How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

When a text from your crush lights up your screen or she sees you somewhere and walks up to you to ask how have you been, there are certain ways you are expected to reply to her.

We’ve all been there, there are times you may be confused about how to reply to her or what you should say to her either in public, through text, or privately.

You should reply to her in a certain way that is not too casual or too formal because she’s your crush and not your sister or your boss.

In this article, I’ll give you about 25 ways you can reply to your crush when she tells you ‘How have you been? Let’s check them out one after the other.

25 Ways To Reply To Her When She Tells You How Have You Been

How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

  • Thanks for asking! I’ve been good. What about you?
  • Very well, thank you
  • Everything is fine, thanks and I love today’s weather! How about you
  • I shouldn’t complain, but sometimes I want to
  • I’m better now that I’m talking to you
  • Well, I’m still hanging in
  • Good question! Let me think …
  • All good. How about you?
  • I’ve been great. Hope you’re doing fine. I appreciate you checking on me though
  • This means a lot coming from you. I’m doing fine
  • Not so fine. Can you help me with …?
  • Had a great day but needed someone to chat with
  • I’m glad you asked. My day was crazy.
  • I’ve been bored. It’d be nice to have a chat with you for a while.
  • It would have been perfect if I didn’t miss you so much
  • I’ve been fine but I would feel better if you could send an electronic hug right now
  • Much better with your text. I bet your day is going great.
  • I am so fine Nicole! It’s so great to hear you ask
  • Never thought you’d care. Thanks, Nicole I’m great
  • This means so much to me. It’d feel better if my day was going great
  • Let’s talk about the energy you put into asking about me. I’m so flattered
  • Ask over a voice note. I can’t seem to read it.
  • Not bad. Thanks for asking
  • Not well but would be fine in no time 
  • I’ve been cool. Hope you’re good too

Thanks for asking! I’ve been good. What about you?

How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

This reply is sincere, short, and also sweet. Whenever she tells you how have you been, she wants to know how you have been doing since the last time you both met. 

It is best to first appreciate her effort to check on you by saying a “thank you”. After which you should also ask about her welfare. This reply is direct and usually shows that you care too.

Very well, thank you

This reply is similar to the first only that with this reply the appreciation comes after answering the question. You can also go ahead to add, I’m looking forward to the party or you can mention an upcoming event that 

his reply shows that you want to keep the conversation going. You don’t you’re sure she’s going to attend. 

Everything is fine, thanks and I love today’s weather! How about you

Just stop at the appreciation or the reply to her question. You also go ahead to tell her what you’re enjoying or what interests you before proceeding to ask about her well-being.

I shouldn’t complain, but sometimes I want to

It’s nice to make your reply a bit humorous when replying to your crush. This is because, when she gets a reply like this as a response to her question, it will make her chuckle and as well make the conversation go on casually.  

I’m better now that I’m talking to you

With this reply, you’re trying to be a bit flirty and romantic. When your crush asks you how you’ve been, it’s good to let them know that you’re so glad to hear from them and that you also appreciate how much she cares for you.

You can also try to make your response a little playful just to keep the conversation going in a casual tone.

Well, I’m still hanging in there 

Sometimes, you should try to be sincere and honest with her when she tells you how have you been. You can simply tell her, you’ve not been doing so well but you’re not giving up either.

This doesn’t mean you should tell her all your problems or dish out all that is bothering you, just let her know that you’ll be fine. This reply could imply that you’re trying to hold on and not give up on something. 

Good question! Let me think …

This reply can be both humorous and flirty. You may try to joke around for a while before answering her question.

All good. How about you

This reply is straightforward. It implies that everything is going well and nothing is bothering you. It also shows that you care about her just the same way she cares for you. 

I’ve been great. Hope you’re doing fine. I appreciate you checking on me though

How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

This response implies that you’re ok and well and would also like to know how she’s doing as well, afterwards you show thankfulness that she checked on you. It shows gratitude to her that you are very grateful that she finds time to check up on you and know how you’re doing.

This means a lot coming from you. I’m doing fine

How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

This reply shows that her asking about you is a very precious and kind thing to do and you cherish it so much. This statement is a very emotional one as it shows that you do not take the person for granted. It also shows that you’re touched by how she checks up on you.

Not so fine. Can you help me with …?

This happens when you may need her help with a few things. Here, you don’t want to lie and be untruthful about how you are doing.

You don’t reply positively with ‘fine’, ‘great’, or ‘good’ but your reply negatively by saying ‘not so fine and as well going further to ask for her help for one or two things. This reply shows you’ve not been fine and might need a little assistance. 

Had a great day but needed someone to chat with

A reply like this would show that you have been doing fine but would have done a lot better if someone was there to talk to you. Though your day went well, you needed her attention too. It’s another way of saying; “I’m fine but would have been a lot better if I had spoken to you”.

I’m glad you asked. My day was crazy.

This type of reply is used when you’re ready for a long conversation as it would require you to talk more. This means that something happened during the day and it was a nice thing that she asked about it.

Probably something adventurous happened or something you can’t forget in a hurry and she’s there for you to talk to. Probably you’ve been waiting for her to ask.

I’ve been bored. It’d be nice to have a chat with you for a while.

This reply shows that nothing has been interesting to you and it would feel great if she talks to you for the time being. It could also mean that you’ve lost interest in things that you should do and talking to her would make you feel good again. 

I would have been perfect if I didn’t miss you so much

This reply has a bit of sarcasm. It simply shows that you miss her so much and though you’ve been fine, you would have felt much better if she was around. It implies that you want her around and her presence would do you a lot of good.

I’ve been fine but I would feel better if you could send an electronic hug right now

From this reply, she can easily tell that you want a hug and not just a hug from anybody but a hug from her. It shows that the hug would make you feel a million times great if you were just fine before.

Much better with your text. I bet your day is going great

How To Reply to Your Crush When She Tells You How Have You Been

This reply is mostly used when she texts you and asks you how you’ve been or when she tells you how have you been through a text message. When you reply like this, it simply means that her text has made you feel better than you were feeling before.

I am so fine Nicole! It’s so great to hear you ask

Mentioning her name is another form of appreciation for her checking up on you. Telling her that it is great to hear her ask how you’ve been in a more informal way of showing your emotion.

This reply shows that you are doing very fine and you feel happy hearing from her at the moment.

Never thought you’d care. Thanks, Nicole I’m great

This reply shows that you were surprised that she asked you how you’ve been. Probably you were not expecting that your crush would check on you and you reply with, “never thought you’d care”. But even after this reply, you still show your appreciation by saying, ‘thanks’ before you reply that you’ve been doing great. 

This means so much to me. It’d feel better if my day was going great

This reply helps to show your appreciation that you feel happy that she’s checking on you. Despite your appreciation, you don’t feel great or you’ve not been doing fine. It also shows that you cherish the little show of care and love from her.

Let’s talk about the energy you put into asking about me. I’m so flattered

This reply can be a bit humorous. Instead of replying that you feel great or that you feel fine, you can add a bit of humor to it by referring to the energy and the effort she put in place just to ask you how been. It also shows that you’re thrilled by the care that she’s showing.

Ask over a voice note. I can’t seem to read clearly

Here, you’re also trying to add a bit of humor and at the same time make a request. You would like to answer her but you want to hear her voice or hear her ask verbally.

Saying you can’t read doesn’t mean you literally can’t read but you’re stylishly asking for a voice note or a call. This type of reply comes when she asks you how have you been by text or chat. 

Not bad. Thanks for asking

When you say ‘not bad’ or reply to her in this manner, it implies that you’re doing good and fine and that you’ve been in a good state. This reply ended with an appreciation to her for asking about your well-being. 

Not well but would be fine in no time

When you reply to her with this statement, it implies that you are probably sick or not very strong or you’re starting to recover. But notwithstanding, you’ll be fine very soon, it shows that it won’t take too long for you to be fine.

This statement should be used when you’re probably sick, recovering, or facing some challenges. It’s a reassuring statement that tells her that you’ll be fine as soon as possible. 

I’ve been cool. Hope you’re good too

This reply is direct and simple. You’re replying to her question and asking her too. This statement implies that you’re fine and you also want to know if she’s fine as well.


Apart from saying ‘I’m fine thanks’ all the time, there are other ways to reply to your crush when she asks you how have you been. You may not always feel great and all fine, so it’s appropriate to reply to her with the actual mood you are in.

Probably, you’ve been feeling bored and need someone to talk to or you’ve been just fine and her asking you this made you feel better. We have seen several ways in which you can reply to this question and as well give the impression that you appreciate the care.

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