend to do this a lot.

When they see a good-looking lady, they will not hesitate to mention how good the lady is.

Not because the guy wants anything from you, but just because he wants to genuinely commend you for how good you look.

He simply likes your style

Maybe you have a fashionable style and the guy loves it so much. If that is the case, he will not hesitate to tell you how good you look by saying that you look fresh.

He just likes your style and he wants to make it so obvious to you that he likes your style.

When a guy tells you that you look fresh, you are most likely a stylish person and he likes that about you.

15 Best Responses When A Guy Says You’re Fresh

  1. Thank you
  2. Yeah, I know, I saw myself in the mirror this morning
  3. People say that a lot to me
  4. You can say that again
  5. I am blushing
  6. Thanks, I take good care of myself
  7. Yes, I invest a lot in my looks
  8. I am going for an occasion, that is why I am dressed this way
  9. Have you not seen me dress this way before?
  10. Yeah, I do this often
  11. Have you not seen a fresh girl before?
  12. Thank you for being honest
  13. No one told me it was as good as this
  14. You just made my day
  15. That is so sweet of you

Thank you

What Does It Mean if a Guy Says You Look Fresh

When a guy says that you are fresh he is saying what he saw and it is already obvious that you are looking good. You can simply reply by saying thank you.

This shows that you appreciate the fact that he was honest enough to tell you that you look good or that you are fresh.

Next time a guy tells you that you look good, thank him.

Yeah, I know, I saw myself in the mirror this morning

This reply shows that you are truly confident in yourself and you are already aware that you look good.

You can tell him that you know, you saw yourself in the mirror in the morning before you left your house.

This is a way of communicating to the person that you are fully confident in yourself and you do not need the validation of other people to tell you that you are good-looking before you believe that you are.

People say that a lot to me

What Does It Mean if a Guy Says You Look Fresh

This is a reply which communicates that a lot of people have told you that you are good-looking and you did not just hear it for the first time. It means that you are not new to people telling you that you look good.

You can also go ahead and let the person know that you are grateful for him telling you that you are good-looking. Even though people have said that to you a lot and it is no longer new.

You can say that again

This reply shows how happy you are that someone told you that you are good-looking. When the person tells you that you are good-looking and you reply by telling him that he can say that again.

When you tell the person that he can say that again, it means that you love it when he says that you are good-looking. This reply will pass a message.

I am blushing

You feel shy when the person tells you that you look fresh. When you blush, you feel shy because the person said something good about you.

Letting the person know that you are blushing is an easy way to let the person know of your feelings about the person’s comments.

Thanks, I take good care of myself

This reply is a way of communicating to the person that you are looking that good because you take good care of yourself. It also means that you usually make sure that you look good at all times.

If you did not take care of yourself and look good, the person may not have told you that you look that good.

Yes, I invest a lot in my looks

The fact that someone likes how you look shows that you invest a lot in your looks. Someone who invests in his looks can spend a lot on looks just to make sure that he looks good all the time.

Investing a lot in your looks shows that you always want to look good and regardless of how much it costs, you will be willing to spend a reasonable amount to make sure that you maintain your looks.

I am going for an occasion, that is why I am dressed this way

It could be that you took your time to dress up for the person to say that you look fresh. Maybe you dressed that well because you are going for an occasion.

Usually, when you are going for an occasion, you are most likely going to dress so well.

It could be that the person saw you when you were already dressed up and he had no choice but to tell you that you are looking good.

Just let the person know that you only dressed that way because you are going for an occasion.

Have you not seen me dress this way before?

It could be that you have been dressing that way for a long time but the person has not seen you dressed that way before, he only commented because he just saw you looking that good for the first time.

In your reply, ask if the person has seen you that way before. If he has not seen you look that good before, it means that he just saw you for the first time and he is thrilled by how good you look.

Yeah, I do this often

This shows that you do dress well often and anytime that you want to dress up, you usually take your time to dress well.

Tell him that you do this often and there is no big deal in the fact that you dress well often.

Have you not seen a fresh girl before?

This reply shows that you are surprised that the guy is calling you fresh like he has not seen a fresh last before.

This reply will help the person know that he is not supposed to call every girl he sees fresh because it seems as though he has not seen a fresh girl before.

Thank you for being honest

This way, you are thanking the person for being so honest and for telling you that you are fresh.

Some people know that you are fresh, but they will never admit it. If you notice that a person is being honest, you need to let the person know.

No one told me it was as good as this

Sometimes, you dress so well but you did not know that it was so good that people will start to commend you.

If the person tells you they are fresh, reply by thanking him for being honest.

You just made my day

Sometimes you may be having a bad day, but the moment someone says something so nice to you, it will make your day.

If that is the case, let the person know that he just made your day.

That is so sweet of you

Let the person know that it was so sweet of him to tell you that you are fresh. It takes a lot of courage to say that someone is so fresh.

Only someone sweet will be willing to tell you that you are fresh.

Final words

When the man tells you that you look fresh, let him know that you are happy he told you that and it is so sweet of him.

If the person has told you that before, ask him if he has not seen a fresh girl before. Some men do it just to let you know that he wants to get so close to you or to be friends with you.

These replies will go a long way to help.

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