20 of the Best Responses to ‘Come Visit Me’

When someone tells you to come to visit them, it’s a special invitation – a chance to make a connection, see a new place, and maybe even share a few laughs. But what’s the best way to respond?

Whether you’re looking for a polite and gracious reply or a clever and witty response, you’re sure to find something in this list of the 20 best responses when someone tells you, ‘Come visit me.’

From funny comebacks to heartfelt thank you’s, you’re bound to find the perfect response to show your appreciation for the invitation.

Whether you need time to think, an excuse to say no, or a clever way to ask them to come to you instead, this list has you covered.

From well-crafted excuses to polite ways of declining, these responses will help you navigate the situation with grace and dignity. So the next time someone invites you over, you’ll know exactly what to say.

So let’s get into it.

Table of Contents

20 Appropriate Responses to ‘Come Visit Me’

‘Come visit me’ is a common phrase that people use when they want to invite someone to come and spend time with them in person.

Whether it’s an old friend who lives far away, a family member who you haven’t seen in a while, or a significant other who you miss, receiving an invitation to visit can be exciting.

However, it can also be intimidating, as there may be a variety of reasons why you can’t or don’t want to visit.

If you’re in a situation where someone has invited you to visit them and you’re not sure how to respond, here are 20 potential responses that you can use to let them know how you feel:

  1. I’d love to, When would you like me to come?
  2. That sounds like a great idea, Let me check my schedule and I’ll let you know.
  3. I’d love to, but I’m not sure if I can swing it right now.
  4. I’d love to come and visit, but can we wait until after [insert timeframe]?
  5. I’d love to visit, but I can’t afford it right now.
  6. I’m not sure I can make it, but I’d love to hear more about it.
  7. I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my work/school schedule.
  8. I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my other commitments.
  9. I’d love to come to visit, but I’m not sure if I can make it work with my budget.
  10. I’m not sure I can make it, but I’d love to stay in touch and plan something in the future.
  11. I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my family/other commitments.
  12. I would love to come to visit, When were you thinking of having me come?
  13. I’m so excited about the invitation, When is a good time for me to come to visit?
  14. Thank you so much for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit.
  15. I’m really looking forward to coming to visit, When do you think would be the best time for me to come?
  16. Thank you for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit, so let’s figure out a time that works for both of us.
  17. I’m so excited about the invitation, When is a good time for me to visit?
  18. I would love to come and visit, Do you have any specific dates in mind?
  19. Thank you for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit, so let’s work out the details and make it happen.
  20. I’m sorry, but I’m really busy right now and don’t have any free time to visit.

I’d love to, When would you like me to come?

Responses to Come Visit Me

This is the perfect response for when you’re genuinely excited about visiting the person and have no conflicts with the timing.

Asking when they would like you to come shows that you’re interested in planning the visit and taking initiative to make it happen.

That sounds like a great idea, Let me check my schedule and I’ll let you know

This response is a great way to buy yourself some time to check your schedule and see if it’s feasible.

It also shows the person that you’re taking the invitation seriously and wants to make sure you can actually follow through.

I’d love to, but I’m not sure if I can swing it right now

This is a polite way of turning down the invitation without totally shutting the door. It shows that you’d like to make the visit happen, but that you don’t have the time or money at the moment.

I’d love to come and visit, but can we wait until after [insert timeframe]?

If you’re interested in visiting the person but need to wait until a certain timeframe, this is a great way to let them know.

For example, if you’re waiting until after a big project or event, you can use this response to give the person a heads-up.

I’d love to visit, but I can’t afford it right now

Responses to Come Visit Me

If you’re unable to make the visit due to financial constraints, this response lets the person know that you’d like to visit them but can’t right now.

It also shows them that you’re being honest and open about your financial situation.

I’m not sure I can make it, but I’d love to hear more about it

This response is a great way to show the person that you’re interested in hearing more about their invitation, even if you’re not sure if you can actually make it.

It also gives you the opportunity to ask questions and get more information before making a decision.

I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my work/school schedule

If you’re unable to make the visit due to a conflicting work or school schedule, this response is a great way to let the person know.

It shows them that you’d like to visit them but simply can’t due to your obligations.

I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my other commitments

Similar to the previous response, this response is a great way to let the person know that you’d like to visit them but have other commitments that might get in the way.

It’s also a polite way of turning down the invitation without fully closing the door.

I’d love to come visit, but I’m not sure if I can make it work with my budget

If you’re unable to make the visit due to financial constraints, this response is a great way to let the person know. It shows them that you’d like to visit them but can’t afford it right now.

I’m not sure I can make it, but I’d love to stay in touch and plan something in the future

If you’re unable to make the visit due to a conflicting schedule or budget, this response is a great way to let the person know that you’re interested in staying in touch and planning something in the future.

It also shows them that you’re open to the idea of visiting them in the future.

I’d love to come and visit, but I’m not sure I can make it work with my family/other commitments

If you’re unable to make the visit due to family or other commitments, this response is a great way to let the person know.

It shows them that you’d like to visit them but just can’t due to other obligations.

I would love to come visit, When were you thinking of having me come?

Responses to Come Visit Me

This response conveys enthusiasm and a willingness to make the effort to come and spend time with the person who made the invitation.

By adding the question When were you thinking of having me come? It shows that the person is not only interested in the visit, but is also willing to work with the other person to find the best time for them both.

It also conveys a sense of respect for the person who made the invitation, by showing that their needs and preferences are important and will be taken into consideration.

This response is a great way to show the other person that their invitation is appreciated and that you are looking forward to the visit.

I’m so excited about the invitation, When is a good time for me to come visit?

This is a great response when someone invites you to come to visit. It shows enthusiasm and eagerness to visit while being polite and asking when would be the best time for you to come.

It also shows respect for the other person’s time and schedule and is a thoughtful way to ensure that the visit won’t interfere with any other plans.

It’s a response that acknowledges the invitation and expresses both enthusiasm and consideration.

Thank you so much for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit.

This is an excellent response to an invitation to come and visit. It conveys enthusiasm, gratitude, and an eagerness to come and experience the joys of visiting.

It implies that the receiver is genuinely interested in coming, as well as being thankful for being invited. It also conveys politeness and a positive attitude, which is always appreciated.

By expressing an eagerness to visit, it can also help break the ice between the two parties and start a conversation, which can be a great opportunity to learn more about each other.

Overall, this response to an invitation to come and visit is a great way to show appreciation and appreciation is always the key to a successful and lasting relationship.

I’m really looking forward to coming to visit, When do you think would be the best time for me to come?

This is a great response to ‘come visit me’ because it shows genuine excitement and enthusiasm for the invitation.

It also communicates a willingness to coordinate with the other person to find a mutually agreeable time that works for both of you.

This is an important consideration; being able to compromise and take into account the other person’s preferences and availability goes a long way toward creating a positive atmosphere for the visit.

Not to mention, it conveys respect for the other person’s time and schedule. Ultimately, it shows that you value the invitation and are keen to make the most of it.

Thank you for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit, so let’s figure out a time that works for both of us.

This is a great response to ‘come visit me’ for many reasons. It expresses enthusiasm for the invitation and a willingness to make an effort to find a suitable time for the visit.

It shows respect for the other person’s time and indicates that you take the invitation seriously and don’t want to impose it.

It also communicates that you are eager to spend time with the other person and are willing to work to make it happen.

Finally, it opens the door to a productive conversation to plan the visit and make sure it is mutually beneficial and enjoyable.

I’m so excited about the invitation, When is a good time for me to visit?

Receiving an invitation to come and visit a friend is always exciting, A great response to such an invitation is to say this phrase.

This response shows respect for the other person’s time and acknowledges that there may be conflicting schedules.

It also conveys enthusiasm for the invitation, which is always appreciated, In addition, it lets the other person know that you are devoted to making the visit happen and that you view it as a priority.

I would love to come and visit, Do you have any specific dates in mind?

I would love to come and visit, Do you have any specific dates in mind? is a great response to ‘come visit me’ since it shows the enthusiasm of the visitor while also giving the host the opportunity to plan accordingly.

This response is an excellent way to show genuine interest while also allowing the host to take the lead in organizing the visit.

Additionally, it shows respect for the host’s time and energy and allows them to tailor the visit to their own schedule.

Thank you for the invitation, I’m definitely interested in coming to visit, so let’s work out the details and make it happen.

This is a great response to ‘come visit me’ because it demonstrates enthusiasm, politeness, and a willingness to cooperate.

It expresses gratitude for the invitation and a sincere interest in the offer, while also conveying a sense of agency and assertiveness by suggesting that the two parties work together to make the visit happen.

This response is a great way to show appreciation for the invitation and also to show a positive attitude toward making the visit happen.

I’m sorry, but I’m really busy right now and don’t have any free time to visit.

This is a great response to ‘come visit me’ because it is honest, direct, and respects the other person’s feelings.

It avoids the potential hurt and awkwardness that can come with saying ‘no’ outright.

By saying this phrase, it communicates that you value the other person’s feelings and also that you are currently overwhelmed with your own commitments and just don’t have the capacity to take on anything else.

It is a great way to say no without saying no.

Wrapping Up

When someone tells you ‘come visit me’, it can be an exciting, energizing invitation. How do you respond?

The best responses to this invitation depend on your relationship with the person, your current availability and financial resources, and your willingness to make the trip.

Whether you’re planning to accept the invitation or pass, you should always be gracious and express appreciation for the offer.

If you accept the invitation, be sure to make a plan, be clear on logistics and expectations, and offer to contribute to the cost.

If you decide to pass, be sure to express your gratitude and provide a reasonable explanation.

No matter how you respond, it’s important to remember that this is an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with the person who extended the invitation.

Take the time to show your appreciation and make sure your response is thoughtful and respectful.

With a little planning and consideration, you can give the best response to the invitation to come to visit with the responses I gave in this article.

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